Agree 100% here for sure. I think America is the best country in the world and it's not close. We've done some great things for sure, and we've done some bad shit as well. Slavery, the way our government treated Native Americans across the board, and the Japanese internment in WWII spring to mind.
Personally, I think you throw it all out there, the good and the bad.
I'll let you in on a little secret, my family fought for the South during the Civil War. And that was wrong. Period. My people rebelled against their country and some of them died for it. I've been educated about slavery and US history and how horrible the enslavement of the African American folks in our country was. Those things are true... no getting around it.
But NOT FOR ONE MINUTE (even as a kid) was I ever "ashamed" of being white. I didn't get to pick my skin color or my birth situation. It's just luck of the draw. I didn't own slaves and I wouldn't own one if I could. I've never had a encounter with anyone that was dictated by the color of their skin. Why the hell would I be ashamed of something that I didn't participate in or have any control over?
If my kids came home saying that they were ashamed of being white/or straight/or whatever the cancel culture flavor of the month is, I'd tell them to suck it up buttercup. Most of us do things that they are ashamed of after the fact. That's quite enough to be dealing with, without borrowing trouble that you had nothing to do with.
It used to be that the left was the party of whining and bitching... Think Hippies and whomever from the 60s through the 90s. But damn the Republicans have caught up and passed them. I've said it before and I'll say it again... ain't no snowflake like a Republican snowflake.