That’s why Hidin’ Biden wants no part of any debates, he will get chewed up and spit out just like those 17 other GOP candidates did in the 2016 primary debates.
He won in a large primary field, but it was not because he won the debates.
That’s why Hidin’ Biden wants no part of any debates, he will get chewed up and spit out just like those 17 other GOP candidates did in the 2016 primary debates.
Commands a room like no other whether you love him or hate him. That’s why Hidin’ Biden wants no part of any debates, he will get chewed up and spit out just like those 17 other GOP candidates did in the 2016 primary debates.
And I’m supposed to vote for Biden? Democrats are to blame for trump as much as anybody.
FYI...the rally was a flop. The only people who were impressed with that pathetic spectacle are the Trump fan boys (and girls) to whom he can already do no wrong.
To everyone else, it was a rehash of the same lies and propaganda he always spews. And how embarrassing to have huge empty sections inside the upper deck of the arena, not to mention the "overflow stage" that was quickly dismantled because it only attracted a few dozen people, instead of the 40k they anticipated. Even more embarrassing are the lies that the campaign tells to justify the sparse crowd. But they have been selling "alternative facts" regarding crowd size since day 1 of this presidency, so it's just par for the course.
Newsflash to all Trumpers: he is in major trouble. I acknowledge that momentum in an election can shift quickly and substantially, so he's not done by any stretch of the imagination. But this isn't 2016, and anyone who is expecting a carbon-copy repeat of that victory isn't paying attention. Biden is an extremely flawed candidate, but he is not historically unpopular as Hillary. There were a ton of moderates in '16 (myself included) that refused to ever vote for that woman. So, many abstained from voting, while others cast their votes for the two other candidates (Jill Stein & Gary Johnson). Plus, without a true incumbent, that election was a referendum on the previous administration, and Trump's message of "drain the swamp" and "make America great again" resonated with people.
This election will be - without question - a referendum on Trump. And, judging by all polling in the nation (well outside the margin of error), he is failing. Yes, there are still polling issues in-play that led to the predictions being wrong in 2016. But again, this isn't that election. And you may feel that MAGA support is still strong among you and your friends/family in your little bubble. That's great. But it's not the way America feels as a whole. Time will ultimately tell, but I would be nervous if I was a Trump supporter.
If he doesn’t win, we’re ALL going into BONDAGE! Write it down!
If Trump doesn’t win, we’ll be under the authority of the NWO & we’re ALL going into Bondage! That’s a fact!it doesn’t matter to you. You’ll vote republican even if the candidate is a failure.
I’d say do better, but from the sound of things, I’m not sure you can.If Trump doesn’t win, we’ll be under the authority of the NWO & we’re ALL going into Bondage! That’s a fact!
If Trump doesn’t win, we’ll be under the authority of the NWO & we’re ALL going into Bondage! That’s a fact!
The problem will be that many will have wanted it. And not realize what happened.If he doesn’t win, we’re ALL going into BONDAGE! Write it down!
Lol no matter where you are on the political isle this has absolutely been one of the most entertaining aspects of his Presidency.
Media: “trump did awful thing”
WH rep: “the president did not do that!”
Trump on Twitter: “I absolutely did that.”
FYI...the rally was a flop. The only people who were impressed with that pathetic spectacle are the Trump fan boys (and girls) to whom he can already do no wrong.
To everyone else, it was a rehash of the same lies and propaganda he always spews. And how embarrassing to have huge empty sections inside the upper deck of the arena, not to mention the "overflow stage" that was quickly dismantled because it only attracted a few dozen people, instead of the 40k they anticipated. Even more embarrassing are the lies that the campaign tells to justify the sparse crowd. But they have been selling "alternative facts" regarding crowd size since day 1 of this presidency, so it's just par for the course.
Newsflash to all Trumpers: he is in major trouble. I acknowledge that momentum in an election can shift quickly and substantially, so he's not done by any stretch of the imagination. But this isn't 2016, and anyone who is expecting a carbon-copy repeat of that victory isn't paying attention. Biden is an extremely flawed candidate, but he is not historically unpopular as Hillary. There were a ton of moderates in '16 (myself included) that refused to ever vote for that woman. So, many abstained from voting, while others cast their votes for the two other candidates (Jill Stein & Gary Johnson). Plus, without a true incumbent, that election was a referendum on the previous administration, and Trump's message of "drain the swamp" and "make America great again" resonated with people.
