One of these days our wonderful state will

You’ve crossed the line with that comment…and you couldn’t be more wrong. This entire discussion has been about taking reasoned and logical steps to limit the chances our children get a virus that is on pace to kill over a million people in this country. No, the likelihood that a child will die from this virus is not large, but that does not mean the story ends there.

I’ve crossed the line? What line is that LOL?
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You’ve crossed the line with that comment…and you couldn’t be more wrong. This entire discussion has been about taking reasoned and logical steps to limit the chances our children get a virus that is on pace to kill over a million people in this country. No, the likelihood that a child will die from this virus is not large, but that does not mean the story ends there.

I'm going to take you at your word for a moment. Reasoned and logical are things I can get behind. Earlier you stated we shouldn't fret about the number of people that have died from the virus but you constantly try to beat people over the head with the numbers. THAT is why they matter. Because you want to maximize the damage to lend credibility to your views.

Your last sentence is a clear signal as to where you come from. The likelihood is not large? Our kids are in greater danger walking outside than they are dying from Covid. It's an infinitesimally small chance. Let's call it what it is. The reality from a public health perspective is we should allow kids to get it given the circumstances because the data shows there is no stopping this thing unless you want to lock everyone away for the rest of time. In the most heavy handed countries, they have had severe restrictions and things are starting to come unglued because there's just so much people can take.

A reasoned and logical approach is people at risk get the vaccine. Wear a mask if you feel it will help you but understand HOW to properly wear a mask. Kids go to school unimpeded and everyone live your life. That's all we can do and all that we have to prove this is every single shred of data. There's nothing reasoned or logical about forcing kids to wear masks and trying to use highly exaggerated death tolls to gain control over people.
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I'm going to take you at your word for a moment. Reasoned and logical are things I can get behind. Earlier you stated we shouldn't fret about the number of people that have died from the virus but you constantly try to beat people over the head with the numbers. THAT is why they matter. Because you want to maximize the damage to lend credibility to your views.

Your last sentence is a clear signal as to where you come from. The likelihood is not large? Our kids are in greater danger walking outside than they are dying from Covid. It's an infinitesimally small chance. Let's call it what it is. The reality from a public health perspective is we should allow kids to get it given the circumstances because the data shows there is no stopping this thing unless you want to lock everyone away for the rest of time. In the most heavy handed countries, they have had severe restrictions and things are starting to come unglued because there's just so much people can take.

A reasoned and logical approach is people at risk get the vaccine. Wear a mask if you feel it will help you but understand HOW to properly wear a mask. Kids go to school unimpeded and everyone live your life. That's all we can do and all that we have to prove this is every single shred of data. There's nothing reasoned or logical about forcing kids to wear masks and trying to use highly exaggerated death tolls to gain control over people.
I assume you are referring to my response to a poster who was being critical of the Mayo Clinic’s comparison between the flu and Covid? I never said no fret. My point was that even if those numbers were off substantially (as that poster claimed), the number of people who died of Covid is still a BIG deal and shouldn’t be discounted and should most certainly not be compared to the seasonal flu.

I’m not sure how my acknowlegding the fact that Covid deaths in children have been relatively low discredits my statements. And I’m not sure how using numbers/data to support that I think Covid is a pretty big deal is illogical…

At Clemson Elementary alone, there are 23 confirmed cases and 59 quarantined students. At the Jr. High there are 73 confirmed cases and 47 in quarantine. So at what point should we raise the alarm in this small community? What is acceptable?

A reasoned and logical approach in my view is to always protect those in society who are most vulnerable. Those who cannot protect themselves.
Our discussion never ceased to be civil. You just don’t seem that interested in facts.
Plenty interested in facts and have done nothing but share those. You seemed to disagree and felt that hurling insults worked better. But that’s cool….you do you
I assume you are referring to my response to a poster who was being critical of the Mayo Clinic’s comparison between the flu and Covid? I never said no fret. My point was that even if those numbers were off substantially (as that poster claimed), the number of people who died of Covid is still a BIG deal and shouldn’t be discounted and should most certainly not be compared to the seasonal flu.

I’m not sure how my acknowlegding the fact that Covid deaths in children have been relatively low discredits my statements. And I’m not sure how using numbers/data to support that I think Covid is a pretty big deal is illogical…

At Clemson Elementary alone, there are 23 confirmed cases and 59 quarantined students. At the Jr. High there are 73 confirmed cases and 47 in quarantine. So at what point should we raise the alarm in this small community? What is acceptable?

