OT: Didn't see a GOT thread after last night


Gold Member
Jan 24, 2011
I'm curious to know what people thought. I thought it was absolutely incredible. Probably the 3rd best of the last two seasons behind Hardhome and Hold the Door.


The Mountain ripping that freaking guy's head off
King Tommen announcing the end of trial by combat
The imp and the jokes and then Danearys coming back
Arya deciding to go home
The Blackfish and Edmure and the taking of River Run

Absolutely incredible episode.
Though I thought it was good, I was kinda expecting more from the preview that was shown afterlast weeks episode. There are not enough episodes left to really get through all the story plots they have been running this season IMO. Plus they are only doing half the episodes the next two seasons so they need to pick it up.
Disappointed with the Blackfish story line. Wish he would have gone down slitting Edmure's throat or something like that.

I have been high on Arya. Pretty excited to see where that goes.

What else can you say about the mountain. That was ridiculous.
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Solid episode. Only real beef is how Arya can now heal herself Wolverine style. Two stabs and one slash to the gut and she's jumping around like Spiderman the next day. Cmon.

Was also hoping the Mountain would take out several more faith militant but I guess I'll have to be patient.

Battle of the Bastards next week!
Thought the episode sucked. My thoughts:

Arya wasted 2 years in Bravos. Milk of the Poppy must be a wonder drug.
Dani comes back and we don't get to see the dragons wreck shit
Wasted a valuable 5 minutes with stupid BS banter between Tryion, Grey Worm and Misandei
The Blackfish gets killed and we don't get to see it.
Way too many rushed story lines now.

Best part of the episode was Hound, Dialogue between Edmure and Jamie, Mountain ripping dudes head off.
I was really disappointed in the whole Blackfish storyline last night. Why have it? Was it just another distraction to get characters caught up on the same storyline? The dialogue was intriguing, but a whole lot of nothing just to end up like they were before the siege.

In the books Jaime is separating himself from Cersei by now. He tore up a letter from her while at the Riverrun siege.

What's Varys up to?
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I did not like the way the Blackfish was killed off camera. He's a legend and then you find out he's dead without seeing him going after Edmure or getting overunn by numbers. Hopefully he's not dead... but I doubt it. Then could have done a bit more with Arya killing that other chick if not just the dark and a scream or something. She's been getting pummelled for 3 seasons and then really nothing.
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I thought it was meh. I'm hoping HBO does not screw up the ending of the series like they did with Boardwalk Empire - just rushing stories with writing up there with your basic soap opera.

Was getting tired of the Arya nonsense, thank goodness she's finally going home. Did not get the jumping around after the gut stab. Maybe it is explained later how that happened. Would have liked to have seen her fight the Waif.

Cersi hopefully won't continue to be incompetent. Tommen is such a wimp. Wonder is Cersi takes Marjore out.

I liked the Hound storyline. The killer with morals. Going to be interesting.

Jamie lets Brianne & Pod escape. Love connection b/t Brianne & Jamie? They are better off fighting on the same side.

Ready to see some of the storylines move on. When do the Boltons get there's, the whole religious cult in Kings Landing, the bore that is Mereen, when will we find out about Jons true parents?

Hopefully, this is the last "leading up" episode.
Might be the worst episode I've seen from the series

Agree 100%. You can tell D&D really are rushing the story lines in an effort to finish the show. As great as it's been the last 5 years, i have a bad feeling their going to totally ruin it by rushing the conclusion of all these story lines.
Agree 100%. You can tell D&D really are rushing the story lines in an effort to finish the show. As great as it's been the last 5 years, i have a bad feeling their going to totally ruin it by rushing the conclusion of all these story lines.
It's gonna be rushed, guaranteed. Way too much that has to come together for 13 more episodes, I think it's 13 but not positive.
Also the Arya story rustled me to know end. Wasted 2 years to gain what skills? Then tells the many faced God she's leaving and he's just like, K bye. Also pissed I couldn't watch that evil women die on camera
I'm curious to know what people thought. I thought it was absolutely incredible. Probably the 3rd best of the last two seasons behind Hardhome and Hold the Door.


The Mountain ripping that freaking guy's head off
King Tommen announcing the end of trial by combat
The imp and the jokes and then Danearys coming back
Arya deciding to go home
The Blackfish and Edmure and the taking of River Run

Absolutely incredible episode.

I thought the resolution of the whole Arya situation was sort of lame. They could've gone in so many different directions while still keeping Arya alive and allowing her to rejoin the fray, but they played it straight and just ignored the fact that she'd been stabbed multiple times in the gut. Like @Steven15 said, it's also weird that they're apparently just letting her go.

