Pat Robertson dies at 93

I got news for you, Chump, the Bible was Absolutely inspired by GOD. If I put a pen in your hand & said, “write Firegiver is Great.” Who wrote that me or you. If you said, “You.” You are correct but who inspired you to write it. The correct answer is me. That’s how the Bible was written. The Bible says “All Scripture is GOD breathed & can be used for teaching, correcting & rebuking. I can give you prophecy after prophecy that have come to pass, that are coming to pass & that will come to pass.
Oh yah? PROVE IT.

I've now placed you in the same conundrum as all the previous conmen before you. You are not unique in facing doubt. How will you con me into thinking YOU KNOW GOD, where I don't and the others who claim other gods are wrong.
Oh yah? PROVE IT.

I've now placed you in the same conundrum as all the previous conmen before you. You are not unique in facing doubt. How will you con me into thinking YOU KNOW GOD, where I don't and the others who claim other gods are wrong.
I have experienced GOD’s presence & the HOLY SPIRIT lives inside of me. In fact, It’s the HOLY SPIRIT who speaks through me. I’m not trying to con you. My command as a Christian is to share the GOSPEL with You. It’s between you & GOD what happens after that. Yes, there’s only One True GOD. All other gods are False!
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I have experienced GOD’s presence & the HOLY SPIRIT lives inside of me. In fact, It’s the HOLY SPIRIT who speaks through me. I’m not trying to con you. My command as a Christian is to share the GOSPEL with You. It’s between you & GOD what happens after that. Yes, there’s only One True GOD. All other gods are False!
Your humility is what I really admire.
I have experienced GOD’s presence & the HOLY SPIRIT lives inside of me. In fact, It’s the HOLY SPIRIT who speaks through me. I’m not trying to con you. My command as a Christian is to share the GOSPEL with You. It’s between you & GOD what happens after that. Yes, there’s only One True GOD. All other gods are False!
Oh cool. Hey but theres other gods, other people on this planet worship other gods. There have been 10's of thousands of other gods invented by mankind. You are on the Jehovah pack, thats all.

You may feel you aren't conning me, but whats the person that believes a con when they try to convince others?
Oh cool. Hey but theres other gods, other people on this planet worship other gods. There have been 10's of thousands of other gods invented by mankind. You are on the Jehovah pack, thats all.

You may feel you aren't conning me, but whats the person that believes a con when they try to convince others?
Bro, I’m Not trying to con you, if you want to know if GOD is really real, humble yourself & seek HIM. HE’s a Rewarder of those who Diligently seek Him. If one is arrogant, HE will not manifest HIMSELF to them.
Bro, I’m Not trying to con you, if you want to know if GOD is really real, humble yourself & seek HIM. HE’s a Rewarder of those who Diligently seek Him. If one is arrogant, HE will not manifest HIMSELF to them.
Bro, you ARE an unwilling arm of a con man. Sorry. You are trying to convince me because its your whole thing. Your whole outlook is based on bible study. I get that you are genuine. I'm telling you, that those before you weren't.
Zealots want everyone to believe what they do. Its cool with me that you believe what you do. Just don't expect me to RESPECT it.
A fool follows those who say: "this is what God told me to tell you what to do"
Here’s the thing about that. If someone tells you GOD told me to tell you this. GOD had better have told that person that. If not, the guy who said that will be chastised & punished by GOD. Preaching the Gospel is different. In fact, it’s a command from JESUS to preach the Gospel. Sharing the Gospel is showing that one cares about the person who is receiving the Gospel message. Christians want non Christians to receive Salvation through what JESUS did for all of us on the Cross. Receiving JESUS & Following JESUS is the ONLY way we can escape the Lake of Fire. JESUS suffered an unbelievably painful death for us. HE paid the penalty for OUR sins so we wouldn’t have to.