Please read this well thought out thesis on the “panic”

I’m not commenting on the actual information in article, but I don’t know if a young political activist is who I’ll trust on virus information.
Our government/ CIA did mind control experiments on unwilling American prisoners.... it’s more scary that people blindly trust government groups like the CDC and FDA.
I’m not commenting on the actual information in article, but I don’t know if a young political activist is who I’ll trust on virus information.

Excellent point. I keep this in mind when reading every article and watching the news as old fashioned journalism no longer exists. 95%+ are political activists (both on the Right and Left) that slant (or even omit) information and spin commentary to their political point of view.

Edit: I need to add that I also believe that political bias should also be considered when reading Government studies and scientific research as well.
I agree and I’m not even saying I agree or disagree with all the measures being taken. Just commenting on the author and his “expertise”.
It’s the per capita data that seems more relevant to me. We only talk about total inflected when we are significantly under Italy and most countries. I’m no Donald Trump fan but it’s crazy how much blame media tries to put on him. We are a big ass country and still haven’t felt the effects of corona minus voluntary measures.

I live in Georgia and things here are way more normal than life in SC even though we have way more infected. It’s like the problem doesn’t really exist. Maybe this will be worth the precautions, but as of now I tend to think that we are Doing all these measures to prevent as risk people from getting sick and dying.

I’m more alarmed about the future. Baby boomers are only getting older and numerous outbreaks will be significantly worse due to medical risk associated to a much larger population. People need to use this as a wake up call to be healthy. The difference in mild symptoms and death can be controllable to a degree.
and enjoy that years supply of spaghetti Os
I agree 100% with this article. The red dot map below is the worst panic inducing thing the media could have ever shown and unfortunately they continue to use it (Fox not included). If they made the dots to scale, as in the actual size of a person compared to the space on earth they occupy. The dots would hardly be visible in most all countries except a few handfuls. Heck it looks like the entire continental US is infected in it lol.

That’s why I posted currently infected numbers instead of all that had been infected. In relation to the overall population, the numbers are tiny. That’s not to say that many people aren’t going to die. (Heck I’m in the highest risk group, heart disease) Just that the panic inducing coverage of the media is just going to make it much worse because resources are being hoarded when there is really no need to do so. Thus, it will be overwhelming to our health systems and everyday essentials before it even starts to be a real issue that may or may not be inevitable. But hey, the media doesn’t want to waste an opportunity to make things much worse than they are. Their only hope of turning the election clearly rest on blaming whatever happens on Trump.


PS for you liberals that want to jump on the “never let a good crisis go to waste” Trump trashing train. Thinking oh boy BTT just keeps on going. See my previous post.

FOX using this more reasonable map now
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It’s the per capita data that seems more relevant to me. We only talk about total inflected when we are significantly under Italy and most countries. I’m no Donald Trump fan but it’s crazy how much blame media tries to put on him. We are a big ass country and still haven’t felt the effects of corona minus voluntary measures.

I live in Georgia and things here are way more normal than life in SC even though we have way more infected. It’s like the problem doesn’t really exist. Maybe this will be worth the precautions, but as of now I tend to think that we are Doing all these measures to prevent as risk people from getting sick and dying.

I’m more alarmed about the future. Baby boomers are only getting older and numerous outbreaks will be significantly worse due to medical risk associated to a much larger population. People need to use this as a wake up call to be healthy. The difference in mild symptoms and death can be controllable to a degree.
agree... gone a bit to far in S.C. imo. Heck, businesses are open in Pigeon Forge today, not much at all shut down there.
It’s the per capita data that seems more relevant to me. We only talk about total inflected when we are significantly under Italy and most countries. I’m no Donald Trump fan but it’s crazy how much blame media tries to put on him. We are a big ass country and still haven’t felt the effects of corona minus voluntary measures.

I live in Georgia and things here are way more normal than life in SC even though we have way more infected. It’s like the problem doesn’t really exist. Maybe this will be worth the precautions, but as of now I tend to think that we are Doing all these measures to prevent as risk people from getting sick and dying.

