
The Trump coup and where we are today:

The Obama administration illegally spied on the Republican presidential nominee during the 2016 election based on lies peddled and paid for by Hillary Clinton, a career criminal.

The media dutifully played their part to flood the airwaves with accusations Trump was a Russian agent.

After Trump’s surprise election victory, the Obama administration immediately initiated plans to cover their tracks, protect themselves from prosecution, and destroy the incoming Trump admin in any way possible.

One of the first steps in that plan was to set up Trump’s incoming National Security Advisor, @GenFlynn, who was fired by Obama for the sin of recognizing Barack’s widespread foreign policy and intelligence failures. Flynn was framed. Biden himself recommended using the Logan Act to go after him, a law that’s never been used to prosecute anyone in the history of the United States.

Shortly after Trump rightfully fired Obama’s corrupt and incompetent FBI Director, James Comey, the Deputy Attorney General, Rod Rosenstein appointed Robert Mueller to “oversee” the completely made up, fake and phony FBI investigation into the alleged “Russia collusion”, which they knew was a lie from day one. This was less than 5 months into the Trump presidency.

The primary purpose of the Mueller
probe was to protect the FBI, CIA, DOJ, NSA, corporate media, accomplices in both parties and every other key player in the attempted coup and spy operation from having their crimes exposed by now being able to use the justification that any attempt to look into the crimes related to Spygate would “compromise an ongoing investigation”.

We soon discover the entire Mueller team is composed of Anti-Trump sycophants. Peter “we’ll stop him” Strzok. Lisa Page. Andrew Weissmann. And the list goes on.

We also learn FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith intentionally altered an email to make it look like Carter Page, a Trump advisor, was a Russian asset by covering up the fact that Page was previously used as an intelligence asset for the United States, providing valuable intel to the government.

When the Mueller case was finally wrapped up after 2.5 years, wasting $50 million, conducting hundreds of interviews, using dozens of investigators … they finally admitted the truth: There was no evidence of Russian collusion by President Trump or anyone associated with his campaign.

After coming up empty handed, Weissmann and Co. still needed to try and paint Trump in a bad light, so they lay out a bogus case for “obstruction of justice” because Trump committed the horrific crime of … defending himself from false allegations.

Every member of the Mueller team then deleted all of the data from their government issued iPhones and devices by “accidentally” entering their passwords incorrectly 10+ times in a row. The destruction of their communications is a felony. No one was charged. Does this sound like someone else you know who BleachBit her devices and smashed them with a hammer?

Less than on month later on April 21st, Trump called newly elected Ukrainian President Zelensky to congratulate him on his victory.

On April 25th, four days later, Biden announces his candidacy for President and Hunter steps down from the Board of Burisma.

On July 24th, 2019 Robert Mueller testified before Congress on the results of “his” investigation.

The very next day, Trump has a call with recently elected Ukrainian President Zelenskyy. On that call, Trump expresses hope that Zelenskyy will investigate the alleged corruption in his country. Burisma, as well as Crowdstrike, who allegedly had “proof” the DNC was “hacked by Russia”, are mentioned.

Both set off 5-alarm fire bells in DC. Burisma would Biden family corruption. The second would expose the grand lie that the DNC was hacked by Russia.

PS - Who was Seth Rich and why did Donna Brazile “fear for her life” after he was killed in a “botched robbery”?


After that second call with Zelenskyy, the DC establishment immediately set in motion plans for an eventual impeachment.

Less than 30 days later, first major step toward that end was an “anonymous whistleblower complaint” being filed in August, 2019. We later discover the anonymous “whistleblower” was Eric Ciaramella, who had coordinated with Adam Schiff’s staff before filing the complaint.

Democrats then initiated an endless parade of public hearings from career bureaucrats and Deep State partisan hacks who all hated Trump. Remember Alexander Vindman? Fiona Hill? Democrats falsely claim Trump threatened to withhold military aid if Ukraine didn’t investigate the Biden family. Trump had actually provided lethal defensive weapons to Ukraine that Obama had refused to, which US officials were forced to admit under questioning by Republicans. Not quite the actions of a Russian agent.