A reasoned and logical approach in my view is to always protect those in society who are most vulnerable. Those who cannot protect themselves.

First of all, the poster you are referring to was me. :)

If it's a big deal, it can be a big deal we talk about accurately. Safety isn't the only factor needing to be measured here. The death rate isn't relatively low among children. It's extremely low or as I said, infinitesimally low. You don't want to go that far for some reason but the data supports it. If you're a data guy, then go there and be accurate. Relative to children, the flu is far more dangerous than Covid. The data supports that also.

Case counts are something to watch but it is at the bottom of the list of numbers to watch. This variant is going to hit everywhere and everyone. It's hard to overstate how contagious it is. Nothing is going to stop it from spreading. So hospital numbers are where we should be focusing. If there are students with covid, that's OK. How many have serious issues is the question. The answer, again, is probably very few and those kids are probably dealing with other health preconditions that exacerbate the impact of Covid (i.e. they need to watch out for every respiratory illness).

If we "raise the alarm" then what do you want to do? The data illustrates very clearly there is NOTHING you can do to stop this. So what does this alarm set in motion? You're awfully paternalistic for my case. And you seem determined to avoid any and all data so that you can feel justified in your reaction. While it is quite clear you're a good person with a true heart for others, it's also quite clear that big heart of yours is doing the talking in this thread. Please allow the facts and the data to calm you a bit. It's going to be OK!
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First of all, the poster you are referring to was me. :)

If it's a big deal, it can be a big deal we talk about accurately. Safety isn't the only factor needing to be measured here. The death rate isn't relatively low among children. It's extremely low or as I said, infinitesimally low. You don't want to go that far for some reason but the data supports it. If you're a data guy, then go there and be accurate. Relative to children, the flu is far more dangerous than Covid. The data supports that also.

Case counts are something to watch but it is at the bottom of the list of numbers to watch. This variant is going to hit everywhere and everyone. It's hard to overstate how contagious it is. Nothing is going to stop it from spreading. So hospital numbers are where we should be focusing. If there are students with covid, that's OK. How many have serious issues is the question. The answer, again, is probably very few and those kids are probably dealing with other health preconditions that exacerbate the impact of Covid (i.e. they need to watch out for every respiratory illness).

If we "raise the alarm" then what do you want to do? The data illustrates very clearly there is NOTHING you can do to stop this. So what does this alarm set in motion? You're awfully paternalistic for my case. And you seem determined to avoid any and all data so that you can feel justified in your reaction. While it is quite clear you're a good person with a true heart for others, it's also quite clear that big heart of yours is doing the talking in this thread. Please allow the facts and the data to calm you a bit. It's going to be OK!
So by accurately you mean your facts only? The fact that masks don’t work (not true)? Or the fact that nothing stops it (also not true)? If you base your view on those points building it on a mound of sand.

So lets go with hospitalization. Pediatric cases are up 400%. While still relatively low, this is still a concerning trend. Overall hospital rates are spiking to peak amounts from 2020 in SC. The largest hospital system in the upstate has put out an SOS begging folks to get vaccinated.

So what do you we do? What’s your course? Just let it play out? Herd immunity by mass casualty? I just can’t follow that logic.
So by accurately you mean your facts only? The fact that masks don’t work (not true)? Or the fact that nothing stops it (also not true)? If you base your view on those points building it on a mound of sand.

So lets go with hospitalization. Pediatric cases are up 400%. While still relatively low, this is still a concerning trend. Overall hospital rates are spiking to peak amounts from 2020 in SC. The largest hospital system in the upstate has put out an SOS begging folks to get vaccinated.

So what do you we do? What’s your course? Just let it play out? Herd immunity by mass casualty? I just can’t follow that logic.

No sir. I just mean facts in general. I have no interest on one side or another in this situation other than the cause of preserving a balance between countermeasures and maintaining a quality of life.

You talk about pediatric cases being up 400% but still being low. Drug related deaths had the highest spike on record last year. We saw an uptick of 60,000 deaths due to heart disease last year. Accidental deaths were up 20+% last year. Depression levels have increased at an alarming rate in the last 16 months. There are so many factors involved in managing all this and we're not even into the economic, domestic violence and divorce numbers which have spiraled dramatically as well.

