Presidential Election - Lets get to the bottom of what happened

I noticed you didn’t address what I said about it’s unconstitutional for anyone other than the State’s Legislatures to change voting laws. And I thought the Dems were so concerned about ‘threats to our Democracy’. And dude, the exact same media who told us the Big Lie about supposed Russian Collusion for four years are the same one’s you are trusting in saying ‘there wasn’t any fraud’ in this election. Forgive me if I don’t believe a damn word they say. And I’ve read too much on this subject since the election, it has nothing to do with blindly following Trump... I don’t blindly believe anything anyone says. ( We will have to agree to disagree)

  1. Late on election night, with Trump comfortably ahead, many swing states stopped counting ballots. In most cases, observers were removed from the counting facilities. Counting generally continued without the observers.
  2. Statistically, abnormal vote counts were the new normal when counting resumed. They were unusually large in size (hundreds of thousands) and had an unusually high (90 percent and above) Biden-to-Trump ratio.
  3. Late arriving ballots were counted. In Pennsylvania, 23,000 absentee ballots have impossible postal return dates, and another 86,000 have such extraordinary return dates they raise serious questions.
  4. The failure to match signatures on mail-in ballots. The destruction of mail-in ballot envelopes, which must contain signatures.
  5. Historically low absentee ballot rejection rates despite the massive expansion of mail voting. Such is Biden’s narrow margin that, as political analyst Robert Barnes observes, “If the states simply imposed the same absentee ballot rejection rate as recent cycles, then Trump wins the election.”
  6. Missing votes. In Delaware County, Pennsylvania, 50,000 votes held on 47 USB cards are missing.
  7. Non-resident voters. Matt Braynard’s Voter Integrity Project estimates that 20,312 people who no longer met residency requirements cast ballots in Georgia. Biden’s margin is 12,670 votes.
  8. “Overvotes.” Pennsylvania mailed out 1.8 million ballots, but 2.5 million ballots were returned. In 10 Pennsylvania counties, Biden secured more votes than there were registered Democratic voters. In Nevada, there are 77,982 more votes in the presidential election than total ballots cast; Biden’s current margin is 33,596. Ballots exceeded the number of residents by 2.5 times in some Georgia precincts.
  9. Serious “chain of custody” breakdowns. Invalid residential addresses. Record numbers of dead people voting. Ballots in pristine condition without creases, that is, they had not been mailed in envelopes as required by law.
  10. Statistical anomalies. In Georgia, Biden overtook Trump with 89 percent of the votes counted. For the next 53 batches of votes counted, Biden led Trump by the same exact 50.05 to 49.95 percent margin in every single batch. It is particularly perplexing that all statistical anomalies and tabulation abnormalities were in Biden’s favor. Whether the cause was simply a human error or nefarious activity, or a combination, clearly something peculiar happened.
I chose one of your 10 bullet points at random to google and shocker it's not accurate.
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Thats very easy.

1 - Software manipulation(programming) where they shave and flip small percentages was aimed at Trump only and maybe a selected few other targets in some senate races. They didnt bother with the smaller races and thus those ra
I chose one of your 10 bullet points at random to google and shocker it's not accurate.

Thanks for sharing,but I've given up on morons like @TigerGrowls . He is one of three things, stupid, willfully ignorant because he doesn't want to know the truth, or trolling. My opinion on which is true changes with each of his posts.

Facts don't matter to these guys if it doesn't fit their narrative. They keep screaming that we "need to look at all the proof", and then you explain the proof, and they don't like the answer, so they scream," Not that Proof,This Other Proof" which is the same shit again and again.
OP has been posting crap videos/bombshells/gamechangers almost daily since the election. Tell you what. Find something (ANYTHING!!) that actually stands up in court and get back to us.

What really tickles me to death is that OP finds it absolutely unbelievable that a President who (according to FOXNEWS) never polled above 50% could actually lose the election. He got the word from on high that Trump was going to win in a landslide (From the Great One himself). Normally I wouldn't site a FOXNEWS article, but in this case I feel pretty comfortable. Because while they definitely have a strong right bias, we all know that they aren't biased against Trump.

BUT again, he NEVER polled above 50%, but there's NO WAY he could lose right? Now I'm not saying that he couldn't have won... I was quiet before the election b/c I thought it was VERY possible he could have won. But to think there's NO WAY he could lose is not reasonable.