Nevertheless, on December 18, 2019, after months of public hearings on Ukraine, along with impeachment inquiries in Congress to set the stage for their next attempt to sabotage Trump, House Democrats led by Nancy Pelosi introduced the first articles of impeachment against DJT.

Bear in mind, The Trump administration had immediately released a transcript of the Zelenskyy call in question because there was nothing to hide.

Democrats accused Trump of obstructing justice by defending himself against the ludicrous Russian collusion scam investigation, and “abusing his power” by asking Zelenskyy to investigate the (obvious) corruption in his country.

As we all know, the Biden family was involved in well-documented influence peddling from Joe’s position in Washington. Remember, Biden was overseeing Ukrainian policy while serving as VP. Hunter was making $83,333 a month serving on the board of Burisma alone. Hunter’s business partners, Tony Bobulinski, verified the accuracy of the emails from the Biden laptop, which the public now knows are 100% real and accurate. The FBI had the laptop the whole time (starting in at least September ‘19) and covered it up. Biden is on tape threatening to withhold $1B in loan guarantees unless Ukraine fired the prosecutor who was looking into Burisma’s corruption, threads that may ultimately implicate Hunter, the Biden family and several US political leaders and their families (Romney, Pelosi, McCain, Graham, etc.) involved in various Ukrainian kickbacks and shady dealings. Why wouldn’t the American people want this to be investigated?

The first impeachment was finally put up for a vote on February 5th, 2020. It was narrowly defeated, 52-48.

While the impeachment sideshow was occurring to further handicap and damage Trump’s administration for the millionth time, the seeds were being sown for the next stage of the coup operation, the COVID-19 pandemic.

Remember, impeachment articles were brought on December 18th, 2019 after being held by Democrats for weeks.
On December 12th, people in Wuhan reportedly began to have flu like symptoms.

On New Year’s Eve, the [corrupt] WHO office in China are informed about a pneumonia like illness spreading in Wuhan, connected to the “wet market”.

New Year’s Day, Wuhan market is closed.

On January 7th, 2020, China determines that a novel coronavirus is responsible for the outbreak.

The historic Phase-One China trade deal was signed and became enforceable on January 15th, 2020. Interesting timing …

Eight days later on January 23rd, China places the entire city of Wuhan under lockdown.

January 24th, one travel-related case is identified in Illinois, bringing the total US “cases” to two.

Remember, we know now the “cases” and entire pandemic was a carefully constructed and well organized fraud compared to how it was presented. The videos of people dropping dead in the streets, the “overwhelmed” hospitals, the fraudulent PCR tests, the made up “social distancing” guidelines, the bat
soup. All of it.

As the next few days play out, remember the following.

When Obama left office in 2017, he did not do what every other President before him did and ride off into the sunset to build a library and chop wood. Nope. He bought a house in DC's posh Kalorama neighborhood and set up a functioning, well-staffed, policy-making office. The Democrat/Media Complex obviously did not care, but this was historically unprecedented.

From 2017-2021, Obama used that office to orchestrate the innumerable hoaxes and dirty tricks that he and the rest of the fascists used to undermine the Trump Presidency.

From 2021 until now, Obama used that office to manage Joe Biden and continue the #lawfare persecution of Trump.

No matter what happens over the next days and weeks, realize it's being managed from that Kalorama home.

Obama is an evil narcissist who has done more damage to America than any other politician in its history.

As the next few days play out, remember the following.

When Obama left office in 2017, he did not do what every other President before him did and ride off into the sunset to build a library and chop wood. Nope. He bought a house in DC's posh Kalorama neighborhood and set up a functioning, well-staffed, policy-making office. The Democrat/Media Complex obviously did not care, but this was historically unprecedented.

From 2017-2021, Obama used that office to orchestrate the innumerable hoaxes and dirty tricks that he and the rest of the fascists used to undermine the Trump Presidency.

From 2021 until now, Obama used that office to manage Joe Biden and continue the #lawfare persecution of Trump.

No matter what happens over the next days and weeks, realize it's being managed from that Kalorama home.

