OT: John McCain Strikes again


The Jack Dunlap Club
Gold Member
Jul 26, 2012
Will vote no on ending Obamacare. Again.

Typical politician 6 years ago saying he would fight to end it.

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I know what's wrong with him not wanting 32 million people lose their health care. It's sad he doesn't want to go back to the day where people with pre existing conditions can't get affordable health insurance.

There are two sides of the argument obviously. My point being, a typical politician saying one thing and doing another. Dems/Republicans alike.
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As someone who worked on his campaign in the northeast in 08 elections, he has gone insane. At this point, I truly think he doesn't give a **** since he knows he's dead soon with his diagnosis
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Who cares? After the Democratic coup takes place to oust Trump, the Dems will regurgitate all their failed polices anyway. I heard the "coup" word brought up on CNN the other day. I doubt Mike Pence will be able to hold on to power after Trump is ousted/overthrown or coup, whatever you want to call it. Personally I think this country is heading toward another type of civil war, with politics being the driving force, but there are several issues. This meltdown in American politics and the eventual dissolution of this democracy will play right in to Russia's hands, something that would be the fault of the democrats.
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Will vote no on ending Obamacare. Again.

Typical politician 6 years ago saying he would fight to end it.

Who cares? After the Democratic coup takes place to oust Trump, the Dems will regurgitate all their failed polices anyway. I heard the "coup" word brought up on CNN the other day. I doubt Mike Pence will be able to hold on to power after Trump is ousted/overthrown or coup, whatever you want to call it. Personally I think this country is heading toward another type of civil war, with politics being the driving force, but there are several issues. This meltdown in American politics and the eventual dissolution of this democracy will play right in to Russia's hands, something that would be the fault of the democrats.
My father will be 90 next thur.

He told me 20 years ago this country would have another Civil War.

Damn if I don't think you 2 may be right.
Need a bipartisan bill, but that would require democrats and republicans to ***gasp*** actually work together.
To bad it's all about giving your party a win not what's best for the American people. Obamacare needs to be made better and is far from perfect but is a hell of a lot better than any bill the republicans have put forth
Will vote no on ending Obamacare. Again.

Typical politician 6 years ago saying he would fight to end it.

I dont understand why people living in southern states would want those states making decisions on your health care. The southern states are completely mismanaged, and are constantly sucking the government teet.
I know what's wrong with him not wanting 32 million people lose their health care. It's sad he doesn't want to go back to the day where people with pre existing conditions can't get affordable health insurance.
Evidently your insurance didn't go up over 400 dollars a month when Obamacare went into effect.
Evidently your insurance didn't go up over 400 dollars a month when Obamacare went into effect.

In which "patriotism" is defined as one's ability to sing a song and look at a flag whilst standing, and not defined as "making a sacrifice for the good of my American neighbor who may otherwise die without his subsidized insurance."
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Not sold this bill is the answer. I dont know but there is an awful lot of people who dont think its the right thing to do. People that think Obamacare is garbage.
This. Talk to families with sick kids. Kids born with heart defects or develop cancer. Their premiums or the insurance covering the required treatments and/or surgeries would bankrupt nearly every person or family on TI.

I have a cousin that was born with a heart defect. His family, who does very well, and are staunch conservatives are very concerned about the pre-existing diagnosis issue. At some point, their child will have to take over his insurance and the cost of his last surgery was half a million. Few to none can afford that. No surgery? Then he could go into heart failure, damage his heart for future problems later, or just die.

And, one of SC's senators was an insurance agent. Hopefully, that lobby did not influence him.....ahem...
This. Talk to families with sick kids. Kids born with heart defects or develop cancer. Their premiums or the insurance covering the required treatments and/or surgeries would bankrupt nearly every person or family on TI.

I have a cousin that was born with a heart defect. His family, who does very well, and are staunch conservatives are very concerned about the pre-existing diagnosis issue. At some point, their child will have to take over his insurance and the cost of his last surgery was half a million. Few to none can afford that. No surgery? Then he could go into heart failure, damage his heart for future problems later, or just die.

And, one of SC's senators was an insurance agent. Hopefully, that lobby did not influence him.....ahem...

