Is there a connection between working Third shift and being a MAGA?!?

We just actually get up and go to work, unlike a lot of other people. MAGA's are usually the first ones there, last ones to leave, great multi-taskers and the hardest workers. We are easy to identify
no more than being gay, trans, retarded. morally bankrupt and stupid are Liberal

Wow. Nice to see you be so friendly. Pretty good attempt to be insulting to pretty much everyone. Pro tip, probably not a good idea to use most of those terms in non asshole company. Most decent humans frown on those terms.
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Just curious since every morning I wake up and this board has been littered with MAGA posts. Maybe a regular sleep schedule would make them less weird?


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Wow. Nice to see you be so friendly. Pretty good attempt to be insulting to pretty much everyone. Pro tip, probably not a good idea to use most of those terms in non asshole company. Most decent humans frown on those terms.

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