OT Stop paying teachers

One thing I constantly hear is how much the teacher care about their students. How much they love them and want to teach them and blah blah blah.

Seems to me that private school teachers care more about their students.

My mother, who is 66 and taught for over 35 years, is embarrassed by what these public school teachers are doing.
There is no difference in how much a private school teacher cares about their students versus a public school teacher. Private school teachers don’t have a bureaucracy to deal with. They can do what all teachers want to do: teach. Public school teachers have to deal with school district policies, as well as state guideline and restrictions. School districts in this state are forcing teachers to work after they’ve been exposed to positive cases, unless they are symptomatic themselves. Virtual teachers are now forced to teach in classroom students as well as virtual students in districts that have that option. Don’t be a Billy badass when you have no clue what outside factors public school teachers are forced to deal with.
Private school teachers on average make decent % less than public school teachers yet they are at work while the public teachers are not.

I return to my earlier statement. Most people in whatever profession will do what their job asks of them.

Private schools certainly saw the opportunity to cash in on the opening and/or provide the option to parents who wanted/needed their children in school daily. As such, their teachers are on campus daily if they wished to remain employed. I am certain some chose not to be.

Just like the many public school districts who chose to go 5 days F2F. Those employees made the same choices.

And frankly, just like the parents decided what to do with their children based on their district's guidance. In my school of 2300, we had over 900 choose to go virtual all year for whatever reason prior to the first day of classes.

Again, it is not the teachers who choose the schedule. The district does, and the district's employees/parents make their own personal decisions based on that guidance. So why the disdain toward the teachers?
Private school teachers on average make decent % less than public school teachers yet they are at work while the public teachers are not.

That average pay of $29k for SC teachers is also complete BS. That's the bare bones minimum for a first year teacher with no experience and no additional credentials working at a K-5 grade level. For the 2020-2021 academic year the bare bones minimum for the lowest tier teacher is 35K. In other districts like York, the minimum is 40K. Most public teachers in SC are being paid between 40-60K with the average probably being around 50K.

Who do you think will get hired when all the teachers are fired? OP was talking about firing teachers and starting over.
There is no difference in how much a private school teacher cares about their students versus a public school teacher. Private school teachers don’t have a bureaucracy to deal with. They can do what all teachers want to do: teach. Public school teachers have to deal with school district policies, as well as state guideline and restrictions. School districts in this state are forcing teachers to work after they’ve been exposed to positive cases, unless they are symptomatic themselves. Virtual teachers are now forced to teach in classroom students as well as virtual students in districts that have that option. Don’t be a Billy badass when you have no clue what outside factors public school teachers are forced to deal with.
Sorry, I don't see where teachers are demanding to go back to work....I see the opposite. They aren't exactly in opposition of the bureaucracy in a lot of ways they have created it this time.
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If you told those teachers they either go to work now, or they’ll make it up during the summer break, they’d all go back tomorrow.
Teachers are an example of a profession that should not be able to Unionize.
You won't find anyone more anti-union than me. I had to live through two strikes (one 14 days and one 122 days). The 14 day strike was in a right-to-work state and the other in a closed shop (that state changed). My sister-in-law was a teacher and the administration was a good old boy, male dominant hot mess. They needed to union to push back (although it was a national union and didn't represent very well). If a teacher's union in a right to work state is strong, then the administration is failing.
Covid has exposed the problems with closed shop public teachers unions. There is also under funded pension funds that are going to come due. Yet another reason for people to flee blue states. I look forward to the day that state pension funds are taken over by RISA. In non inflation adjusted dollars, the maximum payout per year is 56K. That won't hit the teachers to hard, but the six figures administrators will be in for a huge lifestyle change.
My retired teacher wife said what was over the top was teachers posting on Facebook pictures of them in resorts places in the US and Carribean
While doing remote teaching

you get the drift I am sure

Yep, I think that we all can see that most of these teachers obviously used their bloated salaries to go live in resorts while they were teaching remotely...

I'm sure there were a few teachers with other sources of income (spouse) that took a vacation and posted it on facebook. Just like someone wins the lottery every couple of weeks. Not sure that would be normal.
Sorry, I don't see where teachers are demanding to go back to work....I see the opposite. They aren't exactly in opposition of the bureaucracy in a lot of ways they have created it this time.
Im talking about your claim of private school teachers caring more than public school teachers.
Yep, I think that we all can see that most of these teachers obviously used their bloated salaries to go live in resorts while they were teaching remotely...