I’m more alarmed about the future. Baby boomers are only getting older and numerous outbreaks will be significantly worse due to medical risk associated to a much larger population. People need to use this as a wake up call to be healthy. The difference in mild symptoms and death can be controllable to a degree.
More normal in GA except in liberal Athens.
All this sucks but common sense is all that is needed to navigate the pandemic. This is getting out of hand. I don't need stupid laws to enforce common sense. If the ppl in Athens do then the pandemic is the least of their worry's.
Stay home unless it's a must and don't hang out at places like bars. It's not that hard.
All due respect, says that anyone can post on their website and they make no guarantees that the article has been fact checked.

The author of the article claims no credentials or experience that is of relevance to epidemiology or medicine more broadly.

His bio looks like his career has been... political in nature.

In this world where everyone with a keyboard has a voice and where we are all acutely aware of biases, I need to hold articles to a higher standard.

In this article specifically, I feel the author didn’t adequately address the morality of his recommendations. By suggestion, he appears to believe that the economic impacts outweigh the impacts to the vulnerable and their families. My moral compass is pretty clear on that issue. YMMV.

I couldn’t find any mention of the lack of testing bandwidth both early on and today nor how that lack of testing bandwidth may drive differences between the reported infection rates and actual infection rates. Those differences would almost certainly flow down to mortality rates and totals in some way.

I’m sure no one is still reading at this point but there were several claims made as facts that weren’t substantiated for example, he claims that 13% of Americans think they are infected and provides a link to the source. The article he linked to says 9% of Americans think they are infected. He goes on to claim that number (13%) is mathematically impossible without explaining how he came to the conclusion that it’s impossible. I could go on...
All due respect, says that anyone can post on their website and they make no guarantees that the article has been fact checked.

The author of the article claims no credentials or experience that is of relevance to epidemiology or medicine more broadly.

His bio looks like his career has been... political in nature.

In this world where everyone with a keyboard has a voice and where we are all acutely aware of biases, I need to hold articles to a higher standard.

In this article specifically, I feel the author didn’t adequately address the morality of his recommendations. By suggestion, he appears to believe that the economic impacts outweigh the impacts to the vulnerable and their families. My moral compass is pretty clear on that issue. YMMV.

I couldn’t find any mention of the lack of testing bandwidth both early on and today nor how that lack of testing bandwidth may drive differences between the reported infection rates and actual infection rates. Those differences would almost certainly flow down to mortality rates and totals in some way.

I’m sure no one is still reading at this point but there were several claims made as facts that weren’t substantiated for example, he claims that 13% of Americans think they are infected and provides a link to the source. The article he linked to says 9% of Americans think they are infected. He goes on to claim that number (13%) is mathematically impossible without explaining how he came to the conclusion that it’s impossible. I could go on...

This is accurate. The article skews and mixes data as well as stating opinions as facts. It’s authored by a political activist with no experience in the subject matter. I think some of y’all may have missed your calling as “flat earthers”. Please do a little research and seek facts.
Our government/ CIA did mind control experiments on unwilling American prisoners.... it’s more scary that people blindly trust government groups like the CDC and FDA.
If CNN told liberals that Hitler and Stalin were now Saints in heaven, they’d believe it. If they convinced them that they had to commit mass suicide to rid the world of Climate Change, I think some would follow that advice as well.
If CNN told liberals that Hitler and Stalin were now Saints in heaven, they’d believe it. If they convinced them that they had to commit mass suicide to rid the world of Climate Change, I think some would follow that advice as well.

Not all Dems are bad, but there’s zero doubt, a large portion of the liberal left is using this unfortunate virus situation to take down the current administration, and CNN is front and center.

The thing to really pay attention to, is watching their anger/volume increase as the good news begins to roll in about the reality of this situation. It’s loud now, but going to be deafening very soon. They’re seeing President Trump’s approval poll numbers increase, in spite of virus, and this is going to send them into their own genuine panic.
Not all Dems are bad, but there’s zero doubt, a large portion of the liberal left is using this unfortunate virus situation to take down the current administration, and CNN is front and center.

The thing to really pay attention to, is watching their anger/volume increase as the good news begins to roll in about the reality of this situation. It’s loud now, but going to be deafening very soon. They’re seeing President Trump’s approval poll numbers increase, in spite of virus, and this is going to send them into their own genuine panic.
That’s why they are panicking, his approval numbers. If ABC said it was 55%, then it’s really 75%. They don’t care so much about old people, as they do hating on Trump. They are obsessed with that.
That’s why they are panicking, his approval numbers. If ABC said it was 55%, then it’s really 75%. They don’t care so much about old people, as they do hating on Trump. They are obsessed with that.

