Well, first of all. Complaining about it on social media is flat out stupid. Your online presence is not just for friends and family and as I tell my student when I teach during the semester, when you put something online, assume that it's going to be there forever and your Grandmother is going to see it. I've not hired more than one person b/c of what they were doing on facebook. Mostly it's not even b/c of what they were doing or saying per say. It was mostly because what was posted was not a good look AT ALL for a prospective employeer AND they were too stupid not to remove that crap. Again, don't really care if you party hard, but I do care a great deal if you are stupid about it. And posting it up there for anyone (like me as a perspective employer) to see is STUPID. I don't need stupid working for me. I'm dumb enough without help.
Now this is coming from a guy who waited tables through college and habitually tips 20%-25% as a result. A tip is for service, good service. When I come into a place and get a good meal and good service, I'm down with a fat tip. When I call a place and they bag the food and all that happens is I pick it up, I don't feel the need to tip. Necessarily. I do sometimes when I can tell the person doing the to go orders has tables to wait on as well. Restaurants will pay servers as little as possible and try to get them to do as much work as possible based on them getting tips.
Now I don't mind helping out when I work. Racking glasses changing out the coke bags, getting ice for the wait stations are all OK by me (it's usually called side work and it's pretty normal practice). And yep, that includes helping out some with the takeout stuff ( and I didn't expect a tip either). Much more than that is out of bounds. I worked at a place for about a year that habitually sent their dishwasher home immediately after the lunch rush. They then asked the servers to run two dishwashers of dishes before they finished their shifts. I just wouldn't do it... As I told the manager. That's just flat out putting work on the back of the $2.13/per hour employees so that you can save few bucks in labor. If your dishwasher doesn't show up or gets sick, I will absolutely help you. If you want me to clock out after the rush and clock back in as a dishwasher/cook I can do that too. But I'm not working for that wage washing dishes regularly.
The thing is, when you say something like that, you have to be prepared to get fired (and a lot of people just can't take that risk). I figured it was 50/50 when I said it. The manager never liked me much after that, but as I showed up early or at least on time for every shift and was one of his best servers, he put up with me.