Night club had a "No concealable weapons allowed" sign

First off, I have a concealed carry permit, and carry at times. I will never carry into a bar. I will most likely have a drink at some point and then I'm breaking the law. I never would want to be in an altercation in a bar and have a concealed weapon on me. The chances of ever having justification to draw in bar fight are slim. However, I 100% agree that having no concealed weapons posted makes that establishment a higher risk target. Would I like to carry when taking my children to movies? you bet I would. Very limited exits and easy to control if someone got inside.

Secondly, there is no way to prevent these types of attacks.One person acting on their own can not be stopped. I don't think stricter gun laws would either. If the person has no criminal record, even if there were more thorough back ground checks, waiting periods, etc they would eventually get their weapons. The one thing someone like this has is time. They can take as much time as they need to prep for this. They could come up with a way to make this happen. Handgun, shotgun, AR, bomb, suicide bomber, etc it makes no difference. This type of person has no fear of dying and goes in knowing they will not live. There is no stopping them until they are dead.

In the end, a lot of our own freedoms give us the ability to do these things. It is our ability to know right from wrong that prevents these tragedies from happening more often.
Yes you are that stupid, next offensive coordinator!
Having a concealed weapon doesn't turn you into Dirty Harry. Most folks who are untrained would shit their pants in a situation where guns are pulled. Hope for someone else to take care of the situation.
im responding to the post you quoted..... I don't see where he stated "ar" stands for assault rifle ...... But is an ar-15 (armalite rifle) not an assault rifle? Were you referring to another post?

He said an assault rifle was used. By definition an assault rifle is an automotic magazine fed gun. An AR-15 is not an automatic firing gun. You must pull the trigger each time you want it to fire.
Assault rifles are illegal to own in the US. Our military uses then when in combat but you can't walk up and buy one.
Our freedoms will be the death of America. I hate to say it but if we don't crack down on our youth our country will go down for the FREEDOM so many have faught for
It's a new day and social media is going to prove worse than any assault riffles.
You do know there's a difference between an assault rifle and assault weapon, right?
Are we really having this conversation? You want to debate the effing difference between an assault weapon and assault rifle ? A semi automatic weapon vs a fully automatic ? Yes I know the difference but I digress what the hell is your point?
Are we really having this conversation? You want to debate the effing difference between an assault weapon and assault rifle ? A semi automatic weapon vs a fully automatic ? Yes I know the difference but I digress what the hell is your point?
My point is how do you discuss the issues if you can't even use the proper terminology?
My point is how do you discuss the issues if you can't even use the proper terminology?
Pretty sure i did. If you want to split hairs and argue had the shooter had a true automatic weapon the outcome would have been different I would agree .... 100plus would have been dead. The bottom line in my opinion is those types of guns ...assault rifle assault weapon shouldn't have been in that guys hands ... But the gd nra and republicans won't even discuss it let alone gun violence studies.... It's pretty deplorable at this point. I consider myself a republican but they are just wrong on this issue.
Pretty sure i did. If you want to split hairs and argue had the shooter had a true automatic weapon the outcome would have been different I would agree .... 100plus would have been dead. The bottom line in my opinion is those types of guns ...assault rifle assault weapon shouldn't have been in that guys hands ... But the gd nra and republicans won't even discuss it let alone gun violence studies.... It's pretty deplorable at this point. I consider myself a republican but they are just wrong on this issue.
You do realize he had clearance to own these rifles due to his job, right? The FBI had him under surveillance dating back to 2013. Why didn't they delay or ban him from purchasing these weapons. Before we begin attacking the 2A, why don't we ask the FBI why they failed to do even the simplest of checks that they are legally allowed to do under the law?
You do realize he had clearance to own these rifles due to his job, right? The FBI had him under surveillance dating back to 2013. Why didn't they delay or ban him from purchasing these weapons. Before we begin attacking the 2A, why don't we ask the FBI why they failed to do even the simplest of checks that they are legally allowed to do under the law?
You're correct the current system is working my bad. No further discussion of said laws needed. 2nd amendment..protected. No need for gun violence studies, universal back ground checks, and common sense.
You're correct the current system is working my bad. No further discussion of said laws needed. 2nd amendment..protected. No need for gun violence studies, universal back ground checks, and common sense.
That's correct. Had the FBI done their job he would not have been able to purchase the firearms. But continue to hang out in your safe place afraid of those scary guns...
Is anyone else having a hard time understanding the math in all of this? I'm beginning to think this guys had help.
50 were killed another 53 injured. The bodies that were killed had 7 or more shots that hit them on average.
How did this shooter get an AR-15 in a club with a backpack full of loaded clips? How did he have time to make phone calls during the shooting? Why didn't anyone charge him while he was reloading? This all hair doesn't add up to me. It really doesn't.