The thing with Q fanatics is that its like arguing with a religious nut. They have faith in the plan. And Trumps the god king brought to make it all happen. So like all cults when it falls apart in their face, they rationalize or they wake up. Far too few wake up to the BS.
Anyway, another interesting thing about Q is it is quite possible our own CIA used the hysteria to put out its own psyop. Maybe they did take it over at some point, who knows. I do know the CIA spent a lot of time infiltrating anti war groups in the past, they hate wikileaks, snowden and assange. Maybe they have long marching orders to dissuade any group that dislikes the 'establishment' and the military industrial complex. It was interesting that one of Q's many bs lies was that Trump secretly pardoned Assange.
Its quite likely not only the CIA took part but others took advantage. Anyway, the foolish voters in this country that believed anything coming out of the Qanon cult should probably get a brain exam. How in the world do people even get born in this country that are this gullible?