Genuinely curious what you are inferring by these statements....What is more than a recession in your eyes that we are currently experience? And what is it that we need to see is happening?
Goal #11 of the NWO…. “To keep people everywhere from deciding their own destinies by means of one created crisis after another & managing such crisises.”
These are manufactured crisises
1. The boarder Crisis …. Purposely turning America into a 3rd world country.
2. Drug Epidemic…. What are the pharmaceutical companies doing making Fentanyl & Oxycodone. These drugs are 50 times more powerful than heroine. NWO governments around the world, including ours, are dumbing down our people.
3. Mass Shootings….. To create a system of terror by means of mind control that would make Red Terror look like child’s play. This is going to continue until their is such a public outcry for gun confiscation.
Genuinely curious what you are inferring by these statements....What is more than a recession in your eyes that we are currently experience? And what is it that we need to see is happening?
Goal #11 of the NWO….. “To keep people everywhere from deciding their own destinies by means of one created crisis after another & managing such crisises”
1. Covid-19….. whether you believe it or not, Covid & other Viruses are man made with the intent to harm & kill the public. We the people are considered “Useless Eaters” by the NWO Global Elite. They claim we are using their resources & there is not enough resources to go around.
Their goal is to reduce the population to 500 million people. They claim this is to be done by 2050. I say they aim to do this by 2030, when Agenda 21 will be fully implemented.
They also use Vaccines to reduce the population. Bill Gates, a Committee of 300 Member in the NWO, said @ a TEDEX Conference, “If we do a really good job with vaccines, we can REDUCE THE POPULATION BY 10-15 PERCENT”
2. Opioid Epedemic…. Why is Big Pharma manufacturing Fentanyl & Oxycodone? These drugs are known to be 50 times more powerful than heroine. Several hundred people A DAY are dying due to Opioids. I personally know a handful of people who have lost a loved one due to Fentanyl or Oxycodone. These drugs & others are being used to reduce the population & dumb people down. By the way, Big Pharma is a huge part of the NWO’s Hierarchy.
3. Border Crisis…. This is a manufactured crisis, being executed for the purpose of turning our country into a 3rd World Country. The goal of the NWO is to make sure all countries are 3rd World Countries.
4. Climate Change Crisis…. This is being done by HAARP Technology (High Frequency Arial Active Research Program) & The Global Chemtrail Program. Through HAARP Technology, Earthquakes, Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Drought, Flooding & other weather phenomenon is being used to manipulate the weather.
The NWO has been spraying us with Chemtrails since @ least the Forties & probably longer. One cannot go to any city, town or country without seeing Chemtrails regularly. This is the REAL reason why The Climate has heated up so much.
When I was a kid in the 70’s, it use to get cold in October in Tampa. We hardly have any cool weather in October & very little cool weather in November. The NWO is deliberately heating up the Climate so they can say, “We have a Climate Change Crisis.” Because of the crisis that humanity & fossil fuels created, we’re going to tell you where you can & can’t live & visit, this is called Agenda 21, which was signed into law in 1992 by George Bush SR. This is already being done. The Dutch Government recently confiscated 3,000 farms. China is buying our farms, as is NWO Members like Bill Gates. No Farms, No Food. This is being done to create food shortages.
Southern California has declared a state of emergency due to drought conditions. The Colorado River is @ record lows as is Lake Meade, just outside of Las Vegas. We are seeing drought in our bread basket states.
Does anyone remember the movie, “The Hunger Games?”
I never saw the movie but I knew where they were going with the movie.
Many of y’all have heard me say many times, “We’re in The Tribulation Period.” I believe we are in The Third Seal, which is Hyper-Inflation. There was a time not long ago where Lumber was up over 1000%. Your seeing produce prices up 40%. We’ve seen @ $5 per gallon.
Wait until China invades Taiwan. Gas prices will be north of $10 per gallon & food costs will be up 3-5 times what they are now.
The Fourth Seal, Rider on the Pale Horse is A Bad One. This calls for Famine due to manufactured Food Shortages, Pestilences due to some manufactured diseases. We’re hearing about the Monkey Virus. Had Anyone seen the movie, “Outbreak?”
