Jemele Hill

I actually disagree. I'm not sure I've ever seen Jemele Hill on ESPN, other than a commercial advertising the 6:00 Sportscenter. I don't purposely avoid it but 6:00 just isn't good TV watching time with a young family. However between her followers and retweets I would think a lot more people have access to her on Twitter than ESPN. But, by no means, am I a media expert

What do you disagree with? I didn't say more people have access through twitter. I'm saying on one hand she is speaking on behalf of the company. That is clear. She is at work on their owned platform with people who have chosen to watch ESPN. Her twitter is largely made up of people choosing to follow her personal tweets. I don't thhink thats a bad assumption but you're free to diaagree of course.
Don't know why anyone is shocked. ESPN is a left wing media outlet and will fire anyone who dares to speak out politically in a way that does not align with their beliefs. Jamele Hill's comments were "addressed" with Jamele internally. She is free to continue her employment with ESPN.
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What do you disagree with? I didn't say more people have access through twitter. I'm saying on one hand she is speaking on behalf of the company. That is clear. She is at work on their owned platform with people who have chosen to watch ESPN. Her twitter is largely made up of people choosing to follow her personal tweets. I don't thhink thats a bad assumption but you're free to diaagree of course.

Gotcha...I thought you were saying the 6:00 Sportscenter was a bigger platform than twitter. I guess I don't disagree after all
Called out by ESPN for sending out a series of tweets essentially saying Trump is a white supremacist elected by white supremacists. Shocking I know
Best to ignore her. She isn't an intelligent woman, which is pretty obvious from her opinions. If you read that series of tweets, what immediately should jump out is how bad she is with both basic math and logic. Of course, if what she actually believes is that all white people, and more than a few black people, are white supremacists, she has an even bigger problem than her nonsensical opinions. And I find it amusing that, as someone who has openly spoken about her own rape, she conveniently ignored Bill Clinton in her "most offensive president of my lifetime" comment.
Had EVERYTHING to do with triggering snowflakes. Same when the other side says something and liberals are triggered and complain. Everything is about the triggering of the other side and then comes the apology.

Slight difference is this was on Twitter. Not on TV. The only half she is speaking to on Twitter is the ones that "follow" her. I had no idea she said any of of this.
Snowflakes are people that need safe spaces when their presidential candidate doesn't win. They need to be protected from the scales in the weight room that tells them they're fat. They need a trophy even if they weren't on the team...etc.

People being "triggered" as you say by Hill's comments are not snowflakes. They are people who are pissed about being called racists by liberals over & over & over despite having zero evidence to back it up. If you look at Hill's series of tweets, she was clearly trying to say that Trump voters were white supremacists (I guess that included black Trump voters too smh) which simply isn't the case & people have a right to be pissed about it. That play from the liberal playbook has gotten old really quick. Just b/c we don't agree with 100% of the liberal platform, that does not make us racist!

And like others have said before, people with conservative views at ESPN have either lost their jobs or been disciplined multiple times if they spoke out. Hill essentially calls 60+million racists & it is handled internally...such a double standard
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Clay Travis reporting that Linda Cohn is suspended for stating that ESPN focuses too much on politics. Yikes.
Best to ignore her. She isn't an intelligent woman, which is pretty obvious from her opinions. If you read that series of tweets, what immediately should jump out is how bad she is with both basic math and logic. Of course, if what she actually believes is that all white people, and more than a few black people, are white supremacists, she has an even bigger problem than her nonsensical opinions. And I find it amusing that, as someone who has openly spoken about her own rape, she conveniently ignored Bill Clinton in her "most offensive president of my lifetime" comment.
Best to ignore her. She isn't an intelligent woman, which is pretty obvious from her opinions. If you read that series of tweets, what immediately should jump out is how bad she is with both basic math and logic. Of course, if what she actually believes is that all white people, and more than a few black people, are white supremacists, she has an even bigger problem than her nonsensical opinions. And I find it amusing that, as someone who has openly spoken about her own rape, she conveniently ignored Bill Clinton in her "most offensive president of my lifetime" comment.
Funny how left is out raged cause 15 years ago, Trump had inappropriate locker room talk. Which I agree was wrong.
Meanwhile Bill sexually assaulted several women and put a cigar inside an intern; and they just ignore that.
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Schilling ultimately got fired for the transgender remark, but prior to that got suspended for a month for comparing Muslims to Nazi's and prior to that got reprimanded for political commentary during a radio interview for saying "Clinton should be buried under a jail" after ESPN asked all personalities to refrain from public discussion on politics. It was really his 3rd strike that got him fired.

ESPN can fire Hill all they want she is not good, but Schilling was not fired for one transgression.

Just want people to know the facts not that it will stop anybody from hot takes.
Thank God for football...brings together a divided nation on the weekends
100% correct. You're speaking to what is currently reality. Not arguing with that. I'm saying IMO it should be allowable socially and with your employer to have an alternate belief system. If we find out through a Herbstreit Facebook post that he doesn't believe in BLM movement he would be ostracized by much of his audience. Government or not we need to allow people the opportunity to think differently. The social reaction (triggered) makes the employer react or overreact. Just unfortunate. I know not reality but people are way too triggered these days.
I agree wholeheartedly, but there is a difference in thinking differently and flat our calling the President a white supremacist. In this case, the employer reacted in a way that we all expected - they agree with her position so there is not much fallback. Had the employee said something they disagreed with, there would have been a much harsher reaction. That is the problem.

The issue with ESPN is that through multiple separate instances with different employees, they have made their corporate political views very well known.
Snowflakes being triggered by a meaningless person's tweet. I didn't even know she tweeted any of that. Those statements are most likely for people that "follow" her and most likely already agree with her. Those that don't agree with her nor follow her, who therefore she wasn't talking to, are somehow triggered to the point where ESPN has to apologize. Snowflakes.
I'm triggered
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Not so if slander, that's criminal

1) It's libel.

2) It's not "criminal."

3) Saying you think the president is a white supremacist is not anything remotely close to libel. (see #1 the truth as an absolute defense to defamation claims; #2 defamation doesn't apply to opinions; #3 Times v. Sullivan making it very hard to prove defamation in re: public officials).

You packed a lot of wrong in a single sentence.
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Oh shit...Yo Mama jokes. Grabbing the popcorn.
To be fair, how are you supposed to respond to what earle said? As for espn, they have completely lost it. You simply can't let one side spew whatever they want and suspend someone for saying people think espn is too political. Cohn has more talent in her pinkie than hill has in her entire body.
Remember that Disney owns both ABC and ESPN. Disney is ,of course, one of the most "progressive" companies in the US. Their politics come from the top.
lol at all the clay travis readers itt.

i don't like jemele hill whatsoever but what she said is correct.
Not so if slander, that's criminal

slander is not a crime, its a tort. so, by definition, its not criminal. nevermind that he is the god damn president, and as such, is not subject to protection from slander in the same way you and I are (the president, politicians, and public figures have very little to no protection from slanderous statements).