Presidential Candidate Kamala Harris Annointed. DEI Hire Kamala Dropped Out In 2020 After Polling At 1%

You should put some money on it. A lot it would seem.
Thats pretty much what I do everyday.

I would suggest betting on The Republican candidate to win instead of Trump. Same odds. But if they kill Trump you will still win.

I am a very concerned American. At this exact moment in time I am not a Republican, I am not a Democrat, I am not an Independent, I am an American. Put the politics aside for a moment.As an American I am quite literally scared regarding the signaling we are sending to our global adversaries. I read a hockey analogy somewhere else on X today: "America is signaling an open shot on goal."I demand one of two things occur in the next 24 hours:1. President Biden provide so-called "proof of life" that it was actually he who signed that withdrawal letter--a picture, an audio tape, anything that verifies his withdrawal intent unequivocally.-or-2. Vice President Harris invoke the 25h Amendment and assume the Presidency.These are genuinely perilous moments right now.
"What's best for my portfolio is what's best for the country." - every college educated republican with a lot of WW2 books on the shelf in America

I don’t think I have any WW2 books and I didn’t mention the portfolio. Your team just wants to take a lot more money from me every year, even though there is no rational argument that suggests I don’t pay my fair share.
"What's best for my portfolio is what's best for the country." - every college educated republican with a lot of WW2 books on the shelf in America
It’s no one else’s fault but your own, that you don’t understand what hard work and success entails.

Of course you’re going to view politics in the fashion you do.
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