Laken Riley - Say Her Name

I gotta tell you, I’d be able to take the Republican talking points about safety/violence etc a lot more seriously if they gave one single shit about the 632 mass shootings in America last year. You are far, far more likely to be killed by an American citizen with a gun than you are to be killed by an illegal immigrant at all. Over 100 Americans die every day from gun violence. Say their names.
I gotta tell you, I’d be able to take the Republican talking points about safety/violence etc a lot more seriously if they gave one single shit about the 632 mass shootings in America last year. You are far, far more likely to be killed by an American citizen with a gun than you are to be killed by an illegal immigrant at all. Over 100 Americans die every day from gun violence. Say their names.
I’ll say their name. Gang violence
I gotta tell you, I’d be able to take the Republican talking points about safety/violence etc a lot more seriously if they gave one single shit about the 632 mass shootings in America last year. You are far, far more likely to be killed by an American citizen with a gun than you are to be killed by an illegal immigrant at all. Over 100 Americans die every day from gun violence. Say their names.

Gang and drug violence is an awful thing for sure. Responsible for the vast majority of the 632 shootings you reference. Most committed by minorities, against minorities. We should definitely do something about that.
Gang and drug violence is an awful thing for sure. Responsible for the vast majority of the 632 shootings you reference. Most committed by minorities, against minorities. We should definitely do something about that.
Do you ever do any homework before you form an opinion?

Do you ever do any homework before you form an opinion?

Do you?

From your link: Between 1982 and December 2023, 80 out of the 149 mass shootings...

@dbjork6317 referenced 632 in the US last year, which likely uses this definition:

U.S. statute (the Investigative Assistance for Violent Crimes Act of 2012) defines a “mass killing” as “3 or more killings in a single incident.”

Using the stats and implied definition in the post I referenced, my post is accurate.
Do you?

From your link: Between 1982 and December 2023, 80 out of the 149 mass shootings...

@dbjork6317 referenced 632 in the US last year, which likely uses this definition:

U.S. statute (the Investigative Assistance for Violent Crimes Act of 2012) defines a “mass killing” as “3 or more killings in a single incident.”

Using the stats and implied definition in the post I referenced, my post is accurate.

You stated that most mass shootings were committed by minorities against minorities. I showed you statistics that highlighted that was wrong. Then you reply without any data or statistics saying you are accurate. Not only that, but you reply to my post with a definition of mass killings when the topic was mass shootings. Then you imply I am the one not reading.
You stated that most mass shootings were committed by minorities against minorities. I showed you statistics that highlighted that was wrong. Then you reply without any data or statistics saying you are accurate.

You replied with a totally different statistic than what I was replying to. 632 in one year vs 149 across 40 years.

Not hard to extrapolate the answer here when many of those are gang and drug related, and when the FBI gives us simple statistics like 51.2% of murders are committed by AAs, not to mention other minorities. Then adjust for per capita and well...
You replied with a totally different statistic than what I was replying to. 632 in one year vs 149 across 40 years.

Not hard to extrapolate the answer here when many of those are gang and drug related, and when the FBI gives us simple statistics like 51.2% of murders are committed by AAs, not to mention other minorities. Then adjust for per capita and well...
You are throwing out assumptions with no evidence. “Vast majority are gang and drug related” and “most by minorities against minorities” yet have provided no evidence to support this.

You reply with a 2019 statistic about arrests for murder and non-negligent homicide which is not shootings. Nor does it indicate minority on minority crime. Or that it drug or gang related.

If you wanted to argue that violent crimes are more prevalent in Black communities I would agree with you. We would disagree on the reason as I have provided studies that show crime is linked to poverty whereas you say it is “culture” and provide no research to support.
You are throwing out assumptions with no evidence. “Vast majority are gang and drug related” and “most by minorities against minorities” yet have provided no evidence to support this.

You reply with a 2019 statistic about arrests for murder and non-negligent homicide which is not shootings. Nor does it indicate minority on minority crime. Or that it drug or gang related.

If you wanted to argue that violent crimes are more prevalent in Black communities I would agree with you. We would disagree on the reason as I have provided studies that show crime is linked to poverty whereas you say it is “culture” and provide no research to support.

I haven't disagreed that it's correlated to poverty. But poverty rates alone don't make up the massive statistical gap in violent crime per capita. So there are other factors at play.
You are throwing out assumptions with no evidence. “Vast majority are gang and drug related” and “most by minorities against minorities” yet have provided no evidence to support this.

You reply with a 2019 statistic about arrests for murder and non-negligent homicide which is not shootings. Nor does it indicate minority on minority crime. Or that it drug or gang related.

If you wanted to argue that violent crimes are more prevalent in Black communities I would agree with you. We would disagree on the reason as I have provided studies that show crime is linked to poverty whereas you say it is “culture” and provide no research to support.

