Outside of religious beliefs, what are the good reasons?Bravo, Cris.
Twisting the facts is a common, and purposeful, tactic of the left.
There is just a HUGE difference between "hating gays", and believing that marriage, which has been between a man an woman in every civilization since the beginning of time, should remain that way; and there are good reasons for it.
I agree with you 100%.I think Dabo should have made his appearance and took the award and not even mention this group or what they wanted.
He should have stuck to his guns and threw it in their face by taking the award. At some point people have to stand up for what they believe regardless of who it pisses off.
Very surprised (in a positive way) by the responses from you guys, especially Cris. However, it must be pointed out that the "process" described by Cris in generating a non story into a "national" story was perfected in its implementation and impact by none other than the beloved Rupert Murdoch.We now have an entire national network that demonstrates this each and every day.
Outside of religious beliefs, what are the good reasons?
Very surprised (in a positive way) by the responses from you guys, especially Cris. However, it must be pointed out that the "process" described by Cris in generating a non story into a "national" story was perfected in its implementation and impact by none other than the beloved Rupert Murdoch.We now have an entire national network that demonstrates this each and every day.
Steven15, let me know when sex between 2 men or 2 women results in childbirth. That's enough reason for me. Let alone the challenges children face when reared in homes minus a mother or father.
Steven15, let me know when sex between 2 men or 2 women results in childbirth. That's enough reason for me. Let alone the challenges children face when reared in homes minus a mother or father.
I agree completely. The right and especially Fox news loves to distort with lead ins such as "Christianity under Attack" very similar to the way MSNBC distorts with some of the Political Correctness "Hate" stuff. Personally I think Rush started the hysteria journalistic movement but, regardless, it is safe to say that both sides use it to their advantage. The polarization of Congress and both sides only dumbs down journalism and society in general.
Great post, thanks for covering the adoption aspect before I got into itI would like someone to give me a "good reason" to be against gay marriage though since it was claimed that there was one. So far it's bc they cant make a baby but I was adopted by my heterosexual parents bc they cant have a baby so how is that different? The other reason given was the problems the child would face but are those problems not caused by intolerance? So many babies live in foster care, horrible home situations, why would you not be for giving them a good home with two dads or whatever... Not to mention that these things can happen anyway. I dont think a lot of people realize that marriage stopped being strictly a religious institution when the government started providing benefits for married couples.
I agree completely. The right and especially Fox news loves to distort with lead ins such as "Christianity under Attack" very similar to the way MSNBC distorts with some of the Political Correctness "Hate" stuff. Personally I think Rush started the hysteria journalistic movement but, regardless, it is safe to say that both sides use it to their advantage. The polarization of Congress and both sides only dumbs down journalism and society in general.
Thanks for speaking truth Cris. The libs have no tolerance and are closed minded......this is just another clear example.
It blows my mind that people who are not gay have such strong opinions about gay marriage when in reality it doesn't affect them at all. IMO that is one of the absolute biggest reasons that politics in America is broken, and the republican party in particular. The far right puts WAY too much emphasis on social issues, when in reality those issues are vastly unimportant compared to issues of national security, the national and world economy, unemployment, etc. I completely identify with republican views on those issues, but the far right makes Republicans look like backward hicks because they are so worried about gay marriage, abortion, stem cell research, and other social issues that, while important, pale in comparison to issues that affect the everyday lives of most Americans. Because of this, the republican party is going to have a hard time getting a like minded president in the White House because the party as a whole won't support a candidate that's not staunchly anti gay marriage and pro Life, and a republican candidate who won't be open minded about those issues has zero chance of getting elected President.
The Tea Party and other far right groups are absolutely killing the Republican party, and conservative guys like me who are more moderate on social issues get lost in the cross fire and have to endure jackasses like Barack Obama for 8 years simply because the far right doesn't want two men or two women to get married. The stupidity of it is mind bottling.
We as heterosexuals should not care what gay people do. Live and let live. If they want to get married they should be allowed to. Being gay is absolutely not a choice (at least not in most cases) and those that are born gay should have every opportunity to lead happy lives, the same way the rest of us do.