I've already spelled it out for you. This isn't my course. It's the course recommended by many of the finest doctors we have in this country.

1. Adults should be vaccinated unless you have natural immunity.
2. Kids who have at risk conditions should be vaccinated
3. Wear a mask if it makes you feel better. No mandates!
4. LIVE! We're not going to stop this from spreading so steps 1-3 are all we have and in the meantime, live your life.

There will never be mass casualty among kids. That's been the topic here so your statement about that just demonstrates your mindset on this. It should be noted that Sweden has weathered the delta variant better than almost anyone. They never closed. They never stopped living. They have vaccinated their at risk population and moved on with life. I think there's a lesson there and the data backs it up.
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No sir. I just mean facts in general. I have no interest on one side or another in this situation other than the cause of preserving a balance between countermeasures and maintaining a quality of life.

You talk about pediatric cases being up 400% but still being low. Drug related deaths had the highest spike on record last year. We saw an uptick of 60,000 deaths due to heart disease last year. Accidental deaths were up 20+% last year. Depression levels have increased at an alarming rate in the last 16 months. There are so many factors involved in managing all this and we're not even into the economic, domestic violence and divorce numbers which have spiraled dramatically as well.

I've already spelled it out for you. This isn't my course. It's the course recommended by many of the finest doctors we have in this country.

1. Adults should be vaccinated unless you have natural immunity.
2. Kids who have at risk conditions should be vaccinated
3. Wear a mask if it makes you feel better. No mandates!
4. LIVE! We're not going to stop this from spreading so steps 1-3 are all we have and in the meantime, live your life.

There will never be mass casualty among kids. That's been the topic here so your statement about that just demonstrates your mindset on this. It should be noted that Sweden has weathered the delta variant better than almost anyone. They never closed. They never stopped living. They have vaccinated their at risk population and moved on with life. I think there's a lesson there and the data backs it up.
We are just going to have to agree to disagree here. I will say that you are making some rather grand and inaccurate assertions about my point of view in all of this. Not saying that I understand yours, because its blatantly obvious I can’t even begin to. But its all good. Good luck. I hope this all stays far away from you and your family…and yes any kids too.
I didn’t hurl any insults at you. Calling your fear irrational isn’t an insult, it’s a fact.
Unfortunately that is an insult, especially when not true. I’m sure you’d feel the same if I told you the blunt truth….but like I said. I draw a line.
A very powerful closing statement from the teacher/parent at the end…….“Life comes before liberty and the pursuit of happiness in the declaration, and I don’t think that’s a coincidence.”
very powerful indeed...
How is this different from prohibiting smoking indoors, or outlawing driving under the influence, or any of the other “freedoms” that any civilized society has put limitations/prohibitions on?

There are two children in Pickens county in the hospital. But I guess that’s an acceptable sacrifice to you? Safe to assume you don’t have children?

Please provide sources to the medical science and data you reference. There is not one single medical professional I’ve spoken with that shares your sentiment.
I think he is referring to Dr Hannity and Nurse Ingram
That NBC “news” link is a disgrace to journalism. The very definition of “panic porn”.
How is that report a disgrace to journalism? They cited the stats. They interviewed parents and teachers. Maybe Tucker Carlson will do the next one for you.
You lost me in your OP with quoting NBC.

Took my wife out for brunch this morning and we had a great conversation with all of this. As most of you know she's a RN of 26 years (treated covid patients from the beginning) and the Covid thing came up, lol. First understand when the pandemic hit she was one of the first to go all nuclear with everyone taking the vaccine and masking up. I can promise you there were a lot of "heated" conversations in our family (a lot of medical professionals).

As time has moved on and more data is now available the "heated" conversations have disappeared and more level headed dialogue has ensued. Today I point blank asked her at brunch "what is/are the health conditions of the covid patients you see and treat?" Now the vaxxers don't want to hear her response. They'll say "where's the google link?" There aren't any google links here, just red-blooded American everyday patients that are being treated by my spouse.

I digress, here is her response:

"Basically they are all overweight. Not obese mind you, but their BMI's are all very high. We don't have patients that are eating healthy nor doing any exercise as Covid patients. Not all are smokers, that's been interesting to see that some don't have previous lung issues. But all of them are in the overweight categories without exercise." Why don't we hear about any of this?