With the whole Riverrun situation, I was really hoping Jaime would let the soldiers there go join Jon/ Sansa's battle. Also sucked to see Blackfish killed off so quickly, but he "died" off camera, so you never know.

One thing to consider is that apparently the last few episodes are going to be like 70 minutes long. So you're getting 20 extra minutes of action.
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I'm not sure why so many people are talking about Arya "healing herself." The actress that ended up murdering her sowed her up. She said she used to get pissed at her boyfriends when they smelled like other women so she would get revenge by cutting them so she learned to sow them up. Even then, she wasn't totally healed. When she was running away from the assassin she popped her stitches and was bleeding again.
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That episode was absolutely terrible. Here's why..

Why the phack would Arya, walk around sight seeing in the middle of the city, knowing the Waif is after her? Then, she gets stabbed multiple times in the abdomen, which would have killed anyone due to septic shock...but no, a day or two later, she's somehow healthy enough to be running and jumping off buildings. Then, after all that build up between her and the Waif...she kills the Waif off screen.

Now on to Riverrun. All the hype and buildup there between the Lannisters/Freys and the Blackfish with Riverrun...and that was how they chose to end that storyline? The Lannisters/Freys get invited into the castle, only to then kill the Blackfish off screen.

What an absolute joke of an episode...I was very disappointed.

I'm really hoping these last two episodes can make up for the pretty putrid previous 3.
I thought it was clever that Arya used the blind training to kill the Waif. That backfired. The hound story is good as well. I didn't read the books, so I'm not as disappointed as others.
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I'm not sure why so many people are talking about Arya "healing herself." The actress that ended up murdering her sowed her up. She said she used to get pissed at her boyfriends when they smelled like other women so she would get revenge by cutting them so she learned to sow them up. Even then, she wasn't totally healed. When she was running away from the assassin she popped her stitches and was bleeding again.

A couple stitches does not magically heal three stabs to the gut (and in one day!). In the real world, that injury is a painful death unless she got serious qualified medical attention quickly. She would have serious internal bleeding. Remember that Robert Baratheon took a horn to the gut and slowly died. I'm willing to suspend disbelief to a point but that put me way over the edge. The giant black guard from Dorne, supposed great warrior, gets stabbed once in the back in goes down like a stone and here Arya is leaping and rolling all over the place.
Yeah, Arya's intestines would be shredded and that little twist of the knife would have likely ripped into an organ or two. Then she jumps into the canal which is basically a sewer.

How do you survive that in GOT without magic? I was actually hoping for magic as the current story line doesn't make sense.
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I agree Arya should've had more complications and she shouldn't have been walking around, but who said it was just a couple of days? It couldve been at least a week or two.

I guess the Faceless Men were happy with the body count. I'd also say Jaqen always knew she would leave. He made it obvious when he said "she has a point" when the Waif stated Arya would never be "No One."
i just came add that i ****ing love maisie williams.

she is turning into a little hottie too. check out those legs.


No offense intended OP, but I hope you're about 15 years old, because she looks like she's about 16 years old and is not pretty at all IMO. She does look better in the photos you posted, but she's not really attractive at all, more of kind of cute and even that's a stretch IMO.
Thought the episode sucked. My thoughts:

Arya wasted 2 years in Bravos. Milk of the Poppy must be a wonder drug.
Dani comes back and we don't get to see the dragons wreck shit
Wasted a valuable 5 minutes with stupid BS banter between Tryion, Grey Worm and Misandei
The Blackfish gets killed and we don't get to see it.
Way too many rushed story lines now.

Best part of the episode was Hound, Dialogue between Edmure and Jamie, Mountain ripping dudes head off.

Agreed, episode sucked hard.

-As some said, Arya turning into Xena Warrior Princess 24 hours after being diced in the gut was just so dumb. I'm not sure why she even needed to get stabbed in the first place is she was gonna kill the Waif. They should've skipped all the stabbing. Have the Waif show up at some point, but have Arya see her and then go into the chase mode and do the darkness kill if that's what you want. The stabbing does nothing but sorta add a TV cliffhanger aspect from the previous episode while also insulting the viewer into making this seem believable. It came off as super cheesy and not something GOT usually relies on.

-All of that awesome banter and energy from Blackfish for that end? Wtf?!?! Use your screen time guys, this is GOT not Modern Family. There's not time for everyone.

-Ditto that awesome joking sequence with Tyrion and the other two. That was so dumb and a waste of time.