And here are your stats on minority on minority crime. I don't want to keep going down this road, but the stats are obvious.
And here are your stats on minority on minority crime. I don't want to keep going down this road, but the stats are obvious.
I never disagreed with minority on minority crime. I believe that is due to most communities being segregated. What I’m challenging are your two original statements that the vast majority of shootings is gang and drug related, as well as most bing minority on minority. I have provided data saying that is not true and that actually whites are the leading race for mass shootings.
I never disagreed with minority on minority crime. I believe that is due to most communities being segregated. What I’m challenging are your two original statements that the vast majority of shootings is gang and drug related, as well as most bing minority on minority. I have provided data saying that is not true and that actually whites are the leading race for mass shootings.

Perhaps @dbjork6317 can cite his source on the 632 mass shootings. Because your citation referenced 149 across 41 years, or 3.6 per year. Off by a factor of 176X. So we're clearly talking about different things.
Perhaps @dbjork6317 can cite his source on the 632 mass shootings. Because your citation referenced 149 across 41 years, or 3.6 per year. Off by a factor of 176X. So we're clearly talking about different things.
I assume that is a difference in the definition of mass shooting. One may be two or more people. The source I cited was 4 or more people shot.

But that still doesn’t address your statements that the vast majority are drug/gang related and most are minority on minority. If you want to retract your statement, I would respect the humility in doing so.
I assume that is a difference in the definition of mass shooting. One may be two or more people. The source I cited was 4 or more people shot.

But that still doesn’t address your statements that the vast majority are drug/gang related and most are minority on minority. If you want to retract your statement, I would respect the humility in doing so.

Using whatever definition arrives at 632 per year, I would wager my statements are correct.

I'm not disputing that more school shooters, etc were white. But that's not the statistic I was responding to.
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Using whatever definition arrives at 632 per year, I would wager my statements are correct.

I'm not disputing that more school shooters, etc were white. But that's not the statistic I was responding to.
You are wagering without any evidence. And yes, you were responding to a statistic that includes school shooters. The original post referenced mass shootings, which include school shooters. See below.

I gotta tell you, I’d be able to take the Republican talking points about safety/violence etc a lot more seriously if they gave one single shit about the 632 mass shootings in America last year.
You are wagering without any evidence. And yes, you were responding to a statistic that includes school shooters. The original post referenced mass shootings, which include school shooters. See below.

I don't know how you aren't understanding this. Your stat was on the few school-type shootings per year (3.6 average). @dbjork6317 was making a point about the prevalence of "mass shootings," which included far more than that (176 times more per year). My comment was in reference to that stat, not yours, and not exclusive to Columbines. You can try to disprove it if you wish, but I doubt you will. I have other things to do with my day.
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I gotta tell you, I’d be able to take the Republican talking points about safety/violence etc a lot more seriously if they gave one single shit about the 632 mass shootings in America last year. You are far, far more likely to be killed by an American citizen with a gun than you are to be killed by an illegal immigrant at all. Over 100 Americans die every day from gun violence. Say their names.
I gotta tell you, I’d be able to take the Democrat talking points about safety/violence etc a lot more seriously if they gave one single shit about the 112,000 fentanyl deaths in America last year. You are far, far more likely to be killed by fentanyl than in a mass shooting. Over 306 Americans die every day from fentanyl. Say their names
I gotta tell you, I’d be able to take the Democrat talking points about safety/violence etc a lot more seriously if they gave one single shit about the 112,000 fentanyl deaths in America last year. You are far, far more likely to be killed by fentanyl than in a mass shooting. Over 306 Americans die every day from fentanyl. Say their names
Who's more likely to promote public access to Narcan? Your garden variety Democrat or your garden variety Republican?

How many people die a day to suicide by gun? Do Republicans care about them?
You are throwing out assumptions with no evidence. “Vast majority are gang and drug related” and “most by minorities against minorities” yet have provided no evidence to support this.

You reply with a 2019 statistic about arrests for murder and non-negligent homicide which is not shootings. Nor does it indicate minority on minority crime. Or that it drug or gang related.

If you wanted to argue that violent crimes are more prevalent in Black communities I would agree with you. We would disagree on the reason as I have provided studies that show crime is linked to poverty whereas you say it is “culture” and provide no research to support.
If poverty is the driving force in crime and AA culture/community is not a driving factor, how can you possibly explain the fact that the latino community has a much smaller % representation in violent crime stats even though they share similar socioeconomic status?
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I don't know how you aren't understanding this. Your stat was on the few school-type shootings per year (3.6 average). @dbjork6317 was making a point about the prevalence of "mass shootings," which included far more than that (176 times more per year). My comment was in reference to that stat, not yours, and not exclusive to Columbines. You can try to disprove it if you wish, but I doubt you will. I have other things to do with my day.
I full understand the conversation. You are bouncing around from different arguments and data sets. I provided the data on mass shootings by race. If you have a better data set, then show it. If not, then this is what we have to base the argument on.

