In reality, what is the difference in close quarters between a .45 handgun with a 15 shot clip and 1 in the chamber and an AR-15 with a 15 shot clip and 1 in the chamber? Larger caliber? Remember...close range. The answer when discussing gun control is Lib fvcktards cannot stop at the AR-15.
That's why your savior signed the UN Small Arms Treaty. It's a crack in the door. Like education, taxation, work place safety, whatever, you fvcktards lie like cheap rugs and want it all. And it always gets messed up. From the AR-15 to my 9mm. It will never stop.
If SHTF, you're the whining pvssy incapable of protecting his family and begging for that redneck mofo next door to bail your ass out when gangs looking for food and whatever else come to your neighborhood. You have certain thoughts...LIMITED thoughts...of what can happen if SHTF. In your world, there is no reason to prepare. Everything is groovy.
I'd rather be called a fool and be prepared than called dead and think I'm right. You and your ilk are damned fools. Ignore me asshat. You're part of the problem.
This response is full of delusion and white trash bravado.....about what I expected. Tell Clive Bundy to kiss my arse when you see him at the weekend warrior freak show you guys like to attend. Most of you guys claiming to be badasses are a bunch of old, washed up has beens with 42 inch waist lines and ranting about all the pu$$ies you want to beat up. Losers!