-Any episode without Jon and the North storyline will never be an awesome episode to me. It's pretty much a requirement for any awesome episode.

-The Tommen and the Faith storyline is really pretty unbelievable to me. I've said from the beginning these lunatics in their robes taking the queen prisoner when the king has an army of trained, armored soldiers was likely the dumbest storyline in the whole show. Him now going full-on radical in a couple days and making decisions that are basically solely designed to murder his mother is beyond unbelievable. I mean, no one would do it, period.

-Finally getting to see the Mountain semi-unleashed was pretty awesome.

-The Hound is a top 2 character on this show. He is just unreal and owns every scene. They write dialogue for him better than any other character outside of maybe Tyrion (although his dialogue has been pretty weak lately).

Overall, put me in the nervous camp that thinks this is all gonna wrap up way too fast and will be very disappointing. Little things like not showing Dany's dragons in her return just goes to show they're saving on budget. I understand these shows aren't made in some utopian money-less society but damn they better not screw this series up.
Agreed, episode sucked hard.

I understand these shows aren't made in some utopian money-less society but damn they better not screw this series up.

A lot of fans forgave HBO when they screwed up the Soprano's ending. There was of course debate on whether or not it was a bad series finale or not, but i have a hard time imagining fans forgiving HBO for potentially screwing up the ending to 2 of the greatest TV Shows of all time.

If they fvck it up, there is going to be backlash. They better not be screw it up or be ready for the onslaught via Social Media.
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I'm curious to know what people thought. I thought it was absolutely incredible. Probably the 3rd best of the last two seasons behind Hardhome and Hold the Door.


The Mountain ripping that freaking guy's head off
King Tommen announcing the end of trial by combat
The imp and the jokes and then Danearys coming back
Arya deciding to go home
The Blackfish and Edmure and the taking of River Run

Absolutely incredible episode.

It had moments I guess. I'm thinking they don't show the Blackfish's death because he wasn't really known for his fighting skills. He may have gone down swinging but I'm guessing it wasn't much of a contest. I thought the exchanges between Edmure and Jaime/Blackfish were very good.

The Arya part completely confuses me. She breaks one rule and they blind her. She breaks another and they try to assassinate her. She survives the attempt by the Waif and then they just let her walk?! Something is missing there...

I've liked the Hound storyline. Curious to see how he figures in the grand scheme of things. Surprisingly, I am glad to see the Spider go. His character went from awesome to complete dud. The "joke" scene didn't do it for me. I got up and made popcorn figuring that I was missing nothing.

Nice to see the Mountain do something besides stand there. On that end, Tommen isn't doing his momma any favors.
The intention was never for Arya to stay.

Also my comment earlier was to suggest all this that ya'll say was left out will likely appear in the next episode.
The High Sparrow is trolling Tommen so hard - when it comes out at the trial (if there is a trial) that Tommen is a product of incest, he's not the king anymore.

Bastard Bowl next week - should be a good one.
The High Sparrow is trolling Tommen so hard - when it comes out at the trial (if there is a trial) that Tommen is a product of incest, he's not the king anymore.

Bastard Bowl next week - should be a good one.

Great point. and you're right, Tommen is fvcked. Also, whenever he talks i almost see a bit of the Tommy Bowden lip quiver.....He's such a beta.
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Also the Arya story rustled me to know end. Wasted 2 years to gain what skills? Then tells the many faced God she's leaving and he's just like, K bye. Also pissed I couldn't watch that evil women die on camera
I think the many faced God expected her to leave all along and was simply training her. He specifically took her sight and forced her to learn to fight blind for a reason. We saw that he obviously did not give the other girl the same training. That was a cool way for her to defeat her, striking out the candle and then beating her ass.

As for Arya's injuries, that was a little over the top that she was moving that well. That said, we don't know how much time had lapsed from the first scene where she was bandaged by the actress and the scene where the actress was killed. It could have been several weeks. OK, so I may be stretching to make it be more realistic, but let me do it. :)

The rest of the episode was OK. I think they did a lot to set up some later stuff. I do fear they are going to rush some stuff. I would rather them have 5 more seasons and play it out like it should. I'm in no rush to see this show end.
When I complain about sequences in the show not making sense, my wife reminds me that I am watching a show with magic, dragaons, and white walkers.

I expected more action from this past episode. Part of me is thinking, "oh next week is going to be great" but I said the same thing last week and I keep waiting and waiting.
I think the many faced God expected her to leave all along and was simply training her. He specifically took her sight and forced her to learn to fight blind for a reason. We saw that he obviously did not give the other girl the same training. That was a cool way for her to defeat her, striking out the candle and then beating her ass.

