Investigators Have Video of 240 Leftist Operatives in Georgia Dumping Thousands of Ballots from Backpacks into Drop Boxes in Middle of the Night!


Gold Member
Dec 21, 2001
If they can credibly produce claimed video evidence then that is substantial. Libs would your opinions change if this is proven?

BREAKING: THEY GOT CAUGHT! Investigators Have Video of 240 Leftist Operatives in Georgia Dumping Thousands of Ballots from Backpacks into Drop Boxes in Middle of the Night!​

By Jim Hoft
Published September 3, 2021 at 11:05am
Radio host John Fredericks joined Steve Bannon on Friday morning to drop this EXPLOSIVE development in Georgia.

According to John Fredericks state officials now have video of 240 leftist operatives he called “ballot traffickers” dumping tens of thousands of ballots into drop boxes in the middle of the night in locations across Georgia.
The leftist operatives were identified making numerous drops in the middle of the night. They were filmed emptying their backpacks of ballots into the drop boxes in the middle of the night. Ballot harvesting is not legal in Georgia.
TRENDING: It's Spreading: "F*ck Joe Biden" Chants Break Out Across the Country (VIDEO)
This is criminal behavior caught on video!
Heather Mullins from Real Americas Voice broke this news this morning on the John Fredericks radio show.
There is now a FOIA request for communications between the DOJ and numerous leftist groups.

Here is John Fredericks from the Bannon War Room this morning.

(A new update on this story, click here.)
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UPDATE: True the Vote Prepared to Go to Police in Georgia with Video Evidence of Leftist Operatives Dumping Thousands of Ballots into Georgia Voter Drop Boxes — MORE STATES INVOLVED​

By Jim Hoft
Published September 3, 2021 at 12:11pm
Radio host John Fredericks joined Steve Bannon on Friday morning to drop this EXPLOSIVE development in Georgia.

According to John Fredericks state officials now have video of 240 leftist operatives he called “ballot traffickers” dumping tens of thousands of ballots into drop boxes in the middle of the night in locations across Georgia.
The leftist operatives were identified making numerous drops in the middle of the night. They were filmed emptying their backpacks of ballots into the drop boxes in the middle of the night. Ballot harvesting is not legal in Georgia. This was criminal behavior caught on video!
Heather Mullins from Real Americas Voice broke this news this morning on the John Fredericks radio show.
TRENDING: It's Spreading: "F*ck Joe Biden" Chants Break Out Across the Country (VIDEO)
Now this…
Catherine Engelbrecht
and True the Vote are behind this investigation and it involves SEVERAL STATES.
Via Breitbart — True the Vote has thus far developed precise patterns of life for 242 suspected ballot traffickers in Georgia and 202 traffickers in Arizona!
From True the Vote:
All our research, including suspected locations where ballots were delivered, processed, and distributed, along with the individual devices associated, has been submitted in the form of a formal complaint, along with all data, to the FBI. Briefings have been provided to state law enforcement and political leadership in several states. These conversations will continue to broaden in the coming days.
We’ve also acquired over a petabyte of video surveillance data. The quality of this video is inferior overall; lighting is bad, cameras are poorly positioned, timestamps are manipulated, key timeframes are often missing. Nevertheless, we are working video by video, using proprietary AI-based code we’ve written to screen the over 100,000 clips in our possession. The result? We are successfully finding video evidence that corroborates the digital data and supports the need for full investigations by law enforcement.
Our novel approach offers never before seen insights into the exploitation of America’s elections.
Figure 1: 24-hour Route in Georgia — This person’s route included stops at 5 organizations and 27 individual ballot drop boxes, traveling across 6 counties. Red dots represent ballot drop boxes, blue house icons (circled) represent targeted organizations, blue line represents daily travel path
What Comes Next?
To date, law enforcement has not taken action.
Make no mistake, what we have found will be made known. If law enforcement doesn’t initiate investigations, we have plans to release all data, all video, publicly.
So, that’s where we are. This is a massive undertaking. And it continues. Once all six states are completed to the best of our ability, and if at that point law enforcement still has not acted, we will publicly release it all.
How long will that take? Hard to say. We could release what we have now. And we may. But if it serves the greater good to hold on a while longer, then that’s the option we will take.
One way or another ballot trafficking will soon be exposed on a massive scale.
Read the rest here.
We have reached out to True the Vote for comment.
** You can donate to True the Vote here.
Here is John Fredericks from the Bannon War Room this morning.

More… Investigators at True the Vote Have Video of 242 Ballot Traffickers in Georgia and 202 Ballot Traffickers in Arizona Committing Late Night Illegal Ballot Drops (VIDEO)​

By Jim Hoft
Published September 3, 2021 at 2:41pm
Radio host John Fredericks joined Steve Bannon on Friday morning to drop this EXPLOSIVE development in Georgia.
According to John Fredericks, investigators now have video of 240 leftist operatives he called “ballot traffickers” dumping tens of thousands of ballots into drop boxes in the middle of the night in locations across Georgia.