You see, The Black Nobility (Nothing to do with skin color) runs Hollywood & The Music Industry. They’re on the Top Level of the NWO Hierarchy, along with The Illuminati & The Committee of 300. These people are Satanist & very arrogant. So, if we’re paying attention, I’ll show us, what’s gonna happen because the NWO is driving the calamities. Remember, Satan comes ONLY to Kill, Steal & Destroy. Isn’t that what we’ve all witnessed these past 3 years.
The Rider On The Pale Horse was given Authority Over 1/4 of The Earth. That’s 2 Billion People. He kills with The Sword (Weapons), Famine (NWO Manufactured Food Shortages) Pestilences (Man Made Viruses like Covid-19, Aides, The Monkey Virus & Whatever other Virus they throw at us. Wild Beasts… During The Fourth Seal, we will be hit with Tactical Nukes & A Schuyler full of Enriched Plutonium (EMP), which was launched on December 13th, 2012 by The Obama Administration. China & or Russia will be blamed but the attacks will be with The Consent Of Our NWO Government.
After these events have taken place, Martial Law will be enacted. You will receive a knock on your door & authorities will tell people, “We attacked by China/Russia or a combination of the two. Come with us, we’re going to provide food, shelter, protection & other provisions for you & your family. Unfortunately, most people will follow the authorities to their slaughter. Citizens Will be taken to FEMA Camps, there are over 800 of them in America. Once @ the FEMA Camps, Citizens Will Be Told, “Here’s The Real Reason Why You’re Here, You Have Two Choices, Either Agree To Be Re-Educated, Agree To Have The RFID Chip Inserted In Your Hand Or Forehead. This Allows You To Buy Or Sell & Agree To Worship The Beast/Antichrist.
Revelation 14 tells us, “If Anyone Receives The Mark Of The Beast & Or Worships The Beast/Antichrist, He Will Be The Recipient Of One Or More Of Sixteen Judgements From God, Starting In Revelation 6, The Sixth Seal. Once He/She Perish, They Will Spend Eternity In The Lake Of Fire.
Those Who Refuse To Receive The RFID Chip (Mark Of The Beast) Will NOT Be Able To Buy Or Sell. Those Who Worship The Beast Antichrist Will Be Terminated.
I Know This Sounds Bleak But I Have A Responsibility & An Obligation To Share The Truth with People.
If You’ve Never Received JESUS As Your Savior & Lord, This Is The Time To Do It. He’s The Only One Who Can Save Us.
For Those who Don’t Know, JESUS Came To Pay The Penalty For Our Sins. He Did This By Shedding HiS Precious Blood For Our Sins.
JESUS Said, I’m The Way, The Truth & The Life, No One Comes To The FATHER But Through ME.
JESUS Said, “IF You Confess ME Before Men, I’ll Confess You Before MY FATHER & HIS Angels But, If You’re Ashamed Of ME & MY WORDS, I’ll Be Ashamed Of You When You Stand Before My FATHER & HIS Angels.
JESUS Said, “Unless A Man Is Born Again, He Cannot Enter The Kingdom Of Heaven.”
Romans 10:9 Says, If You Confess With Your Mouth, “The Lord JESUS & Believe In Your Heart GOD Raised Him From The Dead, You Shall Be Saved.”
If You’ve Never Received JESUS As Your Savior, Say This Prayer…. Dear Heavenly FATHER, I Come To You In The Name Of JESUS, FATHER, Forgive Me For My Sins, I Believe JESUS is The Messiah, I Believe HE Died On The Cross For My Sins. I Believe YOU Raised HIM On The Third Day. JESUS, I Invite You To Come Live Inside Of Me. Lead Me, Guide Me & Direct Me. Thank You For Saving Me, In JESUS’s Name, Amen!
If You said that prayer & meant it, Your Name Is Written In The Lambs Book Of Life & You Are Heaven Bound.
Revelation 20:15 Says, “Whoever’s Name Was Not Found Written In The Lambs Book Of Life Was Cast Into The Lake Of Fire.”
Read The Bible Daily, starting with John & Then Mathew, Mark & Luke. GOD will begin to speak to your heart. You will feel his presence IF you deligently seek HIM.
Pray Daily, When You Pray, Start Out By saying, “FATHER, I Come To You In JESUS’s Name & Thank HIM For Saving You. Thank HIM For The Many Blessings HE’s Blessed You With.