Obama is an evil narcissist who has done more damage to America than any other politician in its history.
Everything is BHO.

A Lots Come Out About The Kamala Harris Birth Certificate, Let’s Reexamine Obamas

Full 10 Min Report, Experts CONFIRM Barack Obama Birth Certificate is FAKE

Obama’s Presidency Was A Fraud & Has “9 Points Of Forgery” Everything Obama Did Should Be Undone

“Today you're going to hear lots of information that some of you are going to understand and going to be able to tell the true story. In fact, please know that this is a very technical, but the evidence is clear if you'll pay attention. Please note you're going to hear about two separate experts. These experts are two separate continents with no knowledge of each other and they draw similar conclusions.“

—- “We and anyone else who dared to question the document have been the line falsely labeled grossly criticized in the bulk of the media on certain internet sources for years. Today we're going to set the record straight. I believe you will be shocked by what you hear and see today.”

—- “Like the sheriff just told you, when you conduct criminal investigations, you have to let the evidence lead you. You never lead the evidence. And in doing this, my motive was to clear the document. Because to be quite honest with you, I didn't believe it. I didn't believe this was possible. I didn't think this would ever happen in this nation. I didn't believe it.”

— “Back in 2012, I told you about Reed Hayes, a document examiner. Let me tell you about Reed Hayes, a man with 40 years, since 1974, 40 plus years of experience in examining forensic document, handwriting, a man who's well respected in his expertise, a court recognized expert, a document examiner. He is the man you go to when somebody gives you a bad check with a bad signature. This is the guy you run to. — Mr. Hayes told me right off the bat, I'm an Obama supporter. I voted for him twice. He goes, and I will never do anything to hurt the President of the United States. What I had said to him was, Reed, I am not asking you to hurt the President of the United States. I'm asking you to take a look at this document and clear it and tell me there's nothing wrong with it. Would you at least do that? And he took a look at it. And when he called me back, he told me, Mike.”

“I can't clear this, there's something wrong with it."

And I asked him, I said, Reed, would you continue? I said, I know your position, but would you continue? And his answer to me was, this is what I do. I'll look at it, I'll do it. That's a man of integrity, respecting what his ability is to get to the truth. Because for Sheriff Apoyo and myself, this was never about Barack Obama. This is about a document. You take that document and you remove the name, Barack Hussein Obama, and put your name on there. If it was your document and it was brought to us, we would do the same thing with this document.”

— You are looking at two long-form birth certificates from the state of Hawaii. According to the dates on the certificates, these births took place in Honolulu during the month of August of 1961, just 16 days apart. The birth certificate on the left belongs to Barack Obama. The birth certificate on the right belongs to Johanna Ane.

After five years of intense investigation, which included consultation with one of America's most respected forensic document examiners, and a team of European media forensic experts, the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office has reached a conclusion utilizing forensic techniques both old and new. It is the opinion of the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office that the birth certificate on your right, belonging to Johanna Ani, was in fact used as a source document in the digital creation of Barack Obama's long-form birth certificate.

Nine points of forgery in which words, letters, and hand-placed date stamps have been digitally copied from the Adneid long-form birth certificate and pasted onto Obama's long-form birth certificate”

They COULD NOT clear the document. Much more info in this video if you watch it all
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Ummm… I have questions.. 😂

Michelle Obama said she became a Mother through IVF… that’s the first time I’ve ever heard her say that.

IVF can also mean SURROGATE..

Insert Martin Nesbitt & Anita Blanchard…

Nesbitt just so happens to be the Chairman of the Obama Foundation.

Anita just so happened to be Big Mike’s OBGYN and delivered the daughters…
  • Haha
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At around 11:30 p.m. PST on February 29, 2012, Breitbart collapsed on a street near his home in Brentwood. He was rushed to Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, where he was pronounced dead 12:19 a.m. on March 1, 2012.[58][59][60] He was 43 years old. An autopsy by the Los Angeles County Coroner's Office showed that he had hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with focal coronary atherosclerosis and died from heart failure, which had been diagnosed the year before.[59][61]

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