I'm sure there were a few teachers with other sources of income (spouse) that took a vacation and posted it on facebook. Just like someone wins the lottery every couple of weeks. Not sure that would be normal.
MAN, what you talking about! During quarantine, I was out gallivanting all over the place!
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According USNews, SC is 43rd in education. But you know, lets run off all the experienced teachers because they do not want to get sick and hire us some new ones at what ziprecruiters says is an average salary of $29,000 a year in SC. But do not worry, when the $15 min wage is put in, they will get a $2k per year raise.

You know those teachers (that at least my district was 80 short of at the beginning of the year and had numerous more quit mid-year or that are now out for medical leave) just grow on trees.

OP, your wife coming back out of retirement?

If we're 43rd in education maybe we need to try something different. Because obviously what we're doing right now isn't working......

Though something's improved - SC used to be 48th.
I dont think they care more, but being able to teach in a place that supports them and their ideals has to make it easier to work with a smile on their face.
That’s exactly the point I was trying to make. Maybe I failed like shit trying though.
One thing I constantly hear is how much the teacher care about their students. How much they love them and want to teach them and blah blah blah.

Seems to me that private school teachers care more about their students.

My mother, who is 66 and taught for over 35 years, is embarrassed by what these public school teachers are doing.

my wife who taught for 30 said the new generation of teachers are pathetic

they can post on Facebook being at a CB party with no masks

then say they cannot reach due to the danger
my wife who taught for 30 said the new generation of teachers are pathetic

they can post on Facebook being at a CB party with no masks

then say they cannot reach due to the danger
Wife and I are going to a new brewery with a public school teacher and her family Saturday. It's a new place, I'm sure it will be crowded based on some pictures I have seen. Fortunately she thinks it's dumb they aren't in person either so it's not a double standard in this instance. She said they recently went to a birthday party for another teacher's kid. Most, if not all of the attendees were teachers from their school and their kids. She got a kick out of that. So....You have 15 or so kids and a bunch of teachers all hanging out around food and beverages but they aren't allowed in the classroom. Makes sense.....
Maybe prioritize teachers in the vaccine line before skipping to not paying.
how about the gal at Publix checking out hundreds daily? Shouldn’t she be at the front of the line?

But she isn’t. And won’t be. Yet still goes to work.
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Without blaming the teachers directly I will say this as my last post in this thread:

At the end of the day it just goes to show the complete ineptitude of government run anything. Private schools are successfully doing in person learning and sports and have been for months. Public schools are not and politics are being played. Shocking, I know.

The public school system has been severely damaged through all of this in the last year. Changing curriculum to meet social norms and the lack of in person instruction while parents watch other kids thrive in private settings has really bothered people.

Private schools are going to grow exponentially.

In theory that should add more money per child to the public school system and allow for smaller class sizes and better facilities. However, we are smarter than that. We know that even with more funding than needed, it will still end screwed up somehow.
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Without blaming the teachers directly I will say this as my last post in this thread:

At the end of the day it just goes to show the complete ineptitude of government run anything. Private schools are successfully doing in person learning and sports and have been for months. Public schools are not and politics are being played. Shocking, I know.

The public school system has been severely damaged through all of this in the last year. Changing curriculum to meet social norms and the lack of in person instruction while parents watch other kids thrive in private settings has really bothered people.

Private schools are going to grow exponentially.
Or move to Florida. 😎
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One thing I constantly hear is how much the teacher care about their students. How much they love them and want to teach them and blah blah blah.

Seems to me that private school teachers care more about their students.

My mother, who is 66 and taught for over 35 years, is embarrassed by what these public school teachers are doing.

Big F you for that comment. You don't have a clue what you are talking about.
My wife is an elementary school counselor in Anderson and they have been face to face all year. It's what is best for her students in a title One school. It's been a struggle ,but they have done the best that they could. They had a lot of issues getting subs around Christmas and it was really hard

For those being a little judgy, maybe you should walk in their shoes for a few days. Imagine having people who are completely untrained with zero knowledge of how to do your job being able to criticize you constantly on social media, without you having any ability counter their comments. Imagine constantly reading about shit like Common Core from morons who don't realize that we don't have Common Core in South Carolina. Imagine a school board that is elected with zero educational background, making choices about how they should teach kids.

