I was wondering if TI was going to cover this issue, and I assumed, that it had very little to do with football, and therefore not a subject this site would be interested in. JUST AS DABO realized that this in no way advanced his football program. His only mistake was not vetting this group (or any group for that matter) before agreeing to go. The second mistake was not listening to rational people who warned him in advance that this could and would blow up into a big mess if he didn't put it to bed sooner than later. In the long run, I agree with you, Dabo must investigate any group he speaks in front of in the future. He is not just a coach, he is not just christian, he is a role model who represents Clemson University.
On a side note… I have read all of these responses and I will tell you as a die hard Clemson fan, 3rd generation Clemson graduate, Christian and a gay man, you need to walk in someone else's shoes before you pass too much judgement. There have been and there ARE gay football players on our team. If you think otherwise, you really need to catch up on life. My thoughts are with that kid on the team or the possible recruit who is playing or really wants to come play for a great program, but happens to be gay. He then finds out his coach/future coach is speaking in front of an organization that says that if his parents pray enough and get the correct reparative therapy, their gay son can change to be heterosexual. I challenge any of you who are straight, to try to change your sexuality that you too were born with and did not choose.
I know Dabo and I know people that surround him and can say for certainty, Dabo is in no way anything like those members of the Palmetto Council who claim to have the exclusive interpretation of the Bible. Dabo during the Michael Sam story stated he would not tolerate discrimination in any way on his team. He would never ask a gay player to change etc. He gets it and also knows one can be a Christian and still accept and support people for who they are. Who are we to judge or question the way God made any of us. God made me a gay man, but he also made me ORANGE… and I think that is what we all need to agree on.