
You know good and well you’ve spent the last 8 years losing your absolute mind over this one man. It’s funny you’d even attempt refuting that. If you’ve not specifically wished for his death, you’ve most definitely wished for his demise, more times than any person could count.

Spare me your new found righteousness. You don’t in any fashion desire common ground, you simply want not to be blamed.
Thank you. This is exactly what @dpic73 and his ilk have done.

But he will come in here and squirm, and act tough, and say he is only here to fight "misinformation". All without realizing he IS the misinformation. LOL.

At this point it's comical. Clown show and everybody here is watching and laughing at him, not with him.
Cocks are number 1: “the liberals are responsable for what happened to Trump because of their dangerous rhetoric.”

Also cocks are number 1: “liberals are evil and godless and are doing everything they can to destroy our country from within. They stole the election and released covid and are all child molesters and human traffickers.”
There is this thing called a "quote" feature.
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Finally, the glorious unveiling of all this complete leftist BS we have been dealing with for over 8 years! I told you punks it would all get unveiled eventually, and I think it just beginning to start...

Thank God!

I'd call out the punks, but they know who they are.
Thank you. This is exactly what @dpic73 and his ilk have done.

But he will come in here and squirm, and act tough, and say he is only here to fight "misinformation". All without realizing he IS the misinformation. LOL.

At this point it's comical. Clown show and everybody here is watching and laughing at him, not with him.
He knows he's the misinformation
The fact that Morning Joe's own network can't trust its flagship brand not to spew reckless and inflammatory crap during breaking news tells you all you need to know about the credibility of the MSNBC line-up
You’re paid for. Of course you’re going to keep at it.

I haven’t the time, nor the desire to search through your 5 million posts about Trump ruining your family dinners, destroying America, and 10 million memes/names/etc you’ve characterized him as, or called him.

You know good and well you’ve spent the last 8 years losing your absolute mind over this one man. It’s funny you’d even attempt refuting that. If you’ve not specifically wished for his death, you’ve most definitely wished for his demise, more times than any person could count.

Spare me your new found righteousness. You don’t in any fashion desire common ground, you simply want not to be blamed.

Spare me your new found righteousness. You don’t in any fashion desire common ground, you simply want not to be blamed.

This is the saddest part about what happened this weekend.

while most of the country is stepping back and discussing turning down the temperature, you magas refuse to look in the mirror. You want to blame liberals for what happened (even though we now know that the shooter was a right wing republican), but refuse to look inward. If anything, your rhetoric has gotten worse at the same time that you are denouncing anyone for saying anything negative about your cult leader.

Also, I hope the irony isn't lost on you. You are chastising dpic for "losing his mind" over trump (a former president) while also blaming him for some nutjob shooting at the former president.

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Spare me your new found righteousness. You don’t in any fashion desire common ground, you simply want not to be blamed.

This is the saddest part about what happened this weekend.

while most of the country is stepping back and discussing turning down the temperature, you magas refuse to look in the mirror. You want to blame liberals for what happened (even though we now know that the shooter was a right wing republican), but refuse to look inward. If anything, your rhetoric has gotten worse at the same time that you are denouncing anyone for saying anything negative about your cult leader.

Also, I hope the irony isn't lost on you. You are chastising dpic for "losing his mind" over trump (a former president) while also blaming him for some nutjob shooting at the former president.

Go back to down in your mom's basement yorker boy. Spare us your tears.
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Go back to down in your mom's basement yorker boy. Spare us your tears.

I think you have used this one before.

It was when I posted how Trump's second-term policies would be detrimental to our economy, and instead of anything substantive, you came back with this.
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The only way you can possibly fight this hard for a "party" is you're either being paid to do so or you're so far deep down inside a bubble that you refuse to see anything outside of it.

The sooner you guys realize this, the better off you will be.

The first sign of this is refusal to discuss or listen. Instead, they defend and double down.

Coming from someone who was raised to hate the rich, raised a democrat. They only way you grow is by actually seeking information. You have to go out of your way. You do that by listening to everything opposite of what you want to hear.
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Spare me your new found righteousness. You don’t in any fashion desire common ground, you simply want not to be blamed.

This is the saddest part about what happened this weekend.

while most of the country is stepping back and discussing turning down the temperature, you magas refuse to look in the mirror. You want to blame liberals for what happened (even though we now know that the shooter was a right wing republican), but refuse to look inward. If anything, your rhetoric has gotten worse at the same time that you are denouncing anyone for saying anything negative about your cult leader.

Also, I hope the irony isn't lost on you. You are chastising dpic for "losing his mind" over trump (a former president) while also blaming him for some nutjob shooting at the former president.

I can’t get the time back I just spent reading the above drivel.

How are you feeling, with everything you’re for in fail, and everything you speak against, ascending?

You realize you’ve been wrong all along?

About it all.
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The only way you can possibly fight this hard for a "party" is you're either being paid to do so or you're so far deep down inside a bubble that you refuse to see anything outside of it.

The sooner you guys realize this, the better off you will be.

The first sign of this is refusal to discuss or listen. Instead, they defend and double down.

