Oh yeah. Manafort was a known crook before Trump hired him to manage his campaign. He was hired anyway and this is the man you support. Trump inner circle is/was made up of criminals. This isn’t an allegation. It’s a proven fact based on indictments, convictions, and guilty pleas but I guess you will claim that’s fake news too. There is no spinning the facts regardless of how much you want to make America great again. Many Are Getting Arrested! You want to equate eight criminal referrals by a GOP committee versus Federal convictions and indictments? Seriously? Follow up with me once someone in Obama’s inner circle is indicted.
I haven't once mentioned Russia. I haven’t read the Mueller report to know what is in it, but it sounds as if you have some inside knowledge. Supposedly, it hasn’t been released as of yet but you seem to know what is in the nearly 400 page report. No evidence of collusion and no decision on obstruction is not a total exoneration as Trump and his cronies contends. Let me guess, the information you got is from Fox News?
Only 6? For the POTUS to have ONLY 6 acquaintances that will be/have serve prison time says a lot about him and it says a lot about you and your continued support.