
“Big protest in D.C. on January 6th,” Mr. Trump tweeted on Dec. 19, just one of several of his tweets promoting the day. “Be there, will be wild!”
Peacefully and Patriotically.

Don’t leave that part out.
Point me to the part where he ask them to stop the certification
You cannot be serious. That's the entire reason he picked that date. We know how you'll point out his words weren't that specific, but they knew what he wanted them to do.

“Our country has had enough,” he said. “We will not take it anymore, and that’s what this is all about. To use a favorite term that all of you people really came up with, we will stop the steal.”

He falsely claimed that “all Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify, and we become president, and you are the happiest people.” And he said that if Pence allowed the vote to move forward, Biden would become president.

“We’re just not going to let that happen,” he said.

As the crowd periodically chanted, “Fight for Trump,” he continued, “So we are going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue — I love Pennsylvania Avenue — and we are going to the Capitol.”

Very telling what you chose to include and not include in your email. Conveniently, you left out mass deportations, 100% tariffs on imports, and, of course, using red state national guards to enforce laws in blue states.

Climate change: his policy is that it does not exist, so yes, this is bad; we cannot afford to let China become the leader in renewable energy for the world.

Crime and policing: what is his policy?

Foreign affairs: allowing Putin to have Ukraine and then march on will be very, very bad.

Health Care: again, what is his policy? repeal and replace. Didnt he tellus for 4 years that we would see his new healthcare plan in two more weeks?

Immigration: see above. hope you have a garden, bc once he deports all of the undocumented people in the country, food is going to be scarce. Oh, and you know how people complain about not enough affordable housing, good luck with that when the construction industry comes to a grinding halt.
You're welcome to include anything I failed to jot down. I did say, " name a few".

Mass deportations. Why are you scared? If you're here illegally and you came here illegally, you need to go. Will it be mass deportation? Probably not, but if you hear it from your echo chamber, you believe it.

Climate change. Trump knows about CC. It has happened before and it will continue to happen. What the left pushes is pure crap and worthless! BUT, when he was your president, he rolled back hundreds of environmental protections, including limits on carbon dioxide emissions from power plants and vehicles, and protections for federal waterways across the country, fulfilling a campaign promise.

You really think he will let Putin march into Poland and the rest of the EU. Dear God man. Listen to yourself!!!

Hopefully, he will finish what he started in repealing Obama Care, but that said he has been has been more focused on addressing the spread of fentanyl in the U.S., taking aim at drug cartels in Mexico. Will this work, TBD.

Immigration. Don't get me started. So, Biden let approx 15 million illegal immigrants in to help with food prices? THERE WILL BE NO MASS DEPORATATION! Stop following the heard! Will illegal immigrants be deported YES!!
The really are a knucklehead!

Whoops, I left off Crime and policing. Let's just say,
Trump supports increased powers for police and says Democratic policies are leading to crime sprees in big cities. See for yourself!
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You cannot be serious. That's the entire reason he picked that date. We know how you'll point out his words weren't that specific, but they knew what he wanted them to do.

“Our country has had enough,” he said. “We will not take it anymore, and that’s what this is all about. To use a favorite term that all of you people really came up with, we will stop the steal.”

He falsely claimed that “all Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify, and we become president, and you are the happiest people.” And he said that if Pence allowed the vote to move forward, Biden would become president.

“We’re just not going to let that happen,” he said.

As the crowd periodically chanted, “Fight for Trump,” he continued, “So we are going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue — I love Pennsylvania Avenue — and we are going to the Capitol.”

Do yourself a favor, and catch up.

Your paid for responses read like Charley Brown’s teacher sounds.
You're welcome to include anything I failed to jot down. I did say, " name a few".

Mass deportations. Why are you scared? If you're here illegally and you came here illegally, you need to go. Will it be mass deportation? Probably not, but if you hear it from your echo chamber, you believe it.

Climate change. Trump knows about CC. It has happened before and it will continue to happen. What the left pushes is pure crap and worthless! BUT, when he was your president, he rolled back hundreds of environmental protections, including limits on carbon dioxide emissions from power plants and vehicles, and protections for federal waterways across the country, fulfilling a campaign promise.

You really think he will let Putin march into Poland and the rest of the EU. Dear God man. Listen to yourself!!!

Hopefully, he will finish what he started in repealing Obama Care, but that said he has been has been more focused on addressing the spread of fentanyl in the U.S., taking aim at drug cartels in Mexico. Will this work, TBD.

Immigration. Don't get me started. So, Biden let approx 15 million illegal immigrants in to help with food prices? THERE WILL BE NO MASS DEPORATATION! Stop following the heard! Will illegal immigrants be deported YES!!
The really are a knucklehead!

Whoops, I left off Crime and policing. Let's just say,
Trump supports increased powers for police and says Democratic policies are leading to crime sprees in big cities. See for yourself!
This journalist was a previous humorist so take it for what it's worth. I thought it was funny.

Trump's GOP platform is heavy on scare tactics, light on details

"The preamble is replete with random capitalizations and other MAGA-inspired assaults on the English language. Take this line, for example: “But now we are a Nation in SERIOUS DECLINE.”

That “SERIOUS” foreshadows an all-caps 20-point list that makes up the party platform, letting the reader know that SERIOUS things are ALWAYS written in ALL CAPS to demonstrate their SERIOUSNESS. (Of note, the Republican Party abandons its evangelical base by not calling for a national abortion ban or defining marriage as being strictly between a man and a woman.)

