Michigan Election Fraud Info

Well we are here and will continue to confront you Communists on the continual lies and refusal to accept base reality.
Base Reality... LMAO. I don't think you know what that means.

You've been posting this stuff for 4 YEARS man. Trump lost. THAT'S REALITY. You can tell b/c Biden is in the White House and Trump has been run out of his own home state and has to live on one of his golf courses. THAT'S REALITY. In spite of all the crap you've posted in the past 4 years, NONE of it has made it in court (where it counts). THAT'S REALITY. Trump's a convicted felon. THAT'S REALITY. Let us all know when YOU accept base reality.
And speaking of weak sauce, you posted some random tweeter talking about it instead of looking it up yourself. THAT'S weak sauce, but only to be expected when you let Donald Trump tell you what you are thinking.
If this makes you feel good then fine. Wooooohh I feel burned. LOL!!