For those making judgements about whether teachers care about kids, you don't have a clue. I have been around a lot of teachers and most with very few exceptions are outstanding at what they do, hard workers,and extremely dedicated to taking care of your kids, that you dumbasses aren't willing to discipline or raise.
My wife is an elementary school counselor in Anderson and they have been face to face all year. It's what is best for her students in a title One school. It's been a struggle ,but they have done the best that they could. They had a lot of issues getting subs around Christmas and it was really hard

For those being a little judgy, maybe you should walk in their shoes for a few days. Imagine having people who are completely untrained with zero knowledge of how to do your job being able to criticize you constantly on social media, without you having any ability counter their comments. Imagine constantly reading about shit like Common Core from morons who don't realize that we don't have Common Core in South Carolina. Imagine a school board that is elected with zero educational background, making choices about how they should teach kids.

For those making judgements about whether teachers care about kids, you don't have a clue. I have been around a lot of teachers and most with very few exceptions are outstanding at what they do, hard workers,and extremely dedicated to taking care of your kids, that you dumbasses aren't willing to discipline or raise.
My daughter is a teacher in Piedmont and to see how much she cares for each and everyone of her students is amazing. Any parent whose kid has her for a teacher should consider themselves very fortunate.
My wife is an elementary school counselor in Anderson and they have been face to face all year. It's what is best for her students in a title One school. It's been a struggle ,but they have done the best that they could. They had a lot of issues getting subs around Christmas and it was really hard

For those being a little judgy, maybe you should walk in their shoes for a few days. Imagine having people who are completely untrained with zero knowledge of how to do your job being able to criticize you constantly on social media, without you having any ability counter their comments. Imagine constantly reading about shit like Common Core from morons who don't realize that we don't have Common Core in South Carolina. Imagine a school board that is elected with zero educational background, making choices about how they should teach kids.

For those making judgements about whether teachers care about kids, you don't have a clue. I have been around a lot of teachers and most with very few exceptions are outstanding at what they do, hard workers,and extremely dedicated to taking care of your kids, that you dumbasses aren't willing to discipline or raise.

I guess it's funny for @Intracoastal . You sir are painting with a really broad brush. Have you ever been in a classroom? Have you ever dealt with dumbass parents? Have you ever had morons like you judge an entire profession based on complete ignorance?

How about try to use facts instead of insulting the professionalism of a whole group of people who do a great job with declining dollars and increasing demands on them.
I guess it's funny for @Intracoastal . You sir are painting with a really broad brush. Have you ever been in a classroom? Have you ever dealt with dumbass parents? Have you ever had morons like you judge an entire profession based on complete ignorance?

How about try to use facts instead of insulting the professionalism of a whole group of people who do a great job with declining dollars and increasing demands on them.
I’ve never understood how people paint the whole teaching profession as lazy for a few bad apples. It’s one of the only professions (police as well) that gets completely generalized from a few bad apples.
Hopefully all this will completely destroy the public school system in this country so we have a reformation and we can get back to educating people instead of indoctrinating them. I wish I could somehow prevent my tax dollars from going to pay for it. A government should never oversee the education of its own people. We should never have government unions that can choose and support for the candidates that pander to their interests. Of course, that's a problem across the spectrum... people voting themselves money and benefits. We were warned about doing this but we just had to do it anyway and look at what it's wrought? Just terrible outcomes for everyone.
Fun story to show what teachers are dealing with this year. My wife teaches at a Title 1 school. The majority of parents don’t care about their child’s education or their child a lot of time.

She just came home and told me that a student in another class blurted out in class that she had tested positive for COVID a week ago. The brought the nurse down immediately who then called the parents to see if the student had indeed tested positive.

Both parents said she hadn’t, so the nurse checked with the testing center and the student had tested positive a week ago. Apparently the parents sent the student to school bc they didn’t want to deal with her being home and then their other kids would miss sports for a few weeks because of household contact.

Just a little story to show what teachers are dealing with this year.

