Wait, above you said I’m right then you said this:
Which is it?
And you don’t know anything about my views on CoVid or social distancing, nor does that have much to do with this conversation.
I believe you should always think critically about the interworkings of our government and form your own opinions but to act like it’s crazy to “depend on the govt” is some next level silliness. To not trust ANYTHING the Unites States government says is unpatriotic. I’m a huge supporter of our country, it’s citizens, and each and everyone’s individual rights. If you want to be a lone wolf then go ahead, but I’ll always believe in fighting for our country and our home.
I am as Patriotic as the next guy, maybe more. Probably more.
The American people in the trenches, I trust for the most part.
Those that climb the political ladder......not so much.
How many 'normal' people do you see on the Hill. Those that go seem to start out that way, but somehow, somehow get sorta caught up in it and twisted a bit. Easy to lose touch with reality when you realize you are sorta fixed for life and work with a budge that is as hypothetical and 'where the wind blows'.
Didn't ask about your views on the things you mentioned.
Suspect they are similar or parallel to mine, but okay if they're not.
The people making decisions 'for' America I don't much trust.
I trust Americans.
Problem is, most of 'us'ens' have not paid enough attention to what has been going on for a long, long time and the foxes are everywhere among the chickens.
I'll fight to protect what's right, but will not EVER assume the government is telling us the facts without slanting them.
No news outlet is either. (Need we start the BS about who to believe in this Covid stuff?)
Why is there, has there been, so much 'classified' stuff through the years?
Can we Americans not stand the truth?
Likely not.
But, regardless, the Government (whoever that is) doesn't think we can handle it.
..........so they don't tell us much.
If you believe otherwise, fine.
I'm not unAmerican to question our Government and it's purposes.
In fact, that MAKES me an American.