This is more of a rant than anything. My wife and I got married in April of 2019. We had done about a year of trial and error and research and found for us, in the area that we live, that making 1 shopping trip a week to Wal-Mart was our most financially smart option. (I know, judge about Wal-mart but in our location almost every item is cheaper there than other stores plus for us shopping at 1 spot vs. 5 saved us a lot of money). Our goal was to get 99% of our needs (food, household items, etc.) and stay under $200 each time. We were killing it, probably averaging about $175 a trip...... Fast forward to now and I don't think we have gotten out of there for under $225 in the past year. I was comparing prices on items yesterday to what they used to be just 2 years ago and it is nothing to see 20% or more increases on single items. So frustrating....... not even talking about gas prices either.