These parts of the Affordable Care Act were very well conceived. They identified and fixed real problems faced by Americans of all political persuasions.
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In which "patriotism" is defined as one's ability to sing a song and look at a flag whilst standing, and not defined as "making a sacrifice for the good of my American neighbor who may otherwise die without his subsidized insurance."
How much money do you pay a month for insurance? It's not my responsibility to pay for the people that doesn't have it. I give enough to charities and my time to the people that really needs help. To lazy to work that's on the individual.
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These parts of the Affordable Care Act were very well conceived. They identified and fixed real problems faced by Americans of all political persuasions.
Another was the removal of lifetime limits. Use to be 1 or 2 million based on your policy. Had a friend's wife develop breast cancer (actually was two separate cancers at the same time in each breast). 41 years old and healthy (no smoking, good weight, little to no alcohol). Double mastectomy, reconstructive, edema in arm because they had to remove lymph nodes, chemo, radiation,had uterus removed because docs thought cancer could come back....all kinds of fun. She told me her bills were over one million.

She is super conservative but works in health care. Even she said she thanked Obama care and she hates Obama's politics. She knew of the lifetime limit.
It is not just members of congress that can't work together and compromise. Americans can no longer work together and compromise. Too many ideologues and very few people with common sense. There is plenty of evidence of that in this thread. It will be our downfall.
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Will vote no on ending Obamacare. Again.

Typical politician 6 years ago saying he would fight to end it.

Nothing surprising here is it? I mean, his reasons are solid. The first go around it was b/c it was rushed too fast. I mean not crammed down your throat whether it was bi-partisan or not like Obamacare fast....but seemed to be fast in his mind anyway. Now his opposition is b/c he feels he needs to see more analysis and political parties need to sit down and talk more. Wow. Again....doesn't sound like that was important when Obamacare was shoved down the nation's throat. But an interesting take regardless.

McCain clearly doesn't care for President Trump. Why would he? The President did what he usually does and says whatever he wants and hurt McCain's feelings during the campaign. So now for a 2nd time, McCain will relish his ability to block legislation to spite Trump to the glee of those who sit back chanting "hero" and love Obamacare. It's not hard to see why Mccain couldn't come close to winning the Presidency and Trump for all of his flaws -- somehow could. Plenty of folks didn't like Obama's policies including Obamacare. Plenty don't like Trump's big mouth and irreverent brashness either. But it's politician's just like McCain here that create years where someone like Trump can get elected, Obamacare can get passed on his watch, and why the average person is more than fed up with politics in general. This is exactly what I personally expected to happen. McCain thinks he "won" or "proved" something. That's the saddest irony of all isn't it? Onward.
How much money do you pay a month for insurance? It's not my responsibility to pay for the people that doesn't have it. I give enough to charities and my time to the people that really needs help. To lazy to work that's on the individual.

Your opinions on healthcare policy and poverty are very well considered and certainly the result of intelligence and empathy.
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Evidently your insurance didn't go up over 400 dollars a month when Obamacare went into effect.
It went up about a 100 hundred dollars which I was more than happy to pay since I was born with a pre existing conditions I would hate to see what I would pay under this republican health care crap. Also I get no assistance no disability to pay for my health care so you are not paying a damn cent for my health care.
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Time to put the Alexander/Murray plan back on the table and get serious about stabilizing markets for 2018.

And they better hurry. Insurance companies have until September 27th to sign contracts committing them to offering plans on exchanges next year, as well as setting their prices.

Cynically, I'm afraid that the republicans would be just fine with letting that date pass without action. They will mark that as a win (because more insurers will drop out of the exchange and the ones that remain will raise rates). But it's a loss for the American people.
ITT: Guy who can't spell thinks all people receiving healthcare subsidies are "to lazy to work."

ITT: Guy misunderstands that healthcare subsidies are only available for people with five figures of earned income.

ITT: Guy is predictable as ****.
Your opinions on healthcare policy and poverty are very well considered and certainly the result of intelligence and empathy.
It's pretty simple but you wouldn't understand.
For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.
It went up about a 100 hundred dollars which I was more than happy to pay since I was born with a pre existing conditions I would hate to see what I would pay under this republican health care crap. Also I get no assistance no disability to pay for my health care so you are not paying a damn cent for my health care.
Maybe not yours but you're one of the few.
Maybe not yours but you're one of the few.
I'm fine with paying more if it means the sick and children can get health care. I think it's immoral not to provide citizens with the opportunity to get affordable healthcare and the bills the republicans have put forth do not accomplish that.
I'm fine with paying more if it means the sick and children can get health care. I think it's immoral not to provide citizens with the opportunity to get affordable healthcare and the bills the republicans have put forth do not accomplish that.
I'm not saying that at all. I'm talking about the ones (majority) that can work but choose not to cause thay have a free ride.
I'm not saying that at all. I'm talking about the ones (majority) that can work but choose not to cause thay have a free ride.
Ok sorry about that I see what you are saying I agree people like that hurt everyone. I just want everyone to have the opportunity to get affordable health care.
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