This election will be - without question - a referendum on Trump. And, judging by all polling in the nation (well outside the margin of error), he is failing. Yes, there are still polling issues in-play that led to the predictions being wrong in 2016. But again, this isn't that election. And you may feel that MAGA support is still strong among you and your friends/family in your little bubble. That's great. But it's not the way America feels as a whole. Time will ultimately tell, but I would be nervous if I was a Trump supporter.
Lolyep, that is exactly what happened. Didnt take long...
You Need to Wake UpI’d say do better, but from the sound of things, I’m not sure you can.
You need medicine.
I’m not the one talking about new world orders.You Need to Wake Up
I would like an actual explanation regarding the fact that you’re supposing Jesus—essentially a refugee, someone who was effectively lynched by the government of the time— is on the same side as someone who a) has slashed the US refugee program to unprecedented levels, and b) has so far sided against a movement that seeks justice for the oppression of black people.
I mean look at what Trump has said in the past regarding women, people of color, etc.
Like, THAT’S your guy who’s leading the charge against the apocalypse? Lol.
The Media, who is in bed with the NWO paints Trump as being a racist! That’s Such a Lie. The Media is a huge part of the NWO. is Trump perfect, No but neither was David, King of Israel, who was hand picked by GOD. Look @ David in the Old Testament, he screwed up royally by sleeping with Uriah’s wife while Uriah was off to war fighting for David & Israel. David gets her pregnant & he summons Uriah off the battlefield to spend time with his wife. But Uriah refused to sleep with his wife while his fellow soldiers were off fighting. So David sent Uriah back to the battlefield & had Uriah’s Commander Put him on the front line where the fighting was fiercest. He had the other soldiers on the front line pull back & Uriah was killed. David murdered Uriah! Did GOD forgive David! Yep, but the sword never departed from his house. His own son, Absolom tried to kill him & usurp his Kingdom. David straightened out his life & his relationship with GOD. GOD later said, “David is a man after my own heart.” He screwed up, GOD forgave him but GOD severely punished him. He spent much of his life running from his enemies.
My point is people make mistakes, people screw up but Trump is NOT in the NWO. If he was, the NWO Media would not be attacking him. And the NWO Swamp would not be trying to oust him.
We’ve only had two presidents who haven’t been involved in this conspiracy since Woodrow Wilson. JFK, even though his family was one of the founding members of the NWO. He got sideways with them when he told the Media in 1963, “There’s a Shadow Government & before I get out of office, I’m going to expose them & I’m going to do away with the Federal Reserve, which The NWO set up in 1913. Not long after this speech, he was assassinated. If you watch the chronological video of the song “We Didn’t Start The Fire” by Billy Joel, it shows you who was behind JFK’s Assassination. The person in the video it shows just after JFK was assassinated has no business being in the video @ that time. Billy Joel is friends with the Clinton’s & Obama. The Clinton’s are Committee of 300 members & Obama is a 33 Degree Mason. Both high ranking members of the NWO. They know who had JFK killed because of their status in the NWO. Billy Joel put it in plain site but most people aren’t paying attention.
Same thing for the Movie Industry. We watch a movie like Enemy of The State & we think it’s just “Hollywood!” Well, it’s very real! Take a movie like White House Down or Olympus Has Fallen. Both of these movies show The White House getting attacked. They show us what they’re going to do, If we’re paying attention. Our country will get hit with tactical nukes & an EMP. Washington D.C. will be one of the cities that are hit. Denver, Colorado will be the new Capital of the U.S. The Denver Airport is the headquarters for the Illuminati, which is one of the three entities on the top level of the NWO. The other two are The Black Nobility & The Committee of 300.
Trump is only the second President NOT to be in the NWO. That’s why they want him out. If he’s gone the Foxes will be guarding the chicken house. For those who don’t believe what I’m telling you, I implore you to read Daniel 7. The fourth beast is the NWO. The 7 heads represent the 7 mountains on which Papal Rome & The Vatican sit. The 10 horns are 10 Global Leaders who will reign with the antichrist. The “Little Horn” is Papal Rome & The Antichrist. The Ancient of Days is JESUS. Daniel 7 says the 4th Beast, which is the NWO, “Devours The Whole World.” Because The NWO is a Global Government. Daniel describes the 4th Beast/NWO as “Dreadful, Terrible & Exceedingly Powerful.“ The have their fingers in all aspect of our lives. They put Fluoride in our water, they spray us with Chemtrails & have been doing so since the 40’s, the tax the hell out of us & if they get in office, they taxed will go up exponentially, the expose us to radiation through cell towers, smart Meters & Cell Phones. They put GMO’s in our food, they have built 800+ FEMA Camps for us, they will crash the dollar, they will steal our money out of our accounts & say the accounts were “Hacked!” They will take our Gold, like FDR, a 33 Degree Mason did in 1933, they will take our property under the guise of environmental protection, they will come after our guns, they marginalize those who know & speak the truth, they will cause you to take a Mark/chip in your right hand or forehead, they will make you worship the antichrist, they will tell you where you can & cant live & visit, they will put us in Bondage!