I do not know @dbjork6317 ’s source, so can’t reference that.

This discussion has centered on your statement that the vast majority of mass shootings are gang/drug, though you have provided zero evidence. Then you said most mass shootings were minority on minority and provided zero evidence. I provided evidence that that wasn’t true, and you continue to move the goalposts.
I full understand the conversation. You are bouncing around from different arguments and data sets. I provided the data on mass shootings by race. If you have a better data set, then show it. If not, then this is what we have to base the argument on.

I do not know @dbjork6317 ’s source, so can’t reference that.

This discussion has centered on your statement that the vast majority of mass shootings are gang/drug, though you have provided zero evidence. Then you said most mass shootings were minority on minority and provided zero evidence. I provided evidence that that wasn’t true, and you continue to move the goalposts.

I didn't move the goalposts - they were always set on the 632 figure. You provided zero evidence that my assertion wasn't true using that data as the anchor point, but rather jumped to an unrelated data set.

Heck, even your data says AAs are more likely that white people to be mass shooters (which I wasn't even trying to assert in reference to things like school shootings). 13% responsible for 17.4% (more shootings than population) vs. ~60% responsible for 53.7% (less shootings than population). I don't care about that, but let's not pretend that white people are somehow more diabolical than anyone else.

You're exhausting dude. If you need anything else, you can research it on your own.
I gotta tell you, I’d be able to take the Democrat talking points about safety/violence etc a lot more seriously if they gave one single shit about the 112,000 fentanyl deaths in America last year. You are far, far more likely to be killed by fentanyl than in a mass shooting. Over 306 Americans die every day from fentanyl. Say their names

And let's not forget the funds allocated to advanced technology to detect fentanyl in the border bill that was voted down.
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I didn't move the goalposts - they were always set on the 632 figure. You provided zero evidence that my assertion wasn't true using that data as the anchor point, but rather jumped to an unrelated data set.

Heck, even your data says AAs are more likely that white people to be mass shooters (which I wasn't even trying to assert in reference to things like school shootings). 13% responsible for 17.4% (more shootings than population) vs. ~60% responsible for 53.7% (less shootings than population). I don't care about that, but let's not pretend that white people are somehow more diabolical than anyone else.

You're exhausting dude. If you need anything else, you can research it on your own.
It’s only exhausting because you keep dodging your original narrative. Not my problem!

And let's not forget the funds allocated to advanced technology to detect fentanyl in the border bill that was voted down.
The house passed a bill last may that had even more funding to get control of the border. Sadly, it died in the democrat senate.
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The house passed a bill last may that had even more funding to get control of the border. Sadly, it died in the democrat senate.
I'm only addressing your quote "I’d be able to take the Democrat talking points about safety/violence etc a lot more seriously if they gave one single shit about the 112,000 fentanyl deaths in America last year."

They do care and they've proved it.

HR2 is a separate discussion that many Republicans even said was unrealistic.
@scotchtiger is correct in that I’m referencing mass shootings as shootings that have 3 or more victims.

The rest of the argument around where/why and who’s doing it - irrelevant would be the wrong word - but to me the issue is gun violence is happening and we need to figure out a way to lessen it regardless of where it’s occurring.

There are definitely socioeconomic factors at play, and obviously the incredible ease of access to guns is a major factor as well. “Cultural” factors exist, but to me those are much more difficult to solve for. From a policy stand point, addressing economic challenges and availability of guns is more tenable than addressing sort of abstract cultural issues.

As I’ve posted over and over, there is no one singular fix all to the gun violence issue. Just like there’s no fix all to the issue of poverty and drug addiction. Although these things do often go hand in hand, it’s not even really very realistic to solve for all of them at the same time.

America needs to be better in all of these areas, and it’s going to take time and systemic changes in order to successfully create long term improvements.
I haven't disagreed that it's correlated to poverty. But poverty rates alone don't make up the massive statistical gap in violent crime per capita. So there are other factors at play.
What do you believe those “other factors” are and how do you think we could solve for them?
What do you believe those “other factors” are and how do you think we could solve for them?
A very large factor is whatever is being valued in the AA community. There are multiple possible culprits there, but I suspect lack of education and lack of two parent homes are the main ones.
Look at the hispanic community. They have a very similar socio economic situation. Yet, crime committed by that ethnic group is a fraction of that of the AA community. If it were primarily poverty, hispanics would account for most crime since they are a larger portion of the population. I doubt it is a coincidence that the hispanic community has a much higher % of two parent homes and places a higher value on education(particularly at least through high school).
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Gang and drug violence is an awful thing for sure. Responsible for the vast majority of the 632 shootings you reference. Most committed by minorities, against minorities. We should definitely do something about that.

Schedule a shootout day providing weapons guns bullets grenades where the rival combatting gangs would meet in remote land away from civilization and shoot and kill until there is no man standing

Let them satisfy their blood lust with their blood

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