Newly Discovered Video Shows Late Night Deliveries of Tens of Thousands of Illegal Ballots 8 Hours After Deadline.


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Dec 21, 2001

Exclusive: The TCF Center Election Fraud – Newly Discovered Video Shows Late Night Deliveries of Tens of Thousands of Illegal Ballots 8 Hours After Deadline
By Jim Hoft
Published February 5, 2021 at 7:20am
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By Cassandra Fairbanks and Jim Hoft

On Tuesday, November 3rd President Trump was ahead of Joe Biden in the swing state of Michigan by over 100,000 votes. This appeared to be another solid win for President Trump in Michigan with a greater margin than his 2016 victory. The ballot counting in Detroit, Michigan on election night took place at the TCF Center, formerly known as Cobo Hall.
This is the site where Detroit City Officials put cardboard over the windows to prevent the GOP observers from seeing in, where poll workers were militantly hostile to the GOP observers, and where hundreds of affidavits by election observers claim they witnessed voter fraud.

At least three election observers testified in sworn affidavits that they witnessed vehicles delivering fraudulent ballots to the TCF Center early in the morning on November 4th.
TRENDING: Exclusive: The TCF Center Election Fraud - Newly Discovered Video Shows Late Night Deliveries of Tens of Thousands of Illegal Ballots 8 Hours After Deadline
Michigander Shane Trejo witnessed the 3:30 am Biden Ballot Drop that gave Joe Biden an outstanding lift. “There were thousands of ballots in each box,” Trejo says. “There were at least 50 boxes that I saw unloaded at 3:30 am, well after the 8:00 pm deadline for ballots to show up.”
The 3:30 am was the first ballot delivery since 10:30 pm when 138,000 ballots showed up suddenly. Shane later testified that he noticed that the city of Detroit Clerk’s Office and its emblem were written on the white van that showed up with the ballots. City Clerk Janice Winfrey‘s name was on the van and a number presumably for Janet Winfrey’s office. Trejo says the ballots could not be processed when they arrived, so by the time they were counted, a new shift of poll workers had come in for the day.
After these ballot drops Joe Biden took the lead in Michigan.

Shane Trejo explained how the timing was important. The Biden Ballot Drop took place at the end of one shift. The ballots were left uncounted. So when the new shift came to count ballots they didn’t know where the ballots had come from.
Trejo repeatedly asked about this truck to site supervisors and was STONEWALLED.
Former Michigan State Senator Pat Colbeck was also present at the TCF Center on the morning of November 4th. Senator Colbeck also witnessed the 3:30 am Biden Ballot Drop. Colbeck spoke with The Gateway Pundit back in November, “I went back there and I witnessed a mini-panel truck if you will with a Detroit Election Bureau regalia all over the side and a vehicle ID number on it… And inside of it, and this gets into some chain of custody discussions, there was no indication that there was a Republican and a Democrat (present) during transfer. We don’t know if they stopped by a sidestreet in Coney Island and picked up a few more ballots during transfer. We have no way of verifying any of that information.”

The authorities and media in Michigan were completely uninterested in following up on this shocking story.
Until today, no one has bothered to review the video footage from the TCF Center on election night.
The Gateway Pundit requested the TCF video back in December!

The TCF Center tried to quote us over $22,000 for one day’s worth of video.
We requested two hours of video.
Last Friday we were sent the requested video.
Since last week we have been combing through the hundreds of hours of security camera footage from the TCF Center on the morning of November 4th.
And what we found is a political bombshell.

At 3:23 AM The Gateway Pundit has exclusive video of a white van registered to the city of Detroit entering the gate into the TCF Center.
** At 3:25 AM we discovered video from a second camera showing three individuals unloading over 50 boxes of ballots in a hallway inside the TCF Building and just outside the counting room.
** The ballots were then wheeled away on carts into the ballot counting room.
** The van is then seen on video leaving the center about 25 minutes later.
** Then we saw the van returning an hour later, entering the TCF Center again and unloading more boxes of ballots.
** The white van was escorted by a black sports car for both ballot deliveries.
** The white van was allowed through an electronic gate to enter the TCF complex.
This is video proof of the fraud in Detroit, Michigan. It is exactly as the GOP observers described it to us back in November!
We have more damning video from the TCF Center to release in the coming days.
Here is our video on the election fraud in the Detroit TCF Center on election night:

NOTE - Watch the video at link on the bottom.