Just read Daniel 7 - all of it - and saw no mention of the NWO.
The JFK conspiracy that you mention is a widely debunked conspiracy theory. If he did say that, there would be a record, no?
And the Billy Joel thing... LOL
I never said you would see the NWO in Daniel 7, I said the 4th Beast is the NWO!Just read Daniel 7 - all of it - and saw no mention of the NWO.
The JFK conspiracy that you mention is a widely debunked conspiracy theory. If he did say that, there would be a record, no?
And the Billy Joel thing... LOL
I was out at Trump not being a racist.
I was out at Trump not being a racist.
I was out at Trump not being a racist.
I was out at Trump not being a racist.
That’s because you believe the lying Media who is in bed with these Demonic Idiots. They DON’T have black people’s best interest @ heart, they’re pandering to them to get their vote! That’s a fact! They don’t have ANYONE’s BEST INTEREST but THEMSELVES! I encourage to research John Coleman Committee of 300 21 GOALS of The NWO! All 21 Goals are detrimental to ALL Humanity, Whites, Blacks & Any other color.I was out at Trump not being a racist.
Please google The Elite Network... that’s the NWO! One cannot be in the NWO without giving their allegiance to Lucifer! Every Person in every entity in the NWO has given their allegiance to Lucifer & has sold out their respective country! They lied under oath for their own gain & to hell with everyone else! That’s who they are & what they do & the Lying Mainstream Media is part of them!I was out at Trump not being a racist.
Like I said, Wake UpI’m not the one talking about new world orders.
That’s you.
I’m starting to understand. Could you explain more about the history of the NWO! Please start at the beginning.Like I said, Wake Up
Absolutely, the Illuminati was written by Adam Weiskauph in 1770, he finished it in 1776. His vision was to have a One World Government, a One World False Religion & a One World Currency. The 13 Power Families funded it. Some of those families are the Onnasis’s, Rockefeller’s, Dupont’s, Li’s, Freeman’s, Kennedy’s, Morgan’s, as in JP Morgan, the Rothchild’s, who run the Illuminati. These are a handful of the 13 founding families. They’ve kept their bloodlines tight over the years & have passed their vision down from generation to generation.I’m starting to understand. Could you explain more about the history of the NWO! Please start at the beginning.
I never said you would see the NWO in Daniel 7, I said the 4th Beast is the NWO!
They have 21 Goals... Goal 19... “To infiltrate & subvert ALL Governments & work from WITHIN them to destroy the sovereign integrity of the nations represented by them.”
Goal #11 ... “To keep people everywhere from deciding their own destinies by means of one created crisis after another & then managing such crisises!”
Goal #2... “To completely & utterly destroy All National Pride & National Identity, which was a Primary consideration if a One World Government was to work!”
Goal #20... “To create a Terrorist Apparatus, ie, ISIS, ISIL, Al Queda ... etc... & negotiate with Terrorist whenever possible.”
Goal #21... “To Completely destroy the education system in America by teaching out based education.”
They have been teaching our kids about Socialism for decades. That’s why 50-70% of our young people will vote for a Socialist President.
Socialism is the government of preference for the antichrist, who is this current Pope based on Saint Malachi’s Prophecy called The “Prophecy of the Popes!” Which has been a spot on accurate Prophecy. In fact, the Prophecy of the Popes was hidden away in the Vatican archives for over 900 years.
That’s why this Election is different & The Most important election in the History of our Country. If They oust Trump, who is NOT in the NWO, we’re DONE as a Nation! We’re all going into Bondage!
Absolutely, the Illuminati was written by Adam Weiskauph in 1770, he finished it in 1776. His vision was to have a One World Government, a One World False Religion & a One World Currency. The 13 Power Families funded it. Some of those families are the Onnasis’s, Rockefeller’s, Dupont’s, Li’s, Freeman’s, Kennedy’s, Morgan’s, as in JP Morgan, the Rothchild’s, who run the Illuminati. These are a handful of the 13 founding families. They’ve kept their bloodlines tight over the years & have passed their vision down from generation to generation.
There are many entities that make up the NWO but they are all working toward a common goal, which is a Utopia to themselves here on earth. On the top level of the NWO is the Black Nobility, Illuminati & the Committee of 300, which is made up of most of the global leaders. The Bush’s, Clinton’s, John Kerry, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Al Gore, Colin Powell, Tony Blair, Dick Cheney, John Ashcroft, David Rockefeller, a handful of the Rothchild’s are all Committee of 300 members.
