Kamala/Walz 2024

The city found out 5 weeks ago that violent gangs were taking over complexes in Aurora Colorado and they did nothing because of how it would look politically.

This councilwoman says if this is not stopped it will start to spread.

First of all this should be the biggest story in America. Second of all Biden and Harris can send in the national guard and end this 2 hours. Deport the illegals and let the residents feel safe again.

But they won’t. Don’t won’t even speak about this publicly. Can you imagine being dumb enough to keep voting for people who care more about illegal Venezuelan gangs than their own citizens?
Vote Trump to get big pharma back under control with an aim to benefit US citizens only.

We are now watching one of the most hilarious political pivots in history, where Democrats, reacting to the exploding #MAHA movement (Make America Healthy Again) with RFK + Trump, are now openly siding with processed foods, junk foods, pesticides, GMOs, toxic food ingredients and of course Big Pharma's deadly vaccines. To be a Democrat in 2024, you have to now embrace and even endorse mass-production toxic food factories, the mass vaccination of pregnant women, the mass murder of unborn babies, the mass poisoning of our youth with toxic food ingredients, all while claiming to want to "save the planet" with "green" policies. It's beyond hilarious. The Democrats stand for nothing but DEATH. They are the DEATH PARTY, pretending to be the party of "joy." Exactly like the Third Reich. Years ago, I marched in the streets of Austin as part of the "March Against Monsanto." It will filled with bleeding heart liberals who believed in clean food and organics. Today, those very same people believe in toxic processed foods, toxic vaccine jabs and toxic agriculture. The real CLEAN FOODS movement is now RFK+Trump.
Scamala facilitating the invasion of the United States.

BREAKING: Mexico's government just announced that they will start providing bus rides with police & military escorts to illegal migrants heading to the U.S. border

Border Czar Kamala Harris met with Mexican President Andrés Obrador. I wonder if this was part of their plan

The Mexican National Immigration Institute said the buses will leave from the southern cities of Villahermosa and Tapachula. Local, state and federal law enforcement will provide security for the buses and meals will be provided during transit. The aim of Mexico's plan is to relieve pressure on their cities with the waves of illegals passing through.

From now on, getting to the U.S. border is going to be more comfortable than ever for the millions of illegal migrants who want to make their way over here.
Hey Simpleton, Trump met with Obrador first which means he's reponsible! 🤡

This is possibly your worst ever analysis and that's saying something.
Dude, you used a fvcking picture of Kamala standing beside Obrador in 2021 at a summit as the reason Mexico is bussing migrants to the border in 2024. Don't you ever talk about bad analysis, loser.

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