Special thanks to Cassandra Fairbanks who did an outstanding job on this project.
Is this all it takes? How do we know what is being unloaded? How do we know when the video takes place? How do we even know where the video take place?
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Two time impeached, 4 time divorced, one term insurrectionist disgraced former president Trump.

This thread is for the new video. You guys have already strongly given your opinions on Trump, so no need to restate what we already know.
Butt hurt

Of course I am butt hurt you F**King prick. I am understandably upset that the presidential election was unlawfully flipped to a losing candidate and we are basically now under foreign control with China Joe occupying the oval office. You cant refute the data presented either. There is sworn testimony from multiple persons to go along with video received from that facility during a specific timeframe. THIS IS A A SMOKING GUN!!
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Of course I am butt hurt you F**King prick. I am understandably upset that the presidential election was unlawfully flipped to a losing candidate and we are basically now under foreign control with China Joe occupying the oval office. You cant refute the data presented either. There is sworn testimony from multiple persons to go along with video received from that facility during a specific timeframe. THIS IS A A SMOKING GUN!!

Wrong again. You're such a joke. Wake the hell up, Trump lost, Biden won. Suck it the F up and move on with your life.

Exclusive: The TCF Center Election Fraud – Newly Discovered Video Shows Late Night Deliveries of Tens of Thousands of Illegal Ballots 8 Hours After Deadline
By Jim Hoft
Published February 5, 2021 at 7:20am
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By Cassandra Fairbanks and Jim Hoft

On Tuesday, November 3rd President Trump was ahead of Joe Biden in the swing state of Michigan by over 100,000 votes. This appeared to be another solid win for President Trump in Michigan with a greater margin than his 2016 victory. The ballot counting in Detroit, Michigan on election night took place at the TCF Center, formerly known as Cobo Hall.
This is the site where Detroit City Officials put cardboard over the windows to prevent the GOP observers from seeing in, where poll workers were militantly hostile to the GOP observers, and where hundreds of affidavits by election observers claim they witnessed voter fraud.

At least three election observers testified in sworn affidavits that they witnessed vehicles delivering fraudulent ballots to the TCF Center early in the morning on November 4th.
TRENDING: Exclusive: The TCF Center Election Fraud - Newly Discovered Video Shows Late Night Deliveries of Tens of Thousands of Illegal Ballots 8 Hours After Deadline
Michigander Shane Trejo witnessed the 3:30 am Biden Ballot Drop that gave Joe Biden an outstanding lift. “There were thousands of ballots in each box,” Trejo says. “There were at least 50 boxes that I saw unloaded at 3:30 am, well after the 8:00 pm deadline for ballots to show up.”
The 3:30 am was the first ballot delivery since 10:30 pm when 138,000 ballots showed up suddenly. Shane later testified that he noticed that the city of Detroit Clerk’s Office and its emblem were written on the white van that showed up with the ballots. City Clerk Janice Winfrey‘s name was on the van and a number presumably for Janet Winfrey’s office. Trejo says the ballots could not be processed when they arrived, so by the time they were counted, a new shift of poll workers had come in for the day.
After these ballot drops Joe Biden took the lead in Michigan.

Shane Trejo explained how the timing was important. The Biden Ballot Drop took place at the end of one shift. The ballots were left uncounted. So when the new shift came to count ballots they didn’t know where the ballots had come from.
Trejo repeatedly asked about this truck to site supervisors and was STONEWALLED.
Former Michigan State Senator Pat Colbeck was also present at the TCF Center on the morning of November 4th. Senator Colbeck also witnessed the 3:30 am Biden Ballot Drop. Colbeck spoke with The Gateway Pundit back in November, “I went back there and I witnessed a mini-panel truck if you will with a Detroit Election Bureau regalia all over the side and a vehicle ID number on it… And inside of it, and this gets into some chain of custody discussions, there was no indication that there was a Republican and a Democrat (present) during transfer. We don’t know if they stopped by a sidestreet in Coney Island and picked up a few more ballots during transfer. We have no way of verifying any of that information.”

The authorities and media in Michigan were completely uninterested in following up on this shocking story.
Until today, no one has bothered to review the video footage from the TCF Center on election night.
The Gateway Pundit requested the TCF video back in December!

The TCF Center tried to quote us over $22,000 for one day’s worth of video.
We requested two hours of video.
Last Friday we were sent the requested video.
Since last week we have been combing through the hundreds of hours of security camera footage from the TCF Center on the morning of November 4th.
And what we found is a political bombshell.

