NSIAP: Nike Online Sales +31% Since the Kap Campaign was Unveiled

What is “infowars”? sounds like one of many hundreds of shows designed to distract very young people and captivate millenials much like yourself. Anything on TV that includes the term ‘wars’ is an automatic classification of “Do Not Watch” and association to “Look At Me” You must be the type of moran that gets off on HGTV

Edit : Moron. With the correct spell
Maybe so but that doesn't make it right. Human nature is destructive, not constructive.
Agreed. So it seems kind of odd to me to single out this one group of people and insult them for behaviors that are pervasive throughout humanity.
Is every company that runs commercials "stuffing things down your throat" or is it only commercials with black people in them that you object to?
You mean kapernick is black. I really didn't know. Thought he looked pretty white to me.
You mean that he started dating a blm skank who got him neck deep in some “cause” that had never personally affected him? Soros is still laughing at these clowns for falling for his plot to divide the country.
When Nike made kap the center of an ad campaign after that mental midget wore pig socks generalizing all cops as bad, they lost my business. Maybe if more in the black community taught respect for authority and stressed common sense we wouldn’t have all these issues. People with first hand experience of what cops have to deal with know how ridiculous the blm movement is. Liberals pander to these idiots instead of standing with law enforcement, which exacerbates the problem.
I’m sure everyone would like to hear more of your thoughts on what is wrong with black people. If only you could get to CK, he would probably see that all this silly kneeling was misguided. The obvious problem is the black community itself, right?
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Except if you actually do some research instead of getting your information from an app on your phone you’d know that the US is one of the least rascist countries in the world. US also has the most black billionaires and millionaires and largest black middle class in the world. The US is the easiest country on the planet for people of any ethnicity to become wealthy. The REAL statistics about race and crime do not support the fantasy of racial oppression at all when you factor in the backgrounds of people who are arrested and convicted. Regardless of race If you come from a two parent family you are much less likely to do drugs, commit suicide or suffer mental illness or end up in prison. And what race has by far the highest percentage of single moms? Well I’ll leave that up to your own research. BTW Asians have the lowest illegitimate birth rate and make the most money, get the most degrees per capita and lowest arrest and conviction rates per capita. This in spite of being discriminated against in a huge number of schools admissions policies which favor blacks and Hispanics over whites and Asians. Kaep was offered a contract by the Broncos and possibly other teams. His lawsuit accusing the NFL of collusion is complete bull shvt. He chose the contract with Nike because he is a lier and because he makes more money. The NFL has all kinds of prohibitions on player behavior on the field and off and virtually every other employer sets standards of behavior while you’re on company time. He’s a fraud and an air head.

Mic drop
Can i be in the camp who DNGAF?

Holy Hell, yes! Totally agree. The fact that people have let this get them so outraged and the fact that people allow a failed football player (or any football player at all) influence them into buying a product just because their picture is associated with it, are just ignorant. It's like letting a facebook post tell you who to vote for. Both sides on this look like kids who dropped their ice cream.
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Ummmmmm....what? My point was that all they did was run a commercial. That's what thousands of companies do every day but somehow she says it's "Stuffing it down her throat." I'm just asking if every commercial run by every company is "stuffing things down her throat" or if it's something about the subject of that commercial in particular that she objects to.
I really don't let this stuff affect me and I absolutely agree with you and @rladams5 with respect to the boycotts and protests having any effect, but I would agree that it seems that many companies use situations like these or controversies and exploits them.

Of course they do, right? Yeah, but it also seems, more times than not, that a company sides with the minority (I don't mean race) opinion. I don't have an issue with that at all as long as the point trying to be made progresses an issue that I either need to be better educated on, or if it will actually make someone's life better. Those are the times that I am really impressed with advertising and I can get behind stuff like that. This, on the other hand, doesn't make sense to me. It hasn't from the beginning at least. Kap doesn't progress this issue one bit. He never did IMO. Maybe it did for some, but backing this guy and actually including the words "sacrificing everything" is ludicrous. The guy could be a cyclops and if he could sling it, the NFL would have a job for him. It's like a lot of things in this country. If something bad happens to you, you never have to take accountability for it. And that's what this ad screams to me. I am in the minority and I know it. I know some people can't see past color. I am not naive, but there are many more campaigns like the Kap/Nike campaign that take a side and just because some people take the other side does not necessarily mean it's a black/white issue. That's a philosophy that I am sick of getting stuffed down my throat.

As far as what you are arguing concerning @amynhop, I would argue that there are far more campaigns promoting things she is against versus things she is for. Sometimes I am sure someone can feel like an agenda that is opposite of their's is, in fact, being stuffed down your throat. And just because she disagrees with them doesn't make it a race thing.
Just like you to inject race and hate into everything. Your posts always drip with self loathing and hatred toward others. I guess hate sells. And, you are certainly a byproduct of that. What a damn shame. You are also a perfect example of the "dumbing" down of our country. I have watched yours over months now. You always impugn the character of others without considering the legitimacy of others opinion. It is not because you have a different opinion that makes you an is because you lack the ability to believe that perhaps you are wrong!
Sorry, I totally disagree. I have never picked up on this line of thinking with @Smiling_Tiger. Also, your whole post is ironic. I enjoy his contributions. Perhaps I come on a college football board for different reasons and with a little more perspective of what I should expect.
Sorry we burst your bubble with verifiable statistics. I’d add more facts but you’d still deny the truth and live in your fantasy world

Why don't you go ahead and provide some links on your verifiable statistics on how the US is the least racist country?
Kap didn't start anything.
I just know Trump tweets about wha the NFL should do to players exercising their first amendment. He even encourages people to boycot the NFL. Talk about government meddling into private entities, smh
Thanks for infusing politics into sports, Trump.
Exercising his first amendment rights?

Let me ask you a question... Are you able to protest on your job? I'm not... They'd walk my ass out. There's a time & place for everything..."Protesting" during the National Anthem while you're on the clock is NOT it...Kaep invoked politics into the game we love & Trump is just being a mouthpiece for the way the MAJORITY of America feels about it... Don't have your little protest & not expect a backlash...

By the way... You're an idiot if you don't think Kaep's protest was anything more than a "look at me" moment... Dude was a washed up has-been who had one foot out the door who was trying to remain relevant. If he had soooo much conviction, he wouldn't have went on record that his "protest" had ended when he was begging for a job in the spring of 2017.

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