This is not a post to defend the teachers wanting to stay home. The students need in person classes and my wife and all our friends would agree (who are teachers). But they put up with crap people couldn’t imagine.
The teacher shortage will continue to get worse . I wouldn't go through what the teachers go through for anything. Nobody wants to teach anymore. Look at the decrease in ED. major at Clemson and everywhere else . Good luck with your alternative plan. Oh yea , you can pull out the check book and pay for private school or quit your job and home school.
Yep, my family educated the upstate of sc for 2 generations. Not to toot the horn too much but we did pretty good. The advice I received in the 90's: get out. The social contracts were burnt, teachers were to blame for the childs behavior and grades. Now look at this thread, teachers are to blame for pandemic problems. Teachers why can't you just solve all the problems k thx. The politicians cutting taxes and cutting pay and all that oh booo hooo you guys get 2 months of vacation.
All my friends who went into teaching are OUT. Its sad to see honestly, but not surprising as we've gone from a trusting society to a believing society. I hope for some kind of restoration of trust, but its hard.
Yep, my family educated the upstate of sc for 2 generations. Not to toot the horn too much but we did pretty good. The advice I received in the 90's: get out. The social contracts were burnt, teachers were to blame for the childs behavior and grades. Now look at this thread, teachers are to blame for pandemic problems. Teachers why can't you just solve all the problems k thx. The politicians cutting taxes and cutting pay and all that oh booo hooo you guys get 2 months of vacation.
All my friends who went into teaching are OUT. Its sad to see honestly, but not surprising as we've gone from a trusting society to a believing society. I hope for some kind of restoration of trust, but its hard.
Unfortunately, I'm too far in to get out. I have a while until I can retire. Maybe I can hit the lottery in the meantime haha.
Without blaming the teachers directly I will say this as my last post in this thread:

At the end of the day it just goes to show the complete ineptitude of government run anything. Private schools are successfully doing in person learning and sports and have been for months. Public schools are not and politics are being played. Shocking, I know.

The public school system has been severely damaged through all of this in the last year. Changing curriculum to meet social norms and the lack of in person instruction while parents watch other kids thrive in private settings has really bothered people.

Private schools are going to grow exponentially.

In theory that should add more money per child to the public school system and allow for smaller class sizes and better facilities. However, we are smarter than that. We know that even with more funding than needed, it will still end screwed up somehow.

THIS!! We continue to watch the complete ineptitude of government officials, yet 80M people just voted for more government in their lives. People on this board advocate for public-run healthcare. More entitlement programs run by the government. More money to the government through taxes. Why?

My son has been back at his private school since May '20. Full time. Summer, Fall and now Spring semesters. He has missed 1 week due to quarantine procedures. His class and teachers are great.

We enrolled in private school for next year as well even though we were considering moving to public for elementary school. The way the school system has handled Covid is the primary reason. I need to know he will be able to attend school, there won't be "learning from home" (we both work so that means hiring a private teacher/sitter) and he won't be subject to whatever stupid government protocols trickle down.

I hope it is resolved because we have a very good public school right down the street. Many of his friends will be there and it's the logical choice for us. I don't have a lot of confidence in government officials though - at any level. These are not the brightest and most motivated people (not teachers, but politicians and administrators).

But hey - let's turn over healthcare to them too!
i don't want to get into everything discussed itt so far wrt covid and school cancellations, but there's a great NPR article from a few years back that dives into some of the issues of public schools and how we got here.

i'd recommend giving it a read because it's very educational
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THIS!! We continue to watch the complete ineptitude of government officials, yet 80M people just voted for more government in their lives. People on this board advocate for public-run healthcare. More entitlement programs run by the government. More money to the government through taxes. Why?

My son has been back at his private school since May '20. Full time. Summer, Fall and now Spring semesters. He has missed 1 week due to quarantine procedures. His class and teachers are great.

We enrolled in private school for next year as well even though we were considering moving to public for elementary school. The way the school system has handled Covid is the primary reason. I need to know he will be able to attend school, there won't be "learning from home" (we both work so that means hiring a private teacher/sitter) and he won't be subject to whatever stupid government protocols trickle down.

I hope it is resolved because we have a very good public school right down the street. Many of his friends will be there and it's the logical choice for us. I don't have a lot of confidence in government officials though - at any level. These are not the brightest and most motivated people (not teachers, but politicians and administrators).

