Who did not like making funny Mr. Potatohead faces?My kids (10 and 13) both liked Mr./Mrs. Potatohead. Especially when you watched as much Toy Story as them.
Hope you feeling better?
Who did not like making funny Mr. Potatohead faces?My kids (10 and 13) both liked Mr./Mrs. Potatohead. Especially when you watched as much Toy Story as them.
You should go storm the capital to show then who's bossCancel culture wins again! They are not the majority! Why are we allowing all this BS?!
Nah, you're just an idiot. HTH.I'm sure a tolerant leftie will come in soon to tell us how we're overreacting and genderphobes.
We can agree to disagree here....but I do think it’s a bit of a stretch to (1) get offended that a toy company decided to make their POTATO gender nutural and (2) to think that it is some conspiracy by the left to take everything you hold dear away from you.Bullshit
This move was uncalled for.
All they had to do was put a tiny spud penis on Mrs. Potato Head and a small vagina on Mr. Potato Head and that really would have been enough.
Must really bug you to know that the guy who is telling you that you are overreacting is, in fact, a fiscal conservative.I'm sure a tolerant leftie will come in soon to tell us how we're overreacting and genderphobes.
"doesn't fit with the modern family"
Dang, maybe instead of focusing of bowing down to the screwed up "family" of today, let's focus on revitalizing "family" and make it OK to be a Mom and a Dad and a couple of kids or so. Go ahead and shoot me, but the destruction of the American "family" is behind a lot of our problems today.
I don’t need to relax. just making jokes because that’s so dumb I think it’s funnyRelax guys....this is nothing more than a company trying to stream line production and offerings. It has nothing to do with any 'pressure' they received other than the pressure to increase profits.
treated as nonsense? (correct spelling)Hmm... Im not such a doom and gloomer. I think stuff like this is really non sense of course and should be treated as non sense. The world now has its faults and so did the world back then. If I'm 70 years old, I don't have youthful optimism to help shape my worldview... Its good to try to be objective and objectively if you were to rate happiness, outside this dumb pandemic's damage, then we've had our quality of life steadily improve.
Old people complain, its what they do. Young people think everything is forever and have optimism ,its what they do. Almost like, its how nature intended.
Not a stretch at all, Gumby.We can agree to disagree here....but I do think it’s a bit of a stretch to (1) get offended that a toy company decided to make their POTATO gender nutural and (2) to think that it is some conspiracy by the left to take everything you hold dear away from you.
Relentless courage IYAM.Thank goodness for this change...I couldn't imagine living my life anymore with a gendered potato head. America has been saved. So progressive. This is a defining moment in the history of our country. Truly inspiring times we live in.
Fuk off Hasbro
Must really bug you to know that the guy who is telling you that you are overreacting is, in fact, a fiscal conservative.
I use "folks".....and your people have become wokes.I was told just the other day to use “partners” or “teams” when addressing my work team because I had/have a habit of saying “guys” and apparently it’s not inclusive...... I was more annoyed more than anything but whatever.
Changing Mr. Potatoe’s name though ... that’s a bit far imo. I doubt many people were complaining about his name. Wow
Again....it’s a TOY POTATO! Or potatoe for a Quale “cuck”You sound like a Romney cuck. A conservative totally unaware that he’s losing the culture war, but go on
The difference is that kids weren't raging vaginas back then the way they are now.Hmm... Im not such a doom and gloomer. I think stuff like this is really non sense of course and should be treated as non sense. The world now has its faults and so did the world back then. If I'm 70 years old, I don't have youthful optimism to help shape my worldview... Its good to try to be objective and objectively if you were to rate happiness, outside this dumb pandemic's damage, then we've had our quality of life steadily improve.
Old people complain, its what they do. Young people think everything is forever and have optimism ,its what they do. Almost like, its how nature intended.
Modestly you teach your kids to lotion up and get mani/pedis? Good for you.The difference is that kids weren't raging vaginas back then the way they are now.
I was born in 75 and had tough as nails male authority figures (dad, grandaddy, great grandaddy) to look up to in my life that showed me what it was to be a God fearing, hard working, take no shit, simple, modest, honest kind of family man. They were manly men and me and my cousins wanted to be strong and tough and work hard just like they did.
Now we teach kids that masculinity is a curse and we should all regularly lotion up our hands and get our damn eyebrows waxed after mani/pedis. Not to mention we didn't have electronics and social media that turned us into pasty, lazy, couch potatoes.
you sound old and angrytreated as nonsense? (correct spelling)
think I will consider such as a fine description of your post
Again....it’s a TOY POTATO! Or potatoe for a Quale “cuck”
you sound young, idealistic and naiveyou sound old and angry
You may want to rethink your take.Nah, you're just an idiot. HTH.
The only force driving this move is selling more toys.
you sound young, idealistic and naive
let's be friends
No doubt.He’s just a contrarian and a troll. Nothing more.
Yeah, but see, those folks don't think it sounds stupid at all. For them, it is completely reasonable to pretend that males and females are the same with no biological differences. Science be damned.Could you imagine sitting down with one of the founding fathers and trying to explain America to them now. You would be like, "Mr. Washington, I know you tackled some weighty stuff back in your day with you know fighting a war, writing a constitution (which by the way we no longer really go by), and building a nation from scratch, but let me tell you about the important stuff we are dealing with. We are making sure men can play women's sports, I mean men can be women and women can be men you know. We also like to make sure that we can kill our unborn children.
I wonder if the lunatics that believe all this madness ever actually say it out loud to hear how stupid it all sounds.