The NWO has 21 Goals, all of which, are detrimental to humanity. They are responsible for all wars, stock market crashes, 9/11, the drug epidemic, immigration caravans, global warming through their Chemtrail program, the Aides Virus, Ebola Virus, Coronavirus, the housing market crash, etc.
Every person in each of the NWO Must give their allegiance to Lucifer. One cannot be in the NWO without giving their allegiance to Lucifer.
Their end game is to cause everyone, small & great, rich & poor, free & bond To receive “The Mark of the Beast/Computer Chip in their hand or forehead. Those who do will be a slave to the NWO. They will also participate in 16 Plagues from God. (Revelation 6-22)
The NWO will also require everyone to worship the antichrist. (Current Pope Francis, based on Saint Malachi’s Prophecy, which was hidden away in the Vatican Archives for over 900 years.) Those who worship the antichrist will be Terminated (Revelation 13) Those who worship the antichrist & or take the Mark of the Beast/Computer Chip will be the recipient of one or more of 16 Plagues from GOD & will spend eternity in the Lake of Fire.
I believe the worship of the antichrist will be implemented during the 4th Seal which is The Rider on the Pale Horse. He was given authority over 1/4 part of the earth, about 2 billion people. These people will perish by the sword, pestilence, famine & wild beasts. I believe this is when the enriched plutonium will be released from the shuttle the Obama Administration launched on December 13th, 2012. I also believe a handful of our cities will be hit with tactical nukes @ the same time. Martial Law will ensue & authorities will demand citizens be transported to FEMA Camps. There are over 800+ In America. Once @ the FEMA Camps, people will be given the choice to be re-educated & worship the antichrist. There’s a possibility the Mark Of The Beast could be administered at the same time as the command to worship the antichrist or his image. Revelation 6 puts the Mark of the Beast/Computer Chip & the Command to Worship the Antichrist in Revelation 13.
There is a very good indication the Command to Worship the Antichrist is implemented in the 4th Seal because the 5th Seal says, “I saw the souls under the alter who were killed for their witness for JESUS.
The 6th Seal is when they know they’re in big trouble. While their hiding in their underground cities (Under Denver Airport) is an example, they will be allowed to see JESUS sitting on HIS Throne. They will call for the mountains & rocks to fall on them & hide them from the LAMB who sits on the Throne. During this Plague, there is an earthquake so powerful, every mountain & island are moved out of their places. This is the start of 16 plagues mentioned above.
The NWO’s plan for a Utopia on Earth is short lived starting with the 6th Seal in Revelation 6.
After the last Vial has been poured out in Revelation 16, JESUS comes back on a White Horse with the armies of Heaven with HIM. The armies of the world are gathered @ Megiddo (Armageddon) & with JESUS’s Word, HE destroys 82% of the armies who have come against Israel. The blood flows from the horses bridle for 200 miles. It takes 7 months to bury the dead & 7 years to get rid of all the armament. The False Prophet & The Antichrist are thrown alive into the Lake of Fire. Satan is bound in the Abyss for 1000 years.
JESUS sets up HIS Throne in Jerusalem & the people who accepted JESUS as Their LORD & Savior & did NOT receive the Mark of the Beast & Worship the Antichrist & or his image, reign with JESUS for 1000 years. This is called the Millennium.
After the 1000 years is complete, Satan will be loosed for a short time. He will deceive the nations one more time, they will gather against Jerusalem & GOD will destroy them with Fire & Brimstone. Satan will be thrown alive into the Lake of Fire.
Those who were NOT part of the Millennium will stand before the Great White Throne Judgement. The books will be opened & another book will be opened, The Lambs Book of Life.., Revelation 20:15 says, “Anyone’s name NOT found written in the Lambs Book Of Life was cast into the Lake!
The People in The NWO Believe with UFO Technology, they will be able defeat GOD, JESUS & The Angels! Satan is a created being with limited power. The only reason why he has any power is because GOD allows him to.
The JESUS says, “Satan comes to kill, steal & destroy, But I have come that you may have life & have it more abundantly!”
Romans 10:9 says, “If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus & Believe in Your Heart GOD raised HIM from the dead, You shall be Saved.”
JESUS said, “I’m the Way, the Truth & The Life, No One Comes To The Father but through me.
I encourage you to read John 14, 15 & 16!
If Trump doesn’t win, we’ll be under the authority of the NWO & we’re ALL going into Bondage! That’s a fact!