But hey - let's turn over healthcare to them too!
DOT is another one. It should have been handed over to the private sector years ago with maybe 5% of their duties remaining for oversight. Your road systems and DMV experiences would be exponentially better.

How about the post office that continues to operate at huge losses?

What about the SC DOR that is basically an employment agency? They staff 3x the amount of people they should because they would rather have 3 less experienced and lesser quality employees making 40k each than one good one that makes 90K. It's far cheaper and more efficient to go with one person and fix inefficiencies. You pay benefits and retirement for 1 employee instead of 3 despite having a higher salary. Every private company around knows that the most expensive part of operation is people. It's rule #1 of making sound business decisions. Having worked there, and been around other state government agencies, it is the exact opposite. It's almost a job fitting welfare system and extremely wasteful. But hey.....It keeps people employed.....It's a joke and your tax money shouldn't be paying for that. It's why I will never vote for a tax increase. EVER. The waste just makes me sick.

You could go on and on and on with inefficient, poorly run examples from government operations. If they were operating in the private sector like that they would ALL be broke in a month.
THIS!! We continue to watch the complete ineptitude of government officials, yet 80M people just voted for more government in their lives. People on this board advocate for public-run healthcare. More entitlement programs run by the government. More money to the government through taxes. Why?

My son has been back at his private school since May '20. Full time. Summer, Fall and now Spring semesters. He has missed 1 week due to quarantine procedures. His class and teachers are great.

We enrolled in private school for next year as well even though we were considering moving to public for elementary school. The way the school system has handled Covid is the primary reason. I need to know he will be able to attend school, there won't be "learning from home" (we both work so that means hiring a private teacher/sitter) and he won't be subject to whatever stupid government protocols trickle down.

I hope it is resolved because we have a very good public school right down the street. Many of his friends will be there and it's the logical choice for us. I don't have a lot of confidence in government officials though - at any level. These are not the brightest and most motivated people (not teachers, but politicians and administrators).

But hey - let's turn over healthcare to them too!

You won't be sorry about your choice to go to private school. I've been a basketball official for 20+ years. I have worked both private and public school districts. One thing that became crystal clear very early on is that private schools are putting armor on our kids and preparing them for life while public schools are stripping them of any and all armor and leaving them vulnerable to the world so they can be taught the ideology of victimhood and loathing.

We have sacrificed tremendously to send our kids to private school. Even used credit to pay tuition when needed. It's the best money we have spent and I am so thankful that we've had that opportunity. My wife taught in Title 1 schools for 13 years. The public school system is something we know well and as such, we know well enough to avoid it at all costs. A government should never have the responsibility of educating its own citizens in a free society.
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You won't be sorry about your choice to go to private school. I've been a basketball official for 20+ years. I have worked both private and public school districts. One thing that became crystal clear very early on is that private schools are putting armor on our kids and preparing them for life while public schools are stripping them of any and all armor and leaving them vulnerable to the world so they can be taught the ideology of victimhood and loathing.

We have sacrificed tremendously to send our kids to private school. Even used credit to pay tuition when needed. It's the best money we have spent and I am so thankful that we've had that opportunity. My wife taught in Title 1 schools for 13 years. The public school system is something we know well and as such, we know well enough to avoid it at all costs. A government should never have the responsibility of educating its own citizens in a free society.

Our plan is still public starting in 1st grade, but I do worry about that. On the other hand, we live in somewhat of a bubble here in Mt. Pleasant. Highly educated, high income, mostly nuclear families, generally conservative (the D's here generally aren't the loons on the left), motivated and involved parents, etc. So it probably differs from a lot of places. There are probably only a couple towns/areas in SC that I would consider using the public school system.
You won't be sorry about your choice to go to private school. I've been a basketball official for 20+ years. I have worked both private and public school districts. One thing that became crystal clear very early on is that private schools are putting armor on our kids and preparing them for life while public schools are stripping them of any and all armor and leaving them vulnerable to the world so they can be taught the ideology of victimhood and loathing.

We have sacrificed tremendously to send our kids to private school. Even used credit to pay tuition when needed. It's the best money we have spent and I am so thankful that we've had that opportunity. My wife taught in Title 1 schools for 13 years. The public school system is something we know well and as such, we know well enough to avoid it at all costs. A government should never have the responsibility of educating its own citizens in a free society.

