You're not wrong about who he is, but the only way you learn is by listening. It's very dangerous to put yourself in a bubble and surround yourself with the same info and thoughts every day.
Maybe you learn nothing from listening to it. Maybe you learn just 1 little thing. I don't think 100% of what anyone says is truthful, but neither is 100% of it false or something I can't learn from.
It's wild to me the thought process of some on here who absolutely refuse to even listen to something opposite of them with an open mind. I'm not saying you're this guy at all, so please don't misunderstand me. It's just alarming to me the amount of people not willing to even hear the other side.
I feel like we're already too far as a country. The line had been drawn and nobody even listens to anyone anymore. Therefore, we cannot learn about or from each other. We are no longer a country working with each other from different viewpoints, instead we're working to ensure our team wins at whatever cost. "We don't want to hear the other side and the other side doesn't want to hear us".
Threads like these are the perfect case study. Nobody is learning or discussing, just name calling, doubling down and refusing to even watch videos or listen to any viewpoint from the opposite side and then we say, "where's your proof" or "why trust them?" It's as if we're pretending, we're one big happy country and we're far from it. We've long been divided and now, we're finally at the point where we don't want to listen or even care about the other half, per se. What's next and why fight to keep it from happening?
Just an observation from a guy who hopes good prevails.