The leftist operatives were identified making numerous drops in the middle of the night. They were filmed emptying their backpacks of ballots into the drop boxes in the middle of the night. Ballot harvesting is not legal in Georgia. This was criminal behavior caught on video!
It's Spreading: "F*ck Joe Biden" Chants Break Out Across the Country (VIDEO)
True the Vote and one other organization have copies of the video and are promising to release it
Heather Mullins from Real Americas Voice broke this news this morning on the John Fredericks radio show. There is video that captures 240 ballot traffickers in Georgia. Each of the traffickers averaged 23-24 drops where they would empty backpacks into the ballot boxes. This is completely illegal. No harvesting is allowed in Georgia.
This was a massive organized effort by the American left to commit fraud.

Now this…
Catherine Engelbrecht and True the Vote are behind this investigation and it involves SEVERAL STATES.
Via Breitbart
The document says that True The Vote has spent the last several months since late last year collecting more than 27 terabytes of geospatial and temporal data—a total of 10 trillion cell phone pings—between Oct. 1 and Nov. 6 in targeted areas in Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Texas. The data includes geofenced points of interest like ballot dropbox locations, as well as UPS stores and select government, commercial, and non-governmental organization (NGO) facilities.
“From this we have thus far developed precise patterns of life for 242 suspected ballot traffickers in Georgia and 202 traffickers in Arizona,” True The Vote’s document says. “According to the data, each trafficker went to an average of 23 ballot dropboxes.”
In other words, what the document says is that True The Vote was able to take cell phone ping data on a mass wide scale and piece together that several people—suspected ballot harvesters—were making multiple trips to multiple drop boxes, raising potential legal questions in a number of these states.
From there, the document continues, True The Vote gathered surveillance video on the drop boxes in Georgia and is attempting to gather similar such surveillance video from other states. The document states that True The Vote has obtained one full petabyte of surveillance footage on drop boxes—two million minutes of video—which it says is broken into 73,000 individual video files. The group is expected to begin releasing some of these videos, which purportedly show the same people going multiple times to the same drop boxes, in the coming weeks.
We reached out to True the Vote for comment.
Here is what Catherine told us:
“It was pointed out to me that John Fredericks broke the story on The War Room. You are correct. That’s our project. We are not giving comments about it right now, but stay tuned!”
Yawn. Again. This sounds just like the alleged video of people pulling suitcases of "illegal ballots" from under a table at State Farm arena, or the guy with a wagon of camera equipment. Y'all are still grasping at straws TEN MONTHS after the election, just so you can keep up a false narrative to support the ego of a LOSER.

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No doubt Trump is packing the family station wagon, as we speak, for the trip back to D.C.
Yawn. Again. This sounds just like the alleged video of people pulling suitcases of "illegal ballots" from under a table at State Farm arena, or the guy with a wagon of camera equipment. Y'all are still grasping at straws TEN MONTHS after the election, just so you can keep up a false narrative to support the ego of a LOSER.

Well that video is real and proof of cheating no matter what the scum Fulton employees say it was. Just because nothing has happened yet still does not mean that it will not happen. Hint...........ITS HAPPENING!
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Well that video is real and proof of cheating no matter what the scum Fulton employees say it was. Just because nothing has happened yet still does not mean that it will not happen. Hint...........ITS HAPPENING!

And by the way, it's not just Fulton county employees. This was done by MITRE Corporation’s National Election Security Lab, a non-profit that manages federally funded research and development in a number of areas including artificial intelligence and cyber threats.

I know you wouldn't be able to recognize a credible organization if it jumped up and bit you in the face, but this is one.
And by the way, it's not just Fulton county employees. This was done by MITRE Corporation’s National Election Security Lab, a non-profit that manages federally funded research and development in a number of areas including artificial intelligence and cyber threats.

I know you wouldn't be able to recognize a credible organization if it jumped up and bit you in the face, but this is one.
Are you telling me that woman and her daughter in the suitcase video are employees of MITRE?
If they can credibly produce claimed video evidence then that is substantial. Libs would your opinions change if this is proven?

BREAKING: THEY GOT CAUGHT! Investigators Have Video of 240 Leftist Operatives in Georgia Dumping Thousands of Ballots from Backpacks into Drop Boxes in Middle of the Night!​

By Jim Hoft
Published September 3, 2021 at 11:05am
Radio host John Fredericks joined Steve Bannon on Friday morning to drop this EXPLOSIVE development in Georgia.

According to John Fredericks state officials now have video of 240 leftist operatives he called “ballot traffickers” dumping tens of thousands of ballots into drop boxes in the middle of the night in locations across Georgia.
The leftist operatives were identified making numerous drops in the middle of the night. They were filmed emptying their backpacks of ballots into the drop boxes in the middle of the night. Ballot harvesting is not legal in Georgia.
TRENDING: It's Spreading: "F*ck Joe Biden" Chants Break Out Across the Country (VIDEO)
This is criminal behavior caught on video!
Heather Mullins from Real Americas Voice broke this news this morning on the John Fredericks radio show.
There is now a FOIA request for communications between the DOJ and numerous leftist groups.

Here is John Fredericks from the Bannon War Room this morning.

(A new update on this story, click here.)
You know this is so bad I almost take back agreeing with you about the remainder of the season. I fear we are doomed. But at least we can blame it on the UofSC operatives who have infiltrated our football program.

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if this bullshit is credible it's a bombshell? did i read your OP right?

also, i've said this again and again and somehow you still can't seem to comprehend. if there is actual proof of cheating enough people will want biden out that it won't be a problem, he will be gone. until then you sound like a whiny crybaby bitch. far worse than the never trumpers in 2016, and that only lasted a few months.