OT - Mob at the Capital

The problem is protesting has been going on for a while now MAINLY by one side. Now the other side has a protest and all of a sudden it’s got to stop.

Not pointed at you, I’ve said all along the protests would get out of hand once the conservatives joined in the “protest party”. Hopefully both sides will see each other’s viewpoints but I’m not going to hold my breath. The proverbial “genie is out of the bottle” now.

And for the record, I don’t condone ANY protests that aren’t peaceful. But for the individuals that are outraged by today I have a question for you.

Were you outraged the last few years when there were riots and protests started by the left?

interesting. You must have the missed the armed trump militia that took over the michigan capitol building earlier this year. You know, some of the same people who were arrested for a plot to kidnap the governor.

Protests, violence are not specific to one side.
Uhh, I live in Portland. I don’t think you have any idea what was actually happening here. It certainly isn’t what you described.

Classic example of deny what your eyes see and your ears hear. Star Wars "move along, there's nothing to see here" like. Also, a classic example of how divided we are. As said, a kingdom against itself cannot stand, and this one will fall.
Again, this whataboutism is frankly humorous. If you don't see the difference in the President of the US inciting violence by saying that " He will never concede" and "he will never give up" as really ****ed up I don't understand you.

This is a coup attempt by all definitions. This is unprecedented in the United States.

He is actually doing the opposite, but carry on with your nonsense.

He is actually doing the opposite, but carry on with your nonsense.

He is now, but he sure as shit didn't earlier. He also should have done this yesterday, or leading up to this. Anyone could see what was happening. This is what he wanted.
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Again, this whataboutism is frankly humorous. If you don't see the difference in the President of the US inciting violence by saying that " He will never concede" and "he will never give up" as really ****ed up I don't understand you.

This is a coup attempt by all definitions. This is unprecedented in the United States.

Never was this what Trump referring to. His was more like a speach to fight on at halftime to the losing team. So, is this worst that the fraud and corruption regarding this election? Is this worse than a totally corrupt person being elected president?

You have on tape (video) of Biden admiting to a shakedown of a Ukrainian elected official who was investigating his son to be fired!!! An actual quid pro quo. Yet, Trump got impeached for something he did not do, which was later confirmed that he had done. Are you saying that this is all OK?
Classic example of deny what your eyes see and your ears hear. Star Wars "move along, there's nothing to see here" like. Also, a classic example of how divided we are. As said, a kingdom against itself cannot stand, and this one will fall.

What have you seen and heard the last 4 years? Statement is a perfect example of a pot calling a kettle black.
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Frankly I didn’t like any of the protests regardless of who is doing it.

I vote Republican but there is so much wrong with this. We have managed to have a peaceful transition of power for more than 200 years in all types of situations. This should have been no different. At this point the best thing is likely for Trump to just resign.
No. It's a few morons upset over widespread corruption and fraud. This is not like the morons looting and burning cars, and shutting down a part of the city with a violent autonomous zone.

Of course, you were probably bobbing your head up and down in agreement like a bobble head doll when the CNN reporter said that this was a peaceful protest with buildings and cars burning behind him, as the 'moron' looters were stealing TVs and Noke shoes?

You should be careful assuming that everyone fits into your simplistic binary view of the world. I have zero allegiance to the extremes of either party/group.

All mobs are morons. Get a group of emotionally charged people together, incite them with a misguided leader and the cumulate IQ approaches zero.
I think what they are doing is silly and a waste of time. That's all it is. What I don't see is overturned cars, rocks being thrown, armed nuts taking over a city block and trying to establish their own laws, or fires being set.

Where are the nameless, faceless Gestapo arresting these seditionists? Oh wait, that's only for people attacking an empty building in a Democratic city....
Rent free baby.

You clearly can't see the difference in today and what the summer was about. Because of that, your ignorance is out for everyone to see.
Not rent free... you set off the "not this dumb ass again" alarm.

Also... in both cases... the end do not justify the means. Burning police precincts and invading the offices of the Speaker of the House are both abhorrent displays of mobocracy.