At 3:23 AM The Gateway Pundit has exclusive video of a white van registered to the city of Detroit entering the gate into the TCF Center.
** At 3:25 AM we discovered video from a second camera showing three individuals unloading over 50 boxes of ballots in a hallway inside the TCF Building and just outside the counting room.
** The ballots were then wheeled away on carts into the ballot counting room.
** The van is then seen on video leaving the center about 25 minutes later.
** Then we saw the van returning an hour later, entering the TCF Center again and unloading more boxes of ballots.
** The white van was escorted by a black sports car for both ballot deliveries.
** The white van was allowed through an electronic gate to enter the TCF complex.
This is video proof of the fraud in Detroit, Michigan. It is exactly as the GOP observers described it to us back in November!
We have more damning video from the TCF Center to release in the coming days.
Here is our video on the election fraud in the Detroit TCF Center on election night:

NOTE - Watch the video at link on the bottom.

Special thanks to Cassandra Fairbanks who did an outstanding job on this project.

The fact you continue to post idiocy from these people, who have no idea how any of this works, makes you a double idiot. Ha.

And, insane.

To be clear. As with most of the idiocy for these people, this is a normal part of the process. These ballots were processed by the local authority on time, and sent to the tcf center for counting. Ballots don't just appear magically at the central tabulating place, they have to be sent there (I know... Details). And these were received and processed on time.

Yikes man. Yikes.
The fact you continue to post idiocy from these people, who have no idea how any of this works, makes you a double idiot. Ha.

And, insane.

To be clear. As with most of the idiocy for these people, this is a normal part of the process. These ballots were processed by the local authority on time, and sent to the tcf center for counting. Ballots don't just appear magically at the central tabulating place, they have to be sent there (I know... Details). And these were received and processed on time.

Yikes man. Yikes.

Incorrect. These ballots come in after 3am and then biden gets more than 90% of over a hundred thousand ballots? No fricking way that's legit.
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Left-wing talking points only. Still can't explain 90+ percent of over a hundred thousand votes going to biden in the middle of the night.

Pretty easy to explain. They were mail in ballots which went heavily to the President since the former president told his supporters not to vote by mail. Been explained for a couple of months now. It also wasn't a surprise to anyone except for rubes like you.
Pretty easy to explain. They were mail in ballots which went heavily to the President since the former president told his supporters not to vote by mail. Been explained for a couple of months now. It also wasn't a surprise to anyone except for rubes like you.

Not only that but they were mail in ballots from heavily Democratic counties. Those facts won't matter to him though. He's mad as a March hare.
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Of course I am butt hurt you F**King prick. I am understandably upset that the presidential election was unlawfully flipped to a losing candidate and we are basically now under foreign control with China Joe occupying the oval office. You cant refute the data presented either. There is sworn testimony from multiple persons to go along with video received from that facility during a specific timeframe. THIS IS A A SMOKING GUN!!

People like you are the reason the Republican Party has become a laughingstock.

It aggravates me to no end.
Pretty easy to explain. They were mail in ballots which went heavily to the President since the former president told his supporters not to vote by mail. Been explained for a couple of months now. It also wasn't a surprise to anyone except for rubes like you.

Doesn't cut the mustard.
Doesn't cut the mustard.

What you don't understand is that what I said is the absolute truth. You don't like it,but it doesn't make it untrue.

The only people surprised were people like you who apparently didn't study the election nor listen to analysis. This was completely expected.
Not only that but they were mail in ballots from heavily Democratic counties. Those facts won't matter to him though. He's mad as a March hare.

90+ percent rates do not happen in real life even on district levels and if the votes came in that late then they were not mail in votes.
What you don't understand is that what I said is the absolute truth. You don't like it,but it doesn't make it untrue.

The only people surprised were people like you who apparently didn't study the election nor listen to analysis. This was completely expected.

You are just wrong and do not forget it.
You are just wrong and do not forget it.

So if I'm wrong it should be easy to prove. How about some proof then? Maybe from a source better than the Gateway Pundit who has a record of reporting that's actually worse than the Trump legal team.

You're an absolute joke and you are becoming a laughingstock. Seriously man, get some help. It's sad.
So if I'm wrong it should be easy to prove. How about some proof then? Maybe from a source better than the Gateway Pundit who has a record of reporting that's actually worse than the Trump legal team.