Most of the pro-vax community don't want to hear that but it's the truth. Remember she's a vaccine proponent but she's more and more coming around to the point that this is a more an independent health issue. She DID say that most of the patients are non-vaccinated so you've got that going for you.

Here's the kicker, she talked about the healthy people that have tested positive for Covid. Most have a runny nose and slightly elevated temp. They wouldn't even know they even had Covid if not for the mandatory testing that's going on. She had one of her nurse friends that had a runny nose so the hospital made her take the test. She tested positive and was sent home.

Guess what she did........she went and ran two miles/day and worked outside during her required "quarantine". As I've stated frequently and will continue to do so until this blows over in about another 6 weeks (according to Dr Gottlieb) we need ALL of the health info, not partial info. NOT just Covid numbers, there is a lot of fear mongering which is pathetic right now.

And I'm sorry that two kids have covid but when did we ever get to the point where no one could get sick anymore in this country. And yes I have two teenagers. Would like to know those two kids health history if we're going to put it out there that they have Covid. We've gotten the point where our unhealthy lifestyles are not a drag on the country as a whole. Why are we not discussing that?
Is your wife vaccinated ?
Agreed on the respectful discussion. There's definitely not enough of this today. We are too busy screaming at and blaming each other.

So there's only one thing that bothers me about that way of thinking....and that's that vaccinations work much better if used on a massive scale. While there is a good deal of personal responsiblity to be taken, there is also the patriotic duty that 'could' be felt. I just feel like we could all move on from this much more quickly if we were all willing to go with it like we have SO many times before. Just a societal struggle there. Measels, Mumps, Chicken Pox, Polio, Tetanus...with the exception of some fringe groups, no one questioned those vaccines. And look at the results.

The politics of this is what has been so dangerous. As soon as I saw Trump/Biden take sides in the middle of a pandemic I knew exactly what that meant. And it just gets worse. Politicians rarely provide solutions to problems, but have no issues pointing out everything that is wrong with the other side. Just take a look at the twitter feeds of the elected officials that represent us at every level.

all this, and yet....

96+% of doctors are vaccinated
83+% of elected officials are vaccinated
46% of people in SC are vaccinated (57% nationally)

There's just something so not right about this.
Good old South Carolina,, first to revolt, last to understand
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We are just going to have to agree to disagree here. I will say that you are making some rather grand and inaccurate assertions about my point of view in all of this. Not saying that I understand yours, because its blatantly obvious I can’t even begin to. But its all good. Good luck. I hope this all stays far away from you and your family…and yes any kids too.

We've all had it and we were all wearing multiple masks when we got it. Again I don't have a point of view. I just go with the data and what the doctors who are experts are saying. Not the ones who've been in government for four decades and have a political motivation in all this. Doctors who've taken one point of view throughout rather than changing depending on where the wind is blowing.
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Is your wife vaccinated ?
Yes she is. Her hospital wanted everyone to get the shot. Her mom was also badgering her from the beginning incessantly. My MIL sat around listening to the news all the time and freaked out. Ended up in the ER and admitted into the local hospital with a stroke.

That’s one of the issues rarely brought up is the mental tolls this has brought on some people.

Needless to say you’re starting to get more and more of the medical field questioning the shots. Meaning, they’re beginning to question why everyone is being told to take it when they’re seeing with their own eyes the segments of people it actually is affecting.
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Those numbers may or may not be right. The CDC never followed with the families who lost children or investigated any other factors in these cases. Guess it wasn't important to find out exactly what happened...
What's that? The CDC is God. They know everything.
We've all had it and we were all wearing multiple masks when we got it. Again I don't have a point of view. I just go with the data and what the doctors who are experts are saying. Not the ones who've been in government for four decades and have a political motivation in all this. Doctors who've taken one point of view throughout rather than changing depending on where the wind is blowing.
I hope your symptoms were all mild and didn’t cause any long term effects. I’d encourage you to watch this… local SC people just trying to protect the people of SC.