Bingo. They are beginning to turn on one another, and the real panic for them is settling in.
Our government/ CIA did mind control experiments on unwilling American prisoners.... it’s more scary that people blindly trust government groups like the CDC and FDA.
If the media and the FDA would get the fvck out of the way of our Doctors to use drug combinations like
hydroxychloroquine and Zithromax (which are drugs that have been around for years) the death count would be MUCH less! The liberals want to see the death counts rise, it’s their only chance to have something to bash Trump about. Bill De Blasio the mayor of NYC should be the one getting crucified right now. That dumbass liberal should have taken much swifter actions for some of the most densely populated land on earth. What a fvcktard!
228,687 Currently Infected Patients worldwide

22,603 in NY State alone!!
13,052 in NYC alone!!!!!!
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This is accurate. The article skews and mixes data as well as stating opinions as facts. It’s authored by a political activist with no experience in the subject matter. I think some of y’all may have missed your calling as “flat earthers”. Please do a little research and seek facts.
I agree, but I also don’t have time to do my own fact checking. Life is crazy right now, just like for everyone else.
I’m a physician and even I can’t get an honest grip on the numbers because every time I turn around they’re changing. It’s not fair to expect people who aren’t trained in medicine to be able to look at reports and digest it in order to make their own assumptions. At this point it’s like trying to drink from a firehouse.
It’s a shame that the media (whose job it is to provide people with information) has become such a biased force driving their own opinions. And I say that referring to both left and right. There is not a neutral source that just shares information, and it’s driving fear because people don’t understand.
Some of that is that we don’t have all answers right now, but there’s still a requirement to report something bc people demand instant information. I think it would be better if we as a society just admitted that there’s a lot we don’t know yet, but unfortunately that’s not how it works today
That’s why they are panicking, his approval numbers. If ABC said it was 55%, then it’s really 75%. They don’t care so much about old people, as they do hating on Trump. They are obsessed with that.
Trump has absolutely gone against his own experts from the very beginning and could have really slowed this thing down if he acted a month ago. He’s just now listening/taking it more seriously but it’s too late.

I say that as a senior sales manager for a large hospitality company that prior to this pandemic was going to make between $400-$500k this year. I’m currently on furlough with no set return to work date and have lost six figures in my 401k. Yes- I am mad he didn’t take it more seriously early on and it has cost me dearly personally. It will start to affect other industries as well- it’s going to get REALLY bad economically. My approval of him is at an all time low and he STILL has no national lockdown in place.
It isn't relevant - and it never is - who wrote the article. The ideas are relevant. The data is relevant. It doesn't matter if a 6 year old wrote it or if the greatest epidemiologist of all time wrote it. And that applies to every article or idea ever written or communicated.

With that said, you found some issues you have with some of his claims. And I commend you for addressing the content in the article. However, the majority of the article is backed up with well respected sources. I would like to see that refuted.

Thanks for the reply @ChiefTiger .

If your point is, who the author is doesn’t make him wrong, I agree.

For me, it is a matter of risk. If the author had better credentials, I’d say the level of scrutiny required is less than that of someone with no credentials.

For example, there are plenty of farmers who could build a sturdy bridge. Seriously. However, If they did, I’d take a lot of interest before I drive a car over it with my wife and kids inside.

If an engineer designed the bridge, I’m less concerned. Full disclosure, I’m a BSME from Clemson so I’m very biased.

I hope this helps.
Trump has absolutely gone against his own experts from the very beginning and could have really slowed this thing down if he acted a month ago. He’s just now listening/taking it more seriously but it’s too late.

