OT: For those of you who are gonna vote for Hillary, can you tell us why?


The Jack Dunlap Club
Gold Member
Aug 4, 2009
She's gonna be the democratic nominee, no doubt about that...

So tell us why, the reason behind it...

I honestly don't know of any accomplishments she has...

I know about the Bengazi coverup & the email scandal but that's about it...

She's not very charismatic or pretty & doesn't seem to have a very warm relationship with the press...

About all she has is the Clinton name (as far as I can tell) & for the record, I actually liked Bill...

So please, enlighten me...I'm not trying to be a smartass either, I'm just wanting to get another perspective.
What does being pretty have to do with anything in regards to running for president? Although I have to admit that Mitt is kind of pretty......
Well apparently her having a vagina (supposedly) is all the requirement many on the Dem side need to vote for her...
Posted from Rivals Mobile
In before this gets marked.

I try and be very unbiased when it comes to politics. But when it comes to Hilary, I just don't get it. I worked at an immigration reform agency and some of the volunteers there admitted they didn't like Hilary.

Those who do end up voting for her are either uninformed or simply despise the Republican Party so much that they would vote for her.

For example, I saw a friend of mine post and share that Hilary announced her nomination. I didn't get involved (I learned not to get into debates on Facebook, especially over politics) but someone did ask her "Why HIlary?"

The response was - C/P - It's time for America to have a woman in charge

WHAT???? That's the same thing as blacks wanting Obama in office because he is black.

NO - for me, I don't care if he or she is black, white, Korean, etc... I don't care if said candidate is from Princeton or Harvard or from a state public school. I don't care if said candidate is x,y,z. If said candidate is qualified, said candidate is qualified. That's all I care about - who is BEST to lead the free world and the United States, make the right and tough decisions, and be the Commander in Chief?
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so... its ok to vote for hillary because she is a democrat and a woman. who are you to tell people how to vote? people vote along party lines all the time. people vote for religious reasons. people are single issue voters. whats the difference?

its also ok with me for your party to assume thats the only reason folks will vote for her, because it will certainly lead to a catastrophic loss for Rs nationally.

if you are so blind that you cannot come up with a single reason that anyone would vote for hillary on your own, or with 20 seconds of googling, its a waste of my time to tell you why im doing it. but its not because she is a women. There are legitimate policy reasons to vote for her, TONS of them. you are naive and arrogant to think otherwise.
one positive consequence of the new board... you'll get a notification when people post on the round table. hooray more political posts!

so... its ok to vote for hillary because she is a democrat and a woman. who are you to tell people how to vote? people vote along party lines all the time. people vote for religious reasons. people are single issue voters. whats the difference?

its also ok with me for your party to assume thats the only reason folks will vote for her, because it will certainly lead to a catastrophic loss for Rs nationally.

if you are so blind that you cannot come up with a single reason that anyone would vote for hillary on your own, or with 20 seconds of googling, its a waste of my time to tell you why im doing it. but its not because she is a women. There are legitimate policy reasons to vote for her, TONS of them. you are naive and arrogant to think otherwise.

there are many more legitimate policy reasons not to vote for the liar hag than to vote for her. and Icecube08....I thought you were going to enlighten me on what was "ironic" about the article I linked to from National Review. Unless you are in favor of Gestapo tactics in the USA.

there are many more legitimate policy reasons not to vote for the liar hag than to vote for her. and Icecube08....I thought you were going to enlighten me on what was "ironic" about the article I linked to from National Review. Unless you are in favor of Gestapo tactics in the USA.


whats ironic is that this sort of thing has been and is going on in poor hispanic and black community for decades. It happens to a few conservatives and all of a sudden the gestapo is back? give me a break. Its naive to think this doesnt happen everyday in poor communities, and racist or classist to only care about it now that its happening to poor old white folk.
whats ironic is that this sort of thing has been and is going on in poor hispanic and black community for decades. It happens to a few conservatives and all of a sudden the gestapo is back? give me a break. Its naive to think this doesnt happen everyday in poor communities, and racist or classist to only care about it now that its happening to poor old white folk.

and how is that ironic? you should employ a dictionary from time to time. I doubt you spend much time in black or hispanic neighborhoods so how do you know? Meth makers and crack houses sure.....even to white meth makers here in SC.....but not to innocent people, black or white, who are just exercising their constitutional rights. Did you even read the article? Imagine if it happened to you and your family.... though that is what Toni Morrison would like to see.
and how is that ironic? you should employ a dictionary from time to time. I doubt you spend much time in black or hispanic neighborhoods so how do you know? Meth makers and crack houses sure.....even to white meth makers here in SC.....but not to innocent people, black or white, who are just exercising their constitutional rights. Did you even read the article? Imagine if it happened to you and your family.... though that is what Toni Morrison would like to see.

i did read the article, and i do spend plenty of time in poor black and hispanic communities, it is literally part of job at times. You are being naive to think this doesnt happen to innocent people. Nevermind that even if a person was guilty of some drug offense or some other minor offense, its not right for a warrant to be issued and their house ransacked under secret conditions, without recourse. And it does happen, in poor communities, frequently.
i did read the article, and i do spend plenty of time in poor black and hispanic communities, it is literally part of job at times. You are being naive to think this doesnt happen to innocent people. Nevermind that even if a person was guilty of some drug offense or some other minor offense, its not right for a warrant to be issued and their house ransacked under secret conditions, without recourse. And it does happen, in poor communities, frequently.

Why do you think I don't realize this Gestapo activity occurs? I posted the article telling me that it occurs. And I did not say it was wrong only if it happens to caucasian conservatives. It is wrong if it happens to anyone, anywhere. You are the one putting the emphasis on racial, ethnic and economic identities. I did not even make a comment when I posted that link. I thought we were discussing irony. So, here, Icecube08, I will spoonfeed you some Gerber pureed irony.

Michael Jordan becomes a very rich man so he says to himself, I think I will give my father a new Lexus sedan so he can experience some of the good things in life. So, he gives his dad the car. Mr. Jordan Sr. is driving down the interstate and stops at a rest stop. Two killer/car thieves murder Mr. Jordan and steal the car. So, the gift that was supposed to provide a taste of the "good" life ended up depriving Mr. Jordan of any kind of life, good or bad.
i did read the article, and i do spend plenty of time in poor black and hispanic communities, it is literally part of job at times. You are being naive to think this doesnt happen to innocent people. Nevermind that even if a person was guilty of some drug offense or some other minor offense, its not right for a warrant to be issued and their house ransacked under secret conditions, without recourse. And it does happen, in poor communities, frequently.

yeah, it's not right for it to happen at all....but you did notice who the perps were.....All union members.....police....crooked judge....all attacking conservatives because they got buttwhiped by Walker. Why don't you just admit the truth? Your side is comprised of thugs and bullies and whiners and me first Demos.

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