The 20 "promises” that make up the “2024 GOP Platform to Make America Great Again!” begin with some good old-fashioned dangerous xenophobia and a promise to sweep across America and round up millions of immigrants:​

No. 3 is a simple “END INFLATION, AND MAKE AMERICA AFFORDABLE AGAIN,” which sparks the question: If y’all have some magic beans that will end inflation, why are you holding on to them?

The fourth promise includes an exclamation point, just to remind readers this is all very stupid: MAKE AMERICA THE DOMINANT ENERGY PRODUCER IN THE WORLD, BY FAR!

There’s the usual anti-woke gibberish, like CANCEL THE ELECTRIC VEHICLE MANDATE and KEEP MEN OUT OF WOMEN’S SPORTS.

Otherwise, the actual platform of a party that thinks it should be trusted with governing is basically a bunch of randomly capitalized words – PREVENT WORLD WAR THREE, REBUILD OUR CITIES – generated, I assume, by an authoritarian-leaning artificial intelligence that was fed a Trump rally transcript.

Surely, this party platform is missing a few items Trump wants


But that's neither here nor there.

What matters is that this sub-kindergarten gibberish is what Democrats are running against. Should they get around to deciding whether President Joe Biden is too old to be their nominee, they've got a decent chance of winning because a lot of Americans think stuff like "STOP THE MIGRANT INVASION" is fearmongering nonsense."

You cannot be serious. That's the entire reason he picked that date. We know how you'll point out his words weren't that specific, but they knew what he wanted them to do.

“Our country has had enough,” he said. “We will not take it anymore, and that’s what this is all about. To use a favorite term that all of you people really came up with, we will stop the steal.”

He falsely claimed that “all Vice President Pence has to do is send it back to the states to recertify, and we become president, and you are the happiest people.” And he said that if Pence allowed the vote to move forward, Biden would become president.

“We’re just not going to let that happen,” he said.

As the crowd periodically chanted, “Fight for Trump,” he continued, “So we are going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue — I love Pennsylvania Avenue — and we are going to the Capitol.”

At which point did he say peacefully and patriotically? I don’t see those words in your post?
At which point did he say peacefully and patriotically? I don’t see those words in your post?
Please re-read the post I was responding to. That's not what he asked. We've heard your repetitive nonsense plenty.
You constantly omit that phrase. Why?
You printed out a long quote, but left out the most relevant part.

We all see what you are doing. They should take you off the air just like morning joe.

Just put the whole quote out there so people can decide for themselves.
You're welcome to include anything I failed to jot down. I did say, " name a few".

Mass deportations. Why are you scared? If you're here illegally and you came here illegally, you need to go. Will it be mass deportation? Probably not, but if you hear it from your echo chamber, you believe it.

Climate change. Trump knows about CC. It has happened before and it will continue to happen. What the left pushes is pure crap and worthless! BUT, when he was your president, he rolled back hundreds of environmental protections, including limits on carbon dioxide emissions from power plants and vehicles, and protections for federal waterways across the country, fulfilling a campaign promise.

You really think he will let Putin march into Poland and the rest of the EU. Dear God man. Listen to yourself!!!

Hopefully, he will finish what he started in repealing Obama Care, but that said he has been has been more focused on addressing the spread of fentanyl in the U.S., taking aim at drug cartels in Mexico. Will this work, TBD.

Immigration. Don't get me started. So, Biden let approx 15 million illegal immigrants in to help with food prices? THERE WILL BE NO MASS DEPORATATION! Stop following the heard! Will illegal immigrants be deported YES!!
The really are a knucklehead!

Whoops, I left off Crime and policing. Let's just say,
Trump supports increased powers for police and says Democratic policies are leading to crime sprees in big cities. See for yourself!

What do you think trump means when he says the "great mass deportation of all time"? He doesn't mean mass deportation?

When covid hit and trump shut down the whole country, he gave undocumented farm workers exceptions to continue working? Because he really liked them? No, bc if he didn't we WOULD ALL ****ING STARVE TO DEATH.

The rest of what you wrote has absolutely no substance whatsoever.
You’re like a slow motion Titanic.

You are not wrong. My wife asks me why I waste so much time arguing with idiots on the internet.

I can't continue spending my time debating with the same 5 mouth breathers about the same shit every week. Even when I get one of you to admit that you are wrong, you just come back with the same weak-ass shit the next week.

Life is too short to waste any more time with a bunch of half-wits.
Spare me your new found righteousness. You don’t in any fashion desire common ground, you simply want not to be blamed.

This is the saddest part about what happened this weekend.

while most of the country is stepping back and discussing turning down the temperature, you magas refuse to look in the mirror. You want to blame liberals for what happened (even though we now know that the shooter was a right wing republican), but refuse to look inward. If anything, your rhetoric has gotten worse at the same time that you are denouncing anyone for saying anything negative about your cult leader.

Also, I hope the irony isn't lost on you. You are chastising dpic for "losing his mind" over trump (a former president) while also blaming him for some nutjob shooting at the former president.

You're retarded.
You are not wrong. My wife asks me why I waste so much time arguing with idiots on the internet.

I can't continue spending my time debating with the same 5 mouth breathers about the same shit every week. Even when I get one of you to admit that you are wrong, you just come back with the same weak-ass shit the next week.

Life is too short to waste any more time with a bunch of half-wits.
You’re hell on wheels until your guy is headed for a sure fire loss.

You’re stronger than that. Don’t allow it to run you off. Leave your ball on the court and keep playing.