How is that report a disgrace to journalism? They cited the stats. They interviewed parents and teachers. Maybe Tucker Carlson will do the next one for you.
The first min is laughable. They present it as fact that a few people are really sick and hospitalized from C19 because school was in session for 4 days without masks. A real investigative journalist could blow that narrative up in minutes.
But consume all you want and scare the crap out of yourself. Yea Tucker evil and NBC, ABC, etc….good….got your narrative loud and clear.
At the time there were 335 reported deaths from covid among children. Do you not think it would be who them to reach out and figure out exactly what happened there? Public health experts and epidemiologists everywhere have questions the decision not to do that. When you're dealing with a virus that is never been seen before any information is valuable. When it's 335 there's plenty of time to make a call and figure out what's going on.
Yet another study showing the masks we currently wear don't do a damn bit of good.

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Yet another study showing the masks we currently wear don't do a damn bit of good.

“There is no question it is beneficial to wear any face covering, both for protection in close proximity and at a distance in a room,” said Serhiy Yarusevych, a professor of mechanical and mechatronics engineering and the leader of the study. “However, there is a very serious difference in the effectiveness of different masks when it comes to controlling aerosols.”

I wouldn't say they do no good. And neither does the person in the link.
“There is no question it is beneficial to wear any face covering, both for protection in close proximity and at a distance in a room,” said Serhiy Yarusevych, a professor of mechanical and mechatronics engineering and the leader of the study. “However, there is a very serious difference in the effectiveness of different masks when it comes to controlling aerosols.”

I wouldn't say they do no good. And neither does the person in the link.

Note that I said as we currently wear them. There is no question at all that a well worn and unused N95 will make a significant difference. But as we wear them now, they are 10% or less effective. That's something people should know because they don't need a false sense of security about the protection. That's dangerous!
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Note that I said as we currently wear them. There is no question at all that a well worn and unused N95 will make a significant difference. But as we wear them now, they are 10% or less effective. That's something people should know because they don't need a false sense of security about the protection. That's dangerous!
I'm really not trying to get into semantics but you said "masks we currently wear dont do a damn bit of good".

1. Yes they do have a benefit.

2. You did not mention anything about how or as we wear masks.

To everyone else, get the FDA approved vaccine, wear a mask when asked, and move on with your day.
Note that I said as we currently wear them. There is no question at all that a well worn and unused N95 will make a significant difference. But as we wear them now, they are 10% or less effective. That's something people should know because they don't need a false sense of security about the protection. That's dangerous!
I properly wear a KN95. I have a youth sized KN95 for my child. My wife wears a N95 all day at work. I see more and more people moving in this direction. While I agree this pure focus on masks is not productive, 10% is still greater than zero. In combination with hand washing, testing, vaccine, distancing, etc...even less effective masks do work. That's the message that should be pushed outward, but sadly it has been lost in the mask/vaccine debate.

But, it's not like high quality masks aren't widely available...

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I properly wear a KN95. I have a youth sized KN95 for my child. My wife wears a N95 all day at work. I see more and more people moving in this direction. While I agree this pure focus on masks is not productive, 10% is still greater than zero. In combination with hand washing, testing, vaccine, distancing, etc...even less effective masks do work. That's the message that should be pushed outward, but sadly it has been lost in the mask/vaccine debate.

But, it's not like high quality masks aren't widely available...

Wow man. You were right and we are never going to agree. You just keep doing you and I hope that everything works out the way you hope.
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I properly wear a KN95. I have a youth sized KN95 for my child. My wife wears a N95 all day at work. I see more and more people moving in this direction. While I agree this pure focus on masks is not productive, 10% is still greater than zero. In combination with hand washing, testing, vaccine, distancing, etc...even less effective masks do work. That's the message that should be pushed outward, but sadly it has been lost in the mask/vaccine debate.

But, it's not like high quality masks aren't widely available...

Do you wear a helmet all day around your house too?
nope.....and don't wear a mask at home either.'s rare that you would ever see me with a pair of shoes on at home or when I'm in the yard. Is this where you are going with this?
Just inferring your behavior based on your comments. You strike me as an extremely risk averse person.
Just inferring your behavior based on your comments. You strike me as an extremely risk averse person.
I don’t think I am risk averse at all but I don’t go running towards it either. I do mitigate risk when I find is prudent to do so. Like in the middle of a pandemic when rates are spiking in close proximity. Seems foolish not to take precautions.

But I also always wear my seatbelt in the car, get a physical every year, and don’t invest in penny stocks….so compared to some on here maybe I am.