About what I would expect a left wing nutjob to say...Not even close. Felt like I was reading some far right made up blog site there for a second.
Go play with your Vaseline.
About what I would expect a left wing nutjob to say...Not even close. Felt like I was reading some far right made up blog site there for a second.
Over the last several months there have been a TON of journalists who have focused on and peddled the absolute worst headlines, the worst-case scenarios with regard to the virus. The easiest thing in the world to do is to shut everything down and keep everything shut down until there is a vaccine. Problem is, the vast majority of folks peddling this scenario do not have a payroll to meet. You cannot bankrupt a country because of a war or a virus or whatever. People need to have a right and total leeway to provide for their families. There are risks, to be sure. Absolutely. But people have to eat, they have to be able to earn a living.
For the record, I have no idea why Maisel was laid off. I have had a few conversations with him in the past at bowl games and always enjoyed our conversations.
As for Wolken, he is nothing more than a woke, agenda-driven, race-baiting, statue-destroying advocate, cancel culture advocate, HIGH taxes, big-government, socialist, hack. Wolken ... Mr. Granola. If Wolken had it his way, we would be a socialist state and every one of us would be coughing up 70% of our earnings to the government. Also, Tigerillustrated.com would not exist because discretionary spending would be completely shut down due to almost no one having any disposable income.
Same response you recently had on the main board. Get a better catch phraseLol wut
Yea, the media forgot about Covid during the Marxist rioting. But a week later, Trump had a rally in Tulsa and all of a sudden, social distancing was a thing again.Preach. If you wrote that businesses should be closed and sports shouldn't happen and kids shouldn't be in school because of a virus unimpactful for the majority of Americans then you deserve to suffer the personal economic consequences of your words, Maisel, Wolken, Forde, Shackelford, Harig....all of them.
The ones I feel bad for are the small business owners who just want to work and provide for their families who had their livelihood stripped from them by their own government. That's where I'll direct my sympathy.
Over the last several months there have been a TON of journalists who have focused on and peddled the absolute worst headlines, the worst-case scenarios with regard to the virus. The easiest thing in the world to do is to shut everything down and keep everything shut down until there is a vaccine. Problem is, the vast majority of folks peddling this scenario do not have a payroll to meet. You cannot bankrupt a country because of a war or a virus or whatever. People need to have a right and total leeway to provide for their families. There are risks, to be sure. Absolutely. But people have to eat, they have to be able to earn a living.
For the record, I have no idea why Maisel was laid off. I have had a few conversations with him in the past at bowl games and always enjoyed our conversations.
As for Wolken, he is nothing more than a woke, agenda-driven, race-baiting, statue-destroying advocate, cancel culture advocate, HIGH taxes, big-government, socialist, hack. Wolken ... Mr. Granola. If Wolken had it his way, we would be a socialist state and every one of us would be coughing up 70% of our earnings to the government. Also, Tigerillustrated.com would not exist because discretionary spending would be completely shut down due to almost no one having any disposable income.
Just because you’re supported by your parents and don’t have to worry about these things don’t mean they aren’t real. In the real world there are people everywhere struggling to just survive what is going on right now. Businesses have closed for good and it wasn’t due to poor business planning, it was because the world stopped and there was no way to keep going. I know that nothing will change your rhetoric, but facts are facts and a lot of good people had all they worked hard for disappear. Sadly, their recovery is not as easy as calling mom and dad for some money. If this country doesn’t get small businesses going again soon a lot more people will suffer the same fate and the country will be hit hard because of it. I for one don’t consider losing all this good for a country that was built on that very thing.Not even close. Felt like I was reading some far right made up blog site there for a second.
Agree with this. One other thing maybe worth noting is that Maisel didn’t seem to pump out nearly the amount of content that someone like Hale produces. Solid writer and great historian, no doubt, but have to think ESPN took note of his production relative to some of their other writers (and in light of his salary) when deciding where to make cuts.I can think of worse than Maisel without a doubt. For example I’d fire Mark Jones or Maria Taylor well before Maisel. I suspect he will land somewhere (The Athletic maybe).
Over the last several months there have been a TON of journalists who have focused on and peddled the absolute worst headlines, the worst-case scenarios with regard to the virus. The easiest thing in the world to do is to shut everything down and keep everything shut down until there is a vaccine. Problem is, the vast majority of folks peddling this scenario do not have a payroll to meet. You cannot bankrupt a country because of a war or a virus or whatever. People need to have a right and total leeway to provide for their families. There are risks, to be sure. Absolutely. But people have to eat, they have to be able to earn a living.
For the record, I have no idea why Maisel was laid off. I have had a few conversations with him in the past at bowl games and always enjoyed our conversations.
As for Wolken, he is nothing more than a woke, agenda-driven, race-baiting, statue-destroying advocate, cancel culture advocate, HIGH taxes, big-government, socialist, hack. Wolken ... Mr. Granola. If Wolken had it his way, we would be a socialist state and every one of us would be coughing up 70% of our earnings to the government. Also, Tigerillustrated.com would not exist because discretionary spending would be completely shut down due to almost no one having any disposable income.
Hammer meet nail..You are correct Sir!!!
CNN will reap the whirlwind for covering, aiding & abetting the NWO! It’s going to be Epic
I feel you would be much happier if you were a Cal Bears fan. Maybe a Stanford Cardinal. Pretty sure either fan base would be glad to have you.Not even close. Felt like I was reading some far right made up blog site there for a second.
Yes, the Mainstream Media is a Mouthpiece for the NWO! That’s a fact! You’ll find out sooner or later! Hopefully, you find out before you’re in a FEMA Camp staring @ a guillotine! You have some time though, we’re only in the First Seal in Revelation 6! The 2nd Seal is about to open, anarchy & Civil War! The 4th Seal is when the FEMA Camps come into play! The Rider on the Pale Horse... he was given authority over 1/4 part of mankind! That’s about 2 Billion people! To kill with the Sword, Pestilence, Starvation & Wild Beasts of the Earth! This is due to men running & hiding in the wilderness to prevent being taken to the FEMA Camps! Read it, it’s in Revelation 6 & following!The NWO?? Had no idea Razor Ramon was back...Steve Nash lets go!!
The NWO?? Had no idea Razor Ramon was back...Steve Nash lets go!!
As for Wolken, he is nothing more than a woke, agenda-driven, race-baiting, statue-destroying advocate, cancel culture advocate, HIGH taxes, big-government, socialist, hack. Wolken ... Mr. Granola. If Wolken had it his way, we would be a socialist state and every one of us would be coughing up 70% of our earnings to the government. Also, Tigerillustrated.com would not exist because discretionary spending would be completely shut down due to almost no one having any disposable income.