The problem is protesting has been going on for a while now MAINLY by one side. Now the other side has a protest and all of a sudden it’s got to stop.
Not pointed at you, I’ve said all along the protests would get out of hand once the conservatives joined in the “protest party”. Hopefully both sides will see each other’s viewpoints but I’m not going to hold my breath. The proverbial “genie is out of the bottle” now.
And for the record, I don’t condone ANY protests that aren’t peaceful. But for the individuals that are outraged by today I have a question for you.
Were you outraged the last few years when there were riots and protests started by the left?
interesting. You must have the missed the armed trump militia that took over the michigan capitol building earlier this year. You know, some of the same people who were arrested for a plot to kidnap the governor.
Protests, violence are not specific to one side.