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I chose one of your 10 bullet points at random to google and shocker it's not accurate.

Not related to just this story, but for every story the left brings on what happened there is a counter point from the right. It all comes down to what each person choosed to believe as there is no definitive proof apparently. I strongly believe the election was stolen for a number of reasons. If you cannot conclusively prove all of them false then it was still stolen. Even throwing out all the supposed fraud allegations, the election was flipped by the illegal rule changes in GA, PA, MI, and WI related to mail in balloting, extending the date, and quasi ballot harvesting allowed.....this alone was enough to throw those states from Trump to Biden. These changes made it much easier to cheat. You didnt watch the videos Im sure. Hundreds of precincts in these shady counties turning in votes that were over 90% Biden....that does not happen in the real world and is a sure sign of fraud.

Basically, most of the country voted RED and the election was flipped BLUE by a handful of shady dem controlled counties in the aforementioned states. Thats not the will of the people.

You are not right...remember that.. You probably still believe in Trump Russia collusion too.
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Not related to just this story, but for every story the left brings on what happened there is a counter point from the right. It all comes down to what each person choosed to believe as there is no definitive proof apparently. I strongly believe the election was stolen for a number of reasons. If you cannot conclusively prove all of them false then it was still stolen. Even throwing out all the supposed fraud allegations, the election was flipped by the illegal rule changes in GA, PA, MI, and WI related to mail in balloting, extending the date, and quasi ballot harvesting allowed.....this alone was enough to throw those states from Trump to Biden. These changes made it much easier to cheat. You didnt watch the videos Im sure. Hundreds of precincts in these shady counties turning in votes that were over 90% Biden....that does not happen in the real world and is a sure sign of fraud.

Basically, most of the country voted RED and the election was flipped BLUE by a handful of shady dem controlled counties in the aforementioned states. Thats not the will of the people.

You are not right...remember that.. You probably still believe in Trump Russia collusion too.
For a lot of reasons that is the problematic statement right there.

If you're down to 'they changed the rules illegally' you should really think about what a whiny bitch that makes you sound like. All that time before the election to challenge things you found to be illegal or unconstitutional about those rules, but nothing. Wait until you lose and then cry foul. A real bitch move.
For a lot of reasons that is the problematic statement right there.

If you're down to 'they changed the rules illegally' you should really think about what a whiny bitch that makes you sound like. All that time before the election to challenge things you found to be illegal or unconstitutional about those rules, but nothing. Wait until you lose and then cry foul. A real bitch move.

Totally untrue. Trump and many others were strongly stating that cheating would occur right after the mail in balloting rules were announced. The consent decree in GA was not mentioned until the fall...will give you that, but it was mentioned well before 11/3. This is not just a small minority. I can guarantee you that tens of millions of the most productive adults in this nation feel this way.
Lol you're a bad faith actor. Resorting to faux machismo. Look Trump lost fair and square. Accept that fact and let the healing begin.
You wouldn’t know me if I walked past you on the street son, but you do bring some cute little comments lol ... I sure triggered a lot of you liberal punks tho, that’s for sure.
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Not related to just this story, but for every story the left brings on what happened there is a counter point from the right. It all comes down to what each person choosed to believe as there is no definitive proof apparently. I strongly believe the election was stolen for a number of reasons. If you cannot conclusively prove all of them false then it was still stolen. Even throwing out all the supposed fraud allegations, the election was flipped by the illegal rule changes in GA, PA, MI, and WI related to mail in balloting, extending the date, and quasi ballot harvesting allowed.....this alone was enough to throw those states from Trump to Biden. These changes made it much easier to cheat. You didnt watch the videos Im sure. Hundreds of precincts in these shady counties turning in votes that were over 90% Biden....that does not happen in the real world and is a sure sign of fraud.

Basically, most of the country voted RED and the election was flipped BLUE by a handful of shady dem controlled counties in the aforementioned states. Thats not the will of the people.