Again, this is a really broad strokes to paint all schools and all districts with this brush. My wife works in Anderson One and they have done 5 day face to face all year.

All Private schools are not the same. Some are excellent,but many are terrible since there is no requirement for teachers to be certified. This really applies to Parochial schools.

The finger needs to be pointed at parents not schools for preparing them for life. It's not the schools job to raise your freaking kids.
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Interesting posts and I agree with many of you. I have two girls who are sophomores in HS. My wife is a teacher though she does it part-time. She signs up for long term sub gigs (typically a teacher out on maternity leave). She likes the flexibility. She has taught both private and public schools in the past. My observation from 20+ years of watching her experience.
1. You don't have to be certified to teach at a private school. Thus pay is 10-20% less than public schools.
2. In private school the kids tend to be better...but parents worse. They expect their kids to be given A's because they are paying.
3. She taught kindergarten by video this fall. Kindergarten is about building social skills, basic academics and rules. Pretty hard to do on a video chat. She had parents on the chat critiquing her and whispering answers to their kids. These kids are going to have a hard time adjusting to elementary school routines.
4. She just finished up a second grade gig. Two days in person the rest by video. The kids where horrible. They would not adhere to classroom discipline. She had kids talking about bisexual sex in her class...second grade.
5. She gets paid at a rate between $50K and $60k a year. Keep in mind, teachers are paid for 9 months of work, not 12.
6. Schools like to hire the younger teachers fresh out of school only because they are cheaper. Once a teacher gets a Masters or additional credentials, the rate they are paid goes up.
7. I taught my kids got a good education in elementary and middle school. HS in SC is an absolute joke. Near worthless. Doesn't prepare kids for college. It's a bare minimum education. My girls take 3 classes a semester. And one just about has enough credits to graduate. She'll met her requirements sometime next year. I'm very worried about their ability to manage a full work load in college.
8. HS online teaching is an absolute joke. The teachers are providing tons of homework and very little instruction. I can't tell you how much geometry and biology I've had to relearn to help them.
9. She's fighting a battle with the district right now. My daughter is in orchestra and was selected to participate in a multiple district orchestra event. The district has denied these students from attending because of the "COVID risk." Meanwhile, 4 other districts' kids are attending. Parents are providing the transportation for the event and the students are spaced out during the performance. The district has approved wrestling, baseball, and cheerleading competitions, which students travel to on school buses.

It's been a sucky year for students.

Teachers can wait in line with the rest of us for COVID shots.
Again, this is a really broad strokes to paint all schools and all districts with this brush. My wife works in Anderson One and they have done 5 day face to face all year.

All Private schools are not the same. Some are excellent,but many are terrible since there is no requirement for teachers to be certified. This really applies to Parochial schools.

The finger needs to be pointed at parents not schools for preparing them for life. It's not the schools job to raise your freaking kids.

You keep taking this personally. This is not the first time you've gotten mad at me about my comments on this. I am not saying that your wife is part of the problem or that my wife was when she was a teacher. In fact I am not blaming teachers very much at all. I am talking about a fundamental principle that a government should not educate its own citizens if a society is to remain free. In its present state, public schooling is mass indoctrination of the victimhood mentality. One need only look around us to see the fruits of that labor. This principle has proven itself out over time and will continue to do so.

I do not believe public education is something that is part of the public good. There is no question that Title I schools are failing all over the country. There is also no question that parents are failing all over the country. The more we continue to ask the public school system to do the more problems we have because the public school system cannot do those things. That part has to come from families and from a home life that can't be replicated or replaced in our educational institutions. The only way we can get away from that is to start forcing responsibility instead of endorsing the abdication of that responsibility to our educational institutions in favor of getting votes in corrupt support through unions.

The only goal we should have is to have liberated minds that are equipped with the knowledge and work ethic to create the society of tomorrow. One that is built on the principles that our nation was founded upon. One that endeavors to be a more perfect union. This type of aspiration is not something we find in public schools. It's something you see in private schools all over the place.

That's not an indictment on public school teachers or anything else. They are doing the best they can in our broken system that elevates those who have the necessary support at home and dooms the kids who don't have that support to failure in a life of victimhood which revolves around government dependency. That's not what a free society does. That's not what a country that cares about all its people does. That's what we find when we have a corrupt bureaucracy that we have now.
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