Recently, the right seems to have a lot more skepticism towards experts than the left. The left acknowledges the consensus on climate change while the right does not. The left on the whole is better educated than the right. The right is disproportionately religious (which is kinda explicitly anti-rational). We are more grounded on facts with our policies (drug testing for food stamps is a waste of time, supply side economics does not work the way most Republicans say it does, marijuana doesn't turn you into a killer, voter ID's don't prevent any fraud and are only there to make it less likely for black people to vote, etc etc). I guess, big picture, I just don't see your point on this at all. I'll grant you that the left is emotionally driven on things like gun control but the right's distaste for abortion and gay people (speaking relatively) is entirely values based. Like, what's very mainstream left wing position that you consider to be emotionally driven (that's not gun control. I already admitted some people aren't rational actors on this).
Political correctness is a problem on the both sides, it's just about different things.