The biggest problem facing America right now is the ignorance of our voters fed by the two party system. People are lazy when it comes to seeking out info and they are vindictive. Once allegiance has been made to a party or a politician, the typical American is too weak to break away and admit when they have been duped. They would prefer to believe lies and misinformation to justify their choice instead. Sometimes the facts are not pleasant and the means that we need to deal with them are even less desirable and maybe even personally humbling.
The biggest problem with America is that politicians are lining up left and right to feed the ignorant biases of their voters to maintain power. Noone is willing to speak truth or deal in facts because that won't get you elected. Once a voter pledges allegiance to a politician or party they lose the objectivity to hold them accountable to the facts and instead are only interested in validating the reason they supported them. To disagree or say they were wrong is too embarrassing so they continue to bury their head in their bullshit.
You've got AOC on the left feeding her socialist followers on the idea that NY was going to pay Amazon $3 billion of their citizens money to come to NY and that NY actually won financially by running Amazon and the tens of billions of dollars in positive financial impact they would have had on NY. Feeding the idea that the Green New Deal is achievable within the financial parameters and timelines as drawn. Feeding the idea that free healthcare and a government living wage for all can be achieved with no significant impact on their citizens taxes and America's economy. Or that mere rounding and accounting errors by the DOD would pay for 2/3 of Medicare for all.
Conversely, you have Donald Trump and the extreme right feeding his base on the idea that immigrant caravans are "attacking" America. That women, children and young men with their sticks and stones are a greater threat than North Korea or Russia. That building a great wall on our border would cut off illegal drugs even though 90% are seized at legal points of entry. That climate change is a fallacy and there is no impact that humans can take to impact it. That food stamps are running up the deficit spending and not the tax reform bill that was essentially a boon to the top 1% while adding trillions to the debt in coming years. That America will be a safer place by disengaging from our allies and the rest of the world and embracing the likes of Kim Jong-un and Vladimir Putin.
I can go on and on and on for both sides. America needs a reality check and they aren't getting it from their politicians because they don't want to deal in facts. Until the people of this country move to the middle and realize that the leaders from the extreme right and extreme left, whether politicians or online bloggers or fanatical organizations, are feeding them bullshit by the buckets we are going to continue to descend down a very dangerous path.
John Adams said, "There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties, each arranged under its leader, and concerting measures in opposition to each other. This, in my humble apprehension, is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution."
George Washington agreed with Adams and further warned "It agitates the Community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms; kindles the animosity of one part against another, foments occasionally riot and insurrection. It opens the door to foreign influence and corruption, which find a facilitated access to the government itself through the channels of party passions."
LOL. Who said they were attacking? Everyone knows they aren’t attacking. But yes, in the long run, that definitely poses just as big a threat as Russia and China. They are right next door. It’s not like Trump isn’t working on all three issues.
I do agree with a lot of what you said. I’m a fairly liberal person. The difference I see in the two parties are one extreme is getting smaller and the other party has the extreme taking over as the majority. One is drifting towards socialism and is actually having “democratic” socialists win elections. Trump is easily the most centrist president in my lifetime. I think that shows the party as a whole us drifting that way. Socialism is easily the biggest threat to this country. Not Mexico, Russia or China. All great empires fall from the inside.