Coming from someone who was raised to hate the rich, raised a democrat. They only way you grow is by actually seeking information. You have to go out of your way. You do that by listening to everything opposite of what you want to hear.

You’re in deep, but I’d welcome you, if you came to your better senses.
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I’m glad to see that my conservative friends now agree that the rhetoric of Trump and other conservatives has directly lead to violent incidents throughout the country.

Personally, I 100% endorse the idea that neither side should engage in any rhetoric that utilizes violent imagery and we’d probably all be better off if our politics would rise above each side just calling the other pedophiles who are utilizing extremely complex schemes to destroy the country.
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I’m glad to see that my conservative friends now agree that the rhetoric of Trump and other conservatives has directly lead to violent incidents throughout the country.

Personally, I 100% endorse the idea that neither side should engage in any rhetoric that utilizes violent imagery and we’d probably all be better off if our politics would rise above each side just calling the other pedophiles who are utilizing extremely complex schemes to destroy the country.
Unfortunately, it's not up to us.

The Media has created this. You nor I will ever stop what's already been in place for 40+ years. Sure, we can be cordial to each other but so long as the media continues to lie to the American people every single day on their televisions, what's the use?

I mean seriously. What do you do when your media lies every single day? If you take a step back and think about the fact that you have media purposefully lying to it's audience, how does a society overcome that?
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Meh! Both side are just about as stupid as shit, which is why I'd be ashamed to be a part of either party. The same party that was OK with Trump saying to go down to the Capitol and fight is now bitching about Biden saying put Trump in the crosshairs. And the party that was bitching about Trump saying go down to the capitol and fight are giving Biden a pass on the crosshair thing. They are either both OK or both wrong.

In my opinion, THIS is what's wrong with our country. Folks are all good with breaking the rules (as long as their guy is the one doing it) or punishing someone for breaking the rules (as long as it's not their guy).
I’m glad to see that my conservative friends now agree that the rhetoric of Trump and other conservatives has directly lead to violent incidents throughout the country.

Personally, I 100% endorse the idea that neither side should engage in any rhetoric that utilizes violent imagery and we’d probably all be better off if our politics would rise above each side just calling the other pedophiles who are utilizing extremely complex schemes to destroy the country.

How about instead of calling a truce we let the Truth lie wherever it may come down. There was absolutely a pedophile ring and those running it need to be held accountable. Release the Epstein client list and hold those accountable running it.

We will never heal as a nation until the full truth comes out and people are held accountable. This goes all the way back to Russian Collusion. We won't heal until that and a few other major issues are addressed.
Meh! Both side are just about as stupid as shit, which is why I'd be ashamed to be a part of either party. The same party that was OK with Trump saying to go down to the Capitol and fight is now bitching about Biden saying put Trump in the crosshairs. And the party that was bitching about Trump saying go down to the capitol and fight are giving Biden a pass on the crosshair thing. They are either both OK or both wrong.

In my opinion, THIS is what's wrong with our country. Folks are all good with breaking the rules (as long as their guy is the one doing it) or punishing someone for breaking the rules (as long as it's not their guy).
It's all about the party, NOT the country.
Cocks are number 1: “the liberals are responsable for what happened to Trump because of their dangerous rhetoric.”

Also cocks are number 1: “liberals are evil and godless and are doing everything they can to destroy our country from within. They stole the election and released covid and are all child molesters and human traffickers.”
So I am assuming you think Joe is responsible for the attack on trump due to his bullseye message, given you think trump is responsible for J6. It goes both ways, no?
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Who is the REAL threat to America's Constitutional Republic?

Could it be the party that builds a fake dossier that they use to try and impeach a sitting President?

Could it be a party that is so disparate to win an election that they commit election fraud?

Could it be a party whose followers shoot the opposing party's Congressmen at a softball practice?

Could it be a party that weaponizes the Justice Department and state Attorney Generals to concoct fake charges against a political opponent?

Could it be a party that props up a geriatric man that's easily control so that others, not the elected official, can control the government day to day?

Could it be the party that works directly with the Fourth Estate to propagandize their radical ideology and demonize anyone who doesn't fall in line with their will.

Could it be a party that constantly calls for violence against anyone who doesn't drink their leftist KoolAid?

This sounds like something out of a third world dictatorship. But no, this is America's Democratic party for you. The party of fear mongering and political violence.
Who is the REAL threat to America's Constitutional Republic?

Could it be the party that builds a fake dossier that they use to try and impeach a sitting President?

Could it be a party that is so disparate to win an election that they commit election fraud?

Could it be a party whose followers shoot the opposing party's Congressmen at a softball practice?

Could it be a party that weaponizes the Justice Department and state Attorney Generals to concoct fake charges against a political opponent?

Could it be a party that props up a geriatric man that's easily control so that others, not the elected official, can control the government day to day?

Could it be the party that works directly with the Fourth Estate to propagandize their radical ideology and demonize anyone who doesn't fall in line with their will.

Could it be a party that constantly calls for violence against anyone who doesn't drink their leftist KoolAid?

