OT: Jussie Smollett charged with Class 4 felony disorderly conduct

I hope he serves real jail time (which he won’t) for this. And before I’m called a racist, if this were a white man and the roles were reversed I would say the same about them. Planning and carrying out a fake racially charged crime can’t be tolerated.
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What could possibly be the motivation for this? I’m assuming the publicity and subsequent potential for fame.
This has turned into an insane case. When it initially came out, I said it was more bogus than the Michael Bennett Vegas situation or the fake story LeBron created about racist graffiti on his fence. Two MAGA jabronis walking downtown late at night with a noose, recognizing some random actor, attacking him, putting the noose on him, and yelling racist remarks. LOL Yeah, okay. The way this has unfolded is pure gold.
He would have been perfectly ok with 2 innocent men being charged for a fabricated hate crime. I just wanna see the media and politicians that came to his defense before all of the facts were out asked "Why did you not wait until all the facts were out and why did you call it things like a lynching" The MSM and the lefts hate for a person is really causing them to make some dumb destructive comments. Do not let emotions beat out your common sense. It is dangerous.
What could possibly be the motivation for this? I’m assuming the publicity and subsequent potential for fame.
The family is claiming that he tried to inform police several times of multiple threats he was getting and they never took him serious. So he tried to do this to show that they can see they would be.

The problem is that what he did showed the cops they were 100% right in all the he real threats. He now made it more difficult for people who face real hate crimes committed against them as wel.

Lock the guy up for as long as the law allows.
What could possibly be the motivation for this? I’m assuming the publicity and subsequent potential for fame.

I think in certain professions like the media, politics, Hollywood, and for liberals in general, being a “victim” is “cool,” it grants a special kind of status or street cred. You can’t be a true “whatever” unless you can claim some kind of victim hood statuS.
Trump hate is real and the wackos are showing their true colors with their incessant flaming of lies to try and unseat him. Libs can’t put election behind them.
Because the right was so civil and mature during the Obama presidency
This situation leads my to my usual conclusion....I freaking hate lying ass liberals.
Are you capable of hate?
You have Beto the fake Mexican.
Warren the fake Indian
AOC the fake Jew
Richard Blumenthal the fake war hero
Rachael Dolezal the fake black woman

Add University of South Carolina

Fake National Football 2019 Champion

Bobby Bentley made it so
I hope he serves real jail time (which he won’t) for this. And before I’m called a racist, if this were a white man and the roles were reversed I would say the same about them. Planning and carrying out a fake racially charged crime can’t be tolerated.
I agree. Trump is crazy as hell on Twitter, but he would never spin a story like this.
You have Beto the fake Mexican.
Warren the fake Indian
AOC the fake Jew
Richard Blumenthal the fake war hero
Rachael Dolezal the fake black woman

I don't how you can get more evidence to show that liberalism is a mental illness.

At some point TDS should be looked at as a clinically diagnosed disorder.
IMO, these things (there are dozens) are done to stir up hate, division in our country and support for wacko lefty politicians and their immoral causes. They also fuel an industry (if you want to call it that) for the wealthy leaders of the wacko causes whereby corporations donate millions to them in an effort to look noble. It's all just old fashioned evil.