I say that as a senior sales manager for a large hospitality company that prior to this pandemic was going to make between $400-$500k this year. I’m currently on furlough with no set return to work date and have lost six figures in my 401k. Yes- I am mad he didn’t take it more seriously early on and it has cost me dearly personally. It will start to affect other industries as well- it’s going to get REALLY bad economically. My approval of him is at an all time low and he STILL has no national lockdown in place.
I'm sorry brother but that is completely false. He has put together a pretty strong team of experts to advise him and he seems to be listening to them pretty good. Just because he does his typical off the cuff comments in the briefings doesn't mean he is not listening to them. The Democratic Governor of new York(Cuomo) is saying the White House team "is on it" and being very responsive. If they weren't, Cuomo would be the first to say it. Trump Slowed this thing way down, Much more than any Democratic president would have done. Shutting down flights from China very early on was the single biggest thing that could have been done. If we had Biden or Hillary Clinton as president flights from China and Italy would have continued till last week and we would look like Italy. Half of our country would be infected already and we would likely already have 100,000+ dead. Your comments sound like you get your information from CNN. The testing roll out certainly could have gone better for sure. I didn't understand why we didn't have the same level of testing the other countries had and why we didn't use the same test (the WHO test)they were using. Then I found out the test the other countries were using had a 50% false positive response rate. Then I understood why we had to wait till we developed our own. There is plenty of things I don't like about Trump, he makes me cringe at least once a week with some of the things he says. His narcissitic bragging about himself is ridiculous. But one of the things I do like about him is he doesn't give a damn about what some people think and being politically correct. Very early on he pulled those flights and the democrats were screaming about it. That saved a lot of lives and is allowing our health care system to mobilize and get ready for what is coming. If you think anything Trump could have done would have changed what happened to your 401k or job you are really watching to much of those cable news shows...
We’ll agree to disagree on Trump’s response to the pandemic. And no- my opinion is not based on CNN, etc. Read the transcript of Trump’s speech in Charleston on Feb. 28. He calls the virus the Democrat’s “new hoax”.

I am not aligned with either political party so I am neutral as can be in this situation. I tend to be socially liberal and fiscally republican. If we just had a national shutdown back in Feb and more testing we would have been fine and the shutdown would not nearly have had to be as long. Look at Korea, look at Japan, look at Singapore. They will be fine and the US is just plain screwed. We have to choose the economy or lives at this point. Hell Japan is already sending kids back to school and they were one of the first to report cases. It’s troubling to say the least.
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Trump has absolutely gone against his own experts from the very beginning and could have really slowed this thing down if he acted a month ago. He’s just now listening/taking it more seriously but it’s too late.

I say that as a senior sales manager for a large hospitality company that prior to this pandemic was going to make between $400-$500k this year. I’m currently on furlough with no set return to work date and have lost six figures in my 401k. Yes- I am mad he didn’t take it more seriously early on and it has cost me dearly personally. It will start to affect other industries as well- it’s going to get REALLY bad economically. My approval of him is at an all time low and he STILL has no national lockdown in place.

I'm sorry for your struggles but if he had locked it down 5 weeks ago wouldn't you be in the same spot?
I'm sorry brother but that is completely false. He has put together a pretty strong team of experts to advise him and he seems to be listening to them pretty good. Just because he does his typical off the cuff comments in the briefings doesn't mean he is not listening to them. The Democratic Governor of new York(Cuomo) is saying the White House team "is on it" and being very responsive. If they weren't, Cuomo would be the first to say it. Trump Slowed this thing way down, Much more than any Democratic president would have done. Shutting down flights from China very early on was the single biggest thing that could have been done. If we had Biden or Hillary Clinton as president flights from China and Italy would have continued till last week and we would look like Italy. Half of our country would be infected already and we would likely already have 100,000+ dead. Your comments sound like you get your information from CNN. The testing roll out certainly could have gone better for sure. I didn't understand why we didn't have the same level of testing the other countries had and why we didn't use the same test (the WHO test)they were using. Then I found out the test the other countries were using had a 50% false positive response rate. Then I understood why we had to wait till we developed our own. There is plenty of things I don't like about Trump, he makes me cringe at least once a week with some of the things he says. His narcissitic bragging about himself is ridiculous. But one of the things I do like about him is he doesn't give a damn about what some people think and being politically correct. Very early on he pulled those flights and the democrats were screaming about it. That saved a lot of lives and is allowing our health care system to mobilize and get ready for what is coming. If you think anything Trump could have done would have changed what happened to your 401k or job you are really watching to much of those cable news shows...

3 major problems with this: 1. Italy shut down flights from China before we did, so that can’t be all the reason for the difference in cases. 2 President Trump and his surrogates ignored the intelligence briefings about how serious this was, or at minimum downplayed the severity publicity, for at least a month. 3 They are not “ahead” of this thing, they are reacting to crisis after they have blown up. There appeared to be very little ramping up of preparations for what was potentially coming. We are still scrambling to get supplies out. The states are begging for what they need and have been for several weeks.

I’m definitely not saying he has done everything wrong,but to act like this has been handled well is just revisionist history and political spin.
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