Once you give in to the idea that we need to limit our CO2 output, then you basically end all economic activity. It's the same thing as shutdown the country down for covid. CO2 is not a pollutant. We all live and breath it. CO2 is life.Oh we can ... we absolutely can. US and their allies can stop imported goods from China. US and their Allies could tell businesses that if they want to tell their goods within our borders, they must adhere to their manufacturing/waste standards if the Chinese cant or wont comply, move manufacturing to a country that will/can.
So we absolutely "CAN" make China clean up their act BUT ....we wont. Aaaaaaaaaaand the reason why is because ours "leaders" are subsidized either through back door benefits, direct payments or campaign contributions. OF COURSE .... we also need to blame ourselves. If the American people would just value/demand quality over lowest cost ....China wouldve never been a player on the world stage.
And ... my position on renewable and more efficient energy isnt necessarily on "Climate Change" but rather .... Im the type of person who NEVER gives 5 out of 5 stars on anything. There is ALWAYS room for improvement,. Perfect ratings lead to complacency. We can do better
This is the problem with making CO2 the boogieman. I suspect the Communist chose this gas because like covid, hell, they can shut down everything.
Contrary to what one might think, there is no way to innovate our way out of using CO2. It's not a five star challenge. It's do we want to live or do we want to just craw in a cave and die.