Telling it like it is.
Are we facing a national security threat?
It’s my duty to be honest with you.
Yes. It’s real.
I went to the briefing today in the SCIF.
Our President is a dementia patient in charge of our country and the nuclear football, who ripped our border wide open to over 10 million people and counting from over 160 countries around the world and 2 million of them we never caught, however an unknown number of those are in fact terrorists who want to kill you.
Not only that, the administration has empowered the criminal cartels and they not only control most of our southern border, but are also making tens of billions from human and drug trafficking and have expanded their international operations to have a strong foothold inside the United States.
Along with that, the government you trusted with your hard earned tax dollars has enslaved us all in over $34 TRILLION in debt. Communists China owns most of our debt and China makes most of our critical chain supplies, you know like medications that keep many of you alive.
Now the interest rate on that debt is climbing so fast that the annual interest alone is soon to be bigger than our entire defense budget.
Turns out the “smart people” running the federal government have made so many bad decisions with foreign policy, sanctions, and trade that our dollar is under dire threat and soon could no longer be the world’s currency.
This means that your 401K’s, retirement accounts, stock portfolios, and savings could soon be worthless and your government mandated social security account that most of you depend on in retirement could soon be wiped out.
These are just a few of the terrifying top national security threats we face.
However, perhaps the greatest threat is the federal government has become so powerful over the people that it leaks “intelligence” to the press in order to pressure Congress to make certain votes, protect it’s own power to spy on it’s own citizens, maintain power and protect it’s own job security, and most terrifying of all has become weaponized to crush it’s political enemies.
All of this you I’m telling you didn’t come from the SCIF, you already know, and I’m depending on you to help me stop our greatest national security threat, the one from within.
Are we facing a national security threat?
It’s my duty to be honest with you.
Yes. It’s real.
I went to the briefing today in the SCIF.
Our President is a dementia patient in charge of our country and the nuclear football, who ripped our border wide open to over 10 million people and counting from over 160 countries around the world and 2 million of them we never caught, however an unknown number of those are in fact terrorists who want to kill you.
Not only that, the administration has empowered the criminal cartels and they not only control most of our southern border, but are also making tens of billions from human and drug trafficking and have expanded their international operations to have a strong foothold inside the United States.
Along with that, the government you trusted with your hard earned tax dollars has enslaved us all in over $34 TRILLION in debt. Communists China owns most of our debt and China makes most of our critical chain supplies, you know like medications that keep many of you alive.
Now the interest rate on that debt is climbing so fast that the annual interest alone is soon to be bigger than our entire defense budget.
Turns out the “smart people” running the federal government have made so many bad decisions with foreign policy, sanctions, and trade that our dollar is under dire threat and soon could no longer be the world’s currency.
This means that your 401K’s, retirement accounts, stock portfolios, and savings could soon be worthless and your government mandated social security account that most of you depend on in retirement could soon be wiped out.
These are just a few of the terrifying top national security threats we face.
However, perhaps the greatest threat is the federal government has become so powerful over the people that it leaks “intelligence” to the press in order to pressure Congress to make certain votes, protect it’s own power to spy on it’s own citizens, maintain power and protect it’s own job security, and most terrifying of all has become weaponized to crush it’s political enemies.
All of this you I’m telling you didn’t come from the SCIF, you already know, and I’m depending on you to help me stop our greatest national security threat, the one from within.