As for Arya's injuries, that was a little over the top that she was moving that well. That said, we don't know how much time had lapsed from the first scene where she was bandaged by the actress and the scene where the actress was killed. It could have been several weeks. OK, so I may be stretching to make it be more realistic, but let me do it. :)

The rest of the episode was OK. I think they did a lot to set up some later stuff. I do fear they are going to rush some stuff. I would rather them have 5 more seasons and play it out like it should. I'm in no rush to see this show end.

I always thought the Waif had essentially already passed the training. She was basically in the club at this point. It felt hollow that he made special blindfold training for Arya and not the Waif.

I also don't buy him knowing she was always going to leave. This dude actually believes this Many Faced God bullshit. No way he just sat around training this chick for years in an essential fake assassin school, knowing she'd leave all along.
I think the many faced God expected her to leave all along and was simply training her. He specifically took her sight and forced her to learn to fight blind for a reason. We saw that he obviously did not give the other girl the same training. That was a cool way for her to defeat her, striking out the candle and then beating her ass.

As for Arya's injuries, that was a little over the top that she was moving that well. That said, we don't know how much time had lapsed from the first scene where she was bandaged by the actress and the scene where the actress was killed. It could have been several weeks. OK, so I may be stretching to make it be more realistic, but let me do it. :)

The rest of the episode was OK. I think they did a lot to set up some later stuff. I do fear they are going to rush some stuff. I would rather them have 5 more seasons and play it out like it should. I'm in no rush to see this show end.
I assumed a similar time lapse occurred - she drank the milk of the poppy and then we see her later, with no real description of how much time had passed. I assumed it had to of been days.
I always thought the Waif had essentially already passed the training. She was basically in the club at this point. It felt hollow that he made special blindfold training for Arya and not the Waif.

I also don't buy him knowing she was always going to leave. This dude actually believes this Many Faced God bullshit. No way he just sat around training this chick for years in an essential fake assassin school, knowing she'd leave all along.

The Waif probably didn't ignore a command to kill someone and instead revenge kill someone totally different. That's why Arya's sight was taken, which eventually led to her having to train blind, which was more of a test of toughness and dedication than intentional blindfold training.

I have less of an issue with that sequence than many it seems. Edmure on the other hand, screw that guy and the way RR went down.
I always thought the Waif had essentially already passed the training. She was basically in the club at this point. It felt hollow that he made special blindfold training for Arya and not the Waif.

I also don't buy him knowing she was always going to leave. This dude actually believes this Many Faced God bullshit. No way he just sat around training this chick for years in an essential fake assassin school, knowing she'd leave all along.

The Waif was in the club, per the books. She also wasn't an antagonist, at least to the end of book 5.

There were plot holes, for sure. But maybe he saw something in her and decided to help. Why not train her and let her go?

I'm not as disappointed as you. I was more let down by the Blackfish storyline and where Jaime is now (in a mental sense).
In the books Jaime is disgusted by his sister's behavior and drinking, and refuses to help her initially when she asks for him to be her champion. He is already at Riverrun when it happens. He seems contrite for what happened in his life and to have tried to regain his honor as a knight.

Now I'm not sure where he is mentally, but what he said to Edmure is true, and he may have threatened those things just to force Edmure when Jaime really wouldn't have done them.

But losing the Blackfish off camera that way was the most disappointing part.
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Thought the episode sucked. My thoughts:

Arya wasted 2 years in Bravos. Milk of the Poppy must be a wonder drug.
Dani comes back and we don't get to see the dragons wreck shit
Wasted a valuable 5 minutes with stupid BS banter between Tryion, Grey Worm and Misandei
The Blackfish gets killed and we don't get to see it.
Way too many rushed story lines now.

Best part of the episode was Hound, Dialogue between Edmure and Jamie, Mountain ripping dudes head off.

Kind of my issue with the episode are a few things you pointed out. Almost seemed rush because the three biggest battles we didn't witness.

We didn't see The Blackfish fight. We didn't see Dany come in with the dragons and fire ball everyone to hell. And we didn't see the battle between Arya and Waif.

The last irritated me the most. We spent all that time watching them spar. And then Arya getting stabbed. And the chase. But no fight??? The one we probably all wanted to see, but nothing?

Just annoyed by that. I know it's not just a fight scene type show but don't let their be this huge build up with really nothing to show for it, literally.