You're an absolute joke and you are becoming a laughingstock. Seriously man, get some help. It's sad.

ok, what are the probabilities of massive vote dumping in the middle of the night being legit. Even in democratic counties, there is zero chance 99% went to the democratic candidate. The joke is on you but congrats your man “won”. Why even respond if you are so confident that the election was legit?
What you don't understand is that what I said is the absolute truth. You don't like it,but it doesn't make it untrue.

The only people surprised were people like you who apparently didn't study the election nor listen to analysis. This was completely expected.

yes it was expected and that’s why President Trump warned everyone after the mid terms. He knew that the 2018 election was rigged and the same was going to happen in 2020.
ok, what are the probabilities of massive vote dumping in the middle of the night being legit. Even in democratic counties, there is zero chance 99% went to the democratic candidate. The joke is on you but congrats your man “won”. Why even respond if you are so confident that the election was legit?

I respond because he dumps garbage stories from terrible sources daily and then claims that it isn't his belief. He never talks about actual policies other than loving Trump. He has yet to provide any actual proof that this election was stolen,but then states nothing would change his mind.

I respond because people like him are terrible for America. Trump is awful for America and I'm so glad he's gone. History is not going to be kind to Donald Trump.
yes it was expected and that’s why President Trump warned everyone after the mid terms. He knew that the 2018 election was rigged and the same was going to happen in 2020.

Or maybe Trump saw the writing on the wall and knew that he'd lose? And in typical Donald Trump fashion had to blame other people, because his sorry petty ass will never admit fault.
I respond because he dumps garbage stories from terrible sources daily and then claims that it isn't his belief. He never talks about actual policies other than loving Trump. He has yet to provide any actual proof that this election was stolen,but then states nothing would change his mind.

I respond because people like him are terrible for America. Trump is awful for America and I'm so glad he's gone. History is not going to be kind to Donald Trump.

we disagree again.. shocker. How about responding to the first part of my post?
90+ percent rates do not happen in real life even on district levels and if the votes came in that late then they were not mail in votes.

Let me guess, I bet you think Kansas City won the Super Bowl too.
Or maybe Trump saw the writing on the wall and knew that he'd lose? And in typical Donald Trump fashion had to blame other people, because his sorry petty ass will never admit fault.

You are a laughingstock. 😅 Take your old school sleeping establishment BS and stick it.

If not being a Q guzzling idiot that believes everything the gateway pundit posts makes me part of the “old school sleeping establishment” then consider me a card carrying member.

I’m 36 btw, and unlike you, I’m a sane republican.
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If not being a Q guzzling idiot that believes everything the gateway pundit posts makes me part of the “old school sleeping establishment” then consider me a card carrying member.

I’m 36 btw, and unlike you, I’m a sane republican.

You are a dumbass period. I am not referring to your age, but your mindset. I am 57 btw and not a dumbass.

You are also in the minority in the republican party. AP poll which is not right wing at all stated that 65 percent of registered republicans feel the election was illegally stolen. Take that and suck on it.
yes it was expected and that’s why President Trump warned everyone after the mid terms. He knew that the 2018 election was rigged and the same was going to happen in 2020.

He warned everybody because he KNEW HE WOULD LOSE. What part of he never even got to a 50% approval rating don't you understand? What part of he took time out of every day to slander 55% of the country do you not understand? He knew so far in advance that he'd probably lose that he tried to blackmail another country into starting a fake investigation into his probable opponent. He ONLY appealed to his base but somehow you think that means he automatically got more votes, disregarding that he was the most hated President in history, with the lowest approval ratings ever. HOW DOES THAT ADD UP TO MORE VOTES??
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How embarrassing that you are 57 and you’ve fallen for this stuff.

I am 57 and a helluva lot smarter than you. You are one of the sheep and in the minority of registered republicans as a recent AP poll states that 65 percent of registered republicans think the election was illegally stolen.

In all honesty I dont go by polls though, I go by what I think is right or wrong no matter what.
He warned everybody because he KNEW HE WOULD LOSE. What part of he never even got to a 50% approval rating don't you understand? What part of he took time out of every day to slander 55% of the country do you not understand? He knew so far in advance that he'd probably lose that he tried to blackmail another country into starting a fake investigation into his probable opponent. He ONLY appealed to his base but somehow you think that means he automatically got more votes, disregarding that he was the most hated President in history, with the lowest approval ratings ever. HOW DOES THAT ADD UP TO MORE VOTES??

The broken record recites his talking points again.
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