This sounds like something out of a third world dictatorship. But no, this is America's Democratic party for you. The party of fear mongering and political violence.
Don't you worry, Trump is the Liar here. Trust these guys when they tell you.
So I am assuming you think Joe is responsible for the attack on trump due to his bullseye message, given you think trump is responsible for J6. It goes both ways, no?

That is not an apples-to-oranges comparison.

trump repeated made-up nonsense about the election being stolen for over a month. He invited a bunch of people to a rally in DC to stop the certification of the election. He sent those people down to the Capital. Once the riot turned violent, he waited hours, despite the urgings of his staff, to do jack shit to try and stop it. He never denounced the violence but instead referred to the perps as "very special people'."

If biden comes out and calls the shooter a "very special person" then let me know.
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I think you have used this one before.

It was when I posted how Trump's second-term policies would be detrimental to our economy, and instead of anything substantive, you came back with this.
So you think all of Trump's second-term policies will be detrimental?

Are you seriously telling me that Trump's top policies on Climate Change, Crime and Policing, Foreign Affairs, Health Care, Immigration, and Birth rights to name a few, will be detrimental to this country?

So you think all of Trump's second-term policies will be detrimental?

Are you seriously telling me that Trump's top policies on Climate Change, Crime and Policing, Foreign Affairs, Health Care, Immigration, and Birth rights to name a few, will be detrimental to this country?

Very telling what you chose to include and not include in your email. Conveniently, you left out mass deportations, 100% tariffs on imports, and, of course, using red state national guards to enforce laws in blue states.

Climate change: his policy is that it does not exist, so yes, this is bad; we cannot afford to let China become the leader in renewable energy for the world.

Crime and policing: what is his policy?

Foreign affairs: allowing Putin to have Ukraine and then march on will be very, very bad.

Health Care: again, what is his policy? repeal and replace. Didnt he tellus for 4 years that we would see his new healthcare plan in two more weeks?

Immigration: see above. hope you have a garden, bc once he deports all of the undocumented people in the country, food is going to be scarce. Oh, and you know how people complain about not enough affordable housing, good luck with that when the construction industry comes to a grinding halt.
Unfortunately, it's not up to us.

The Media has created this. You nor I will ever stop what's already been in place for 40+ years. Sure, we can be cordial to each other but so long as the media continues to lie to the American people every single day on their televisions, what's the use?

I mean seriously. What do you do when your media lies every single day? If you take a step back and think about the fact that you have media purposefully lying to it's audience, how does a society overcome that?
The only media lying comes from Fox News, the Fox News wannabes, and social media propaganda. "Media" in general didn't create this. People created this using the above information platforms to con the public.
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So you think all of Trump's second-term policies will be detrimental?

Are you seriously telling me that Trump's top policies on Climate Change, Crime and Policing, Foreign Affairs, Health Care, Immigration, and Birth rights to name a few, will be detrimental to this country?

Absolutely. In fact, I doubt any of that means a thing to him.
That is not an apples-to-oranges comparison.

trump repeated made-up nonsense about the election being stolen for over a month. He invited a bunch of people to a rally in DC to stop the certification of the election. He sent those people down to the Capital. Once the riot turned violent, he waited hours, despite the urgings of his staff, to do jack shit to try and stop it. He never denounced the violence but instead referred to the perps as "very special people'."

If biden comes out and calls the shooter a "very special person" then let me know.
First, please show me one example where Trump invited people to the capital to stop the certification. Also, Trump posted posted a video that was taken down before the violence urging people to go home.

Second, democrats, and Joe have repeatedly accused him of colluding with Russia for years while claiming they had proof when none existed, compared him to hitler, threated to beat his ass, and said it was time to put him in the bullseye.
The only media lying comes from Fox News, the Fox News wannabes, and social media propaganda. "Media" in general didn't create this. People created this using the above information platforms to con the public.
You seriously can't be this unintelligent. It has been apparent to anyone with minimal objectivity, that Joe is mentally impaired and has been for some time. Yet what most people refer to as the main stream media has ignored and refused to report on this when it should be one of the biggest issues for a potus in decades. The only reason they have reported it now is bc they want another candidate to replace him. They also reported for YEARS that Trump was colluding with russia and there was undeniable proof even though no proof was ever given. It is literally undeniable the vast majority of the media has put their political desires above their responsibility to be unbiased.
The fact that you deny this shows either your complete lack of honesty or lack of intelligence.
The only media lying comes from Fox News, the Fox News wannabes, and social media propaganda. "Media" in general didn't create this. People created this using the above information platforms to con the public.
You seriously cannot be serious.

First, please show me one example where Trump invited people to the capital to stop the certification. Also, Trump posted posted a video that was taken down before the violence urging people to go home.

Second, democrats, and Joe have repeatedly accused him of colluding with Russia for years while claiming they had proof when none existed, compared him to hitler, threated to beat his ass, and said it was time to put him in the bullseye.

“Big protest in D.C. on January 6th,” Mr. Trump tweeted on Dec. 19, just one of several of his tweets promoting the day. “Be there, will be wild!”