Ummmmmm....what? My point was that all they did was run a commercial. That's what thousands of companies do every day but somehow she says it's "Stuffing it down her throat." I'm just asking if every commercial run by every company is "stuffing things down her throat" or if it's something about the subject of that commercial in particular that she objects to.
I really don't let this stuff affect me and I absolutely agree with you and
@rladams5 with respect to the boycotts and protests having any effect, but I would agree that it seems that many companies use situations like these or controversies and exploits them.
Of course they do, right? Yeah, but it also seems, more times than not, that a company sides with the minority (I don't mean race) opinion. I don't have an issue with that at all as long as the point trying to be made progresses an issue that I either need to be better educated on, or if it will actually make someone's life better. Those are the times that I am really impressed with advertising and I can get behind stuff like that. This, on the other hand, doesn't make sense to me. It hasn't from the beginning at least. Kap doesn't progress this issue one bit. He never did IMO. Maybe it did for some, but backing this guy and actually including the words "sacrificing everything" is ludicrous. The guy could be a cyclops and if he could sling it, the NFL would have a job for him. It's like a lot of things in this country. If something bad happens to you, you never have to take accountability for it. And that's what this ad screams to me. I am in the minority and I know it. I know some people can't see past color. I am not naive, but there are many more campaigns like the Kap/Nike campaign that take a side and just because some people take the other side does not necessarily mean it's a black/white issue. That's a philosophy that I am sick of getting stuffed down my throat.
As far as what you are arguing concerning
@amynhop, I would argue that there are far more campaigns promoting things she is against versus things she is for. Sometimes I am sure someone can feel like an agenda that is opposite of their's is, in fact, being stuffed down your throat. And just because she disagrees with them doesn't make it a race thing.