Is there room for moderates in this country?

Just a reminder that you don't hear the truth on FoxNews

Took 5 minutes to read that it was an over-reaction by the publisher to the new Stop WOKE act in Florida. He was wanting to make sure his book was adopted, so he removed any mention of race or segregation. After review, the current approved version being used in Florida states that Rosa Parks was moved to the back of the bus because of her race and and teaches it in the context of segregation. You can find anything out there to support your opinion, but truth smacks you across the face.
Took 5 minutes to read that it was an over-reaction by the publisher to the new Stop WOKE act in Florida. He was wanting to make sure his book was adopted, so he removed any mention of race or segregation. After review, the current approved version being used in Florida states that Rosa Parks was moved to the back of the bus because of her race and and teaches it in the context of segregation. You can find anything out there to support your opinion, but truth smacks you across the face.
It shouldn’t be controversial to have text that discusses why Rosa Parks is significant in the historical context of our nation. It happened. That publishers are having to fight for the facts to be “approved” is not a concern to you? One of my best friends sells textbooks to public schools……the over-reaction (in general) is not as you described.
Took 5 minutes to read that it was an over-reaction by the publisher to the new Stop WOKE act in Florida. He was wanting to make sure his book was adopted, so he removed any mention of race or segregation. After review, the current approved version being used in Florida states that Rosa Parks was moved to the back of the bus because of her race and and teaches it in the context of segregation. You can find anything out there to support your opinion, but truth smacks you across the face.
How can you blame them when your hard-right advisory panel is recommending the rejection of 73% of the textbooks it was asked to review?

"But during the curriculum review, Florida Citizens Alliance, a conservative education group whose co-founders served on DeSantis’s education advisory team during his transition to governor, advised the state to reject 28 of the 38 textbooks it was tasked to review, including more than a dozen by major national publisher McGraw Hill. According to the New York Times, the group’s members accused publishers of “promoting their bias.”

Do you support the lengths Puss n Boots has gone to in order to whitewash everyone except white Christian males from the educational curriculum in Florida?

"Referring also to the fact that under a law passed last year, every book in the libraries of Florida’s primary and secondary schools is now being examined to ensure that it is not informed by CRT, supports LGBTQ persons or uses such concepts as intersectionality, Andrew Gothard, president of the United Faculty of Florida, placed DeSantis’s actions in the context of the presidential election in two years.

“Governor DeSantis has clearly decided that he is willing to burn Florida’s public education system, including our world-class colleges and universities, in the fire of his political ambition. It is also clear that he believes that by 2025 he will be in the White House, so he won’t have to stay and clean up the mess he has created. Instead, it will be the people in Florida who will be left to deal with decades of destruction in this dictator’s wake.

“Florida’s students and families don’t need their government telling them which classes they can take, which degrees they can complete, or what kinds of campus activities they can engage in. The constitutional rights promised to all Americans do not come with an asterisk that says, ‘unless Governor DeSantis disagrees with you’.”

How can you blame them when your hard-right advisory panel is recommending the rejection of 73% of the textbooks it was asked to review?

"But during the curriculum review, Florida Citizens Alliance, a conservative education group whose co-founders served on DeSantis’s education advisory team during his transition to governor, advised the state to reject 28 of the 38 textbooks it was tasked to review, including more than a dozen by major national publisher McGraw Hill. According to the New York Times, the group’s members accused publishers of “promoting their bias.”

Do you support the lengths Puss n Boots has gone to in order to whitewash everyone except white Christian males from the educational curriculum in Florida?

"Referring also to the fact that under a law passed last year, every book in the libraries of Florida’s primary and secondary schools is now being examined to ensure that it is not informed by CRT, supports LGBTQ persons or uses such concepts as intersectionality, Andrew Gothard, president of the United Faculty of Florida, placed DeSantis’s actions in the context of the presidential election in two years.

“Governor DeSantis has clearly decided that he is willing to burn Florida’s public education system, including our world-class colleges and universities, in the fire of his political ambition. It is also clear that he believes that by 2025 he will be in the White House, so he won’t have to stay and clean up the mess he has created. Instead, it will be the people in Florida who will be left to deal with decades of destruction in this dictator’s wake.

“Florida’s students and families don’t need their government telling them which classes they can take, which degrees they can complete, or what kinds of campus activities they can engage in. The constitutional rights promised to all Americans do not come with an asterisk that says, ‘unless Governor DeSantis disagrees with you’.”

Whew! Goodness.
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Are there not any people who can agree that guns need to be regulated more vigorously, and that oh by the way I don’t want my child taught by some man dressed as a woman? Why are two of the loudest voices in Congress some hot lipped Latina and a red neck woman? I don’t want to watch this country argue between two corrupt politicians such as Biden and Trump. If church going folks think trump shares their values, isn’t invested in real estate deals with the Clinton’s- I know by the way because I’ve see the KYC docs, oh how you’ve been fooled.
Most Americans are moderates. There problem is this.

