MAGA influencers caught up in Russia sting WOW

Seriously, fvck that guy. In the past I have tried to ignore his personal attacks and to at least keep my points / trolls at a level of respect of not attacking him personally. But, i just got tired of taking the shots without giving it back. If that so happened to fall on the day he buried his father in law its a coincidence. But maybe he will take some time and think about how he talks to people. My opinion remains that he is an asshole. Fvck him.
K, to everyone else, here was the chain of events:

1. Regular seen back and forth
2. Yoshi mentions he just buried a family member
3. FP doesn't acknowledge the loss, but does call him him FOS and a loser
4. Yoshi then uses your family to insult you
5. FP then uses the death of a family member to insult Yoshi (it's possible you are Vance's burner account and just insulting him because he may not have kids and weren't insulting a death in his family, but pretty low to me or amazing you wouldn't have that thought before posting)

Doesn't take much to just realize someone may not be in a normal mental state after losing a family member and maybe you just say sorry for your loss and stop engaging.
Yes. They literally were in the nursery together in Church as infants. She always said that she doesn't remember not knowing him. They married at 18 and 19 years old.

She is doing ok, but it's a massive presence in all our lives. It's just so weird, all of his stuff is right where he left it, but he's gone.

They live next door to us, so we are able to help, but we also spent a lot of time with them so it's really been harder on me than I expected.

Glad yall are right there for her.
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That big bad Russian disinformation that Tim Pool posted.

Which post is disinformation @yoshi121374

Clown boy. It doesn’t take long to google tim pool. What you waiting on?
Tim Pool claimed that *checks notes* Ukraine was an enemy country to the USA. That Ukraine started the 'conflict'.

He appeared to be reading off a script. Im sure he had NO IDEA what his 100k a week went to, and was not influenced what so ever. Yep.
No because leftist dont feel they can win a fair election and use lawfare or deadly force to get their way. You started this when Obama was POTUS and use lawfare to go after conservative groups. Since you got away with that you have gone even farther now. Like I told you before, one day that bill will come due and you wont like it when it does...
Trump has never won a popular vote. Every attempt to discredit the vote counts has been abolished. Ya'll are lying to yourselves.