Moderates don't impassion people.

Moderate don't toe the party line on all issues those aren't easy for the party to control.

Moderates don't get clicks to generate add revenue for the media.

Therefore they don't get free air time.

Therefore the political parties don't benefit from the exposure.

Therefore the both parties don't support those within their party with moderate agendas.

Therefore moderate swim upstream to get elected.
Was with you until this sentence. Not really sure where this is coming from. But it smacks of the modern day conservative thinking point that literally saying anything negative at all about America’s history, even if it is 100% indisputable fact, is some sort of liberal indoctrination. Which is one of the major pillars of the post truth movement I’m referring to.
Agree 100% here for sure. I think America is the best country in the world and it's not close. We've done some great things for sure, and we've done some bad shit as well. Slavery, the way our government treated Native Americans across the board, and the Japanese internment in WWII spring to mind.

Personally, I think you throw it all out there, the good and the bad.

I'll let you in on a little secret, my family fought for the South during the Civil War. And that was wrong. Period. My people rebelled against their country and some of them died for it. I've been educated about slavery and US history and how horrible the enslavement of the African American folks in our country was. Those things are true... no getting around it.

But NOT FOR ONE MINUTE (even as a kid) was I ever "ashamed" of being white. I didn't get to pick my skin color or my birth situation. It's just luck of the draw. I didn't own slaves and I wouldn't own one if I could. I've never had a encounter with anyone that was dictated by the color of their skin. Why the hell would I be ashamed of something that I didn't participate in or have any control over?

If my kids came home saying that they were ashamed of being white/or straight/or whatever the cancel culture flavor of the month is, I'd tell them to suck it up buttercup. Most of us do things that they are ashamed of after the fact. That's quite enough to be dealing with, without borrowing trouble that you had nothing to do with.

It used to be that the left was the party of whining and bitching... Think Hippies and whomever from the 60s through the 90s. But damn the Republicans have caught up and passed them. I've said it before and I'll say it again... ain't no snowflake like a Republican snowflake.
Most Americans are moderates. There problem is this.

Moderates don't impassion people.

Moderate don't toe the party line on all issues those aren't easy for the party to control.

Moderates don't get clicks to generate add revenue for the media.

Therefore they don't get free air time.

Therefore the political parties don't benefit from the exposure.

Therefore the both parties don't support those within their party with moderate agendas.

Therefore moderate swim upstream to get elected.
The bold above is a LOT of what's wrong with America. Take that 60 minutes episode last night blasting MTG. IMHO, she's a farking idiot, but that was a really bad show. Because THAT'S what a lot of America sees when they are thinking of Republicans now. And that's simply not true.

If you want to get the business of the country done and things accomplished, MTG is NOT part of any solution, she's part of the problem (ditto for The Squad on the other side). Instead of giving air time to this crap, pick one of the other 190 or so Republicans that are actually interested in working for the betterment of America.
Agree 100% here for sure. I think America is the best country in the world and it's not close. We've done some great things for sure, and we've done some bad shit as well. Slavery, the way our government treated Native Americans across the board, and the Japanese internment in WWII spring to mind.

Personally, I think you throw it all out there, the good and the bad.

I'll let you in on a little secret, my family fought for the South during the Civil War. And that was wrong. Period. My people rebelled against their country and some of them died for it. I've been educated about slavery and US history and how horrible the enslavement of the African American folks in our country was. Those things are true... no getting around it.

But NOT FOR ONE MINUTE (even as a kid) was I ever "ashamed" of being white. I didn't get to pick my skin color or my birth situation. It's just luck of the draw. I didn't own slaves and I wouldn't own one if I could. I've never had a encounter with anyone that was dictated by the color of their skin. Why the hell would I be ashamed of something that I didn't participate in or have any control over?

If my kids came home saying that they were ashamed of being white/or straight/or whatever the cancel culture flavor of the month is, I'd tell them to suck it up buttercup. Most of us do things that they are ashamed of after the fact. That's quite enough to be dealing with, without borrowing trouble that you had nothing to do with.

It used to be that the left was the party of whining and bitching... Think Hippies and whomever from the 60s through the 90s. But damn the Republicans have caught up and passed them. I've said it before and I'll say it again... ain't no snowflake like a Republican snowflake.

Here is the lesson that we should be learning. We have a history of greatness as a country, we also did some really bad things. As whites, you have advantages and a responsibility to do better towards people of color than your predecessors did.

When you know better you should do better.

We shouldn't be ashamed, but we should acknowledge that we did some pretty shitty stuff.