You are not right...remember that.. You probably still believe in Trump Russia collusion too.
Not related to just this story, but for every story the left brings on what happened there is a counter point from the right. It all comes down to what each person choosed to believe as there is no definitive proof apparently. I strongly believe the election was stolen for a number of reasons. If you cannot conclusively prove all of them false then it was still stolen. Even throwing out all the supposed fraud allegations, the election was flipped by the illegal rule changes in GA, PA, MI, and WI related to mail in balloting, extending the date, and quasi ballot harvesting allowed.....this alone was enough to throw those states from Trump to Biden. These changes made it much easier to cheat. You didnt watch the videos Im sure. Hundreds of precincts in these shady counties turning in votes that were over 90% Biden....that does not happen in the real world and is a sure sign of fraud.

Basically, most of the country voted RED and the election was flipped BLUE by a handful of shady dem controlled counties in the aforementioned states. Thats not the will of the people.

You are not right...remember that.. You probably still believe in Trump Russia collusion too.

Define ballot harvesting. I dare you.
Not related to just this story, but for every story the left brings on what happened there is a counter point from the right. It all comes down to what each person choosed to believe as there is no definitive proof apparently. I strongly believe the election was stolen for a number of reasons. If you cannot conclusively prove all of them false then it was still stolen. Even throwing out all the supposed fraud allegations, the election was flipped by the illegal rule changes in GA, PA, MI, and WI related to mail in balloting, extending the date, and quasi ballot harvesting allowed.....this alone was enough to throw those states from Trump to Biden. These changes made it much easier to cheat. You didnt watch the videos Im sure. Hundreds of precincts in these shady counties turning in votes that were over 90% Biden....that does not happen in the real world and is a sure sign of fraud.

Basically, most of the country voted RED and the election was flipped BLUE by a handful of shady dem controlled counties in the aforementioned states. Thats not the will of the people.

You are not right...remember that.. You probably still believe in Trump Russia collusion too.

Tigergrowls sucks cock. Unless someone can conclusively prove to me that tigergrowls doesn’t suck cock, then it is true.
Not related to just this story, but for every story the left brings on what happened there is a counter point from the right. It all comes down to what each person choosed to believe as there is no definitive proof apparently. I strongly believe the election was stolen for a number of reasons. If you cannot conclusively prove all of them false then it was still stolen. Even throwing out all the supposed fraud allegations, the election was flipped by the illegal rule changes in GA, PA, MI, and WI related to mail in balloting, extending the date, and quasi ballot harvesting allowed.....this alone was enough to throw those states from Trump to Biden. These changes made it much easier to cheat. You didnt watch the videos Im sure. Hundreds of precincts in these shady counties turning in votes that were over 90% Biden....that does not happen in the real world and is a sure sign of fraud.

Basically, most of the country voted RED and the election was flipped BLUE by a handful of shady dem controlled counties in the aforementioned states. That's not the will of the people.

You are not right...remember that.. You probably still believe in Trump Russia collusion too.

Hahaha, surely you're not referring to the all the red space on the map? Dirt don't vote Growls! LOLOL

Explain this though, if MOST of the country voted red but only a few counties were corrupt, how did Biden end up with 7 million more votes? I'll let you connect those dots.....
Tigergrowls sucks cock. Unless someone can conclusively prove to me that tigergrowls doesn’t suck cock, then it is true.

Your comments are so out of line and consistent with many of your other cohorts. If someone disagrees, you spew derogatory, crass, hateful garbage. It's definitely an unfortunate trend in this great country thanks to social media as whole.

We all are entitled to our thoughts and opinions. However, the left is doing everything they can to take that away and that would be an extremely difficult for you to prove otherwise. Btw, progress and open dialogue can happen without the the insults and name calling. I agree with Tigergrowls as you do with dpic and yoshi. You all may be the vocal majority on this board but there are many of us across this great nation that know the Truth.
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Stay tuned for more. Trump's businesses are hemorrhaging money. No bank will touch him. The Trump family's only money making future is to continue to milk simpletons like @TigerGrowls, @Dmk and @AugTig for more money. t-shirts, bumper stickers, podcasts. It is imperative for them to keep the big lie going for this reason.

Thank you for including me but I didn't make a donation to any political campaign. I sure as heck voted for President Trump in Georgia though but not confident that my vote was counted or wasn't switched.
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Not related to just this story, but for every story the left brings on what happened there is a counter point from the right. It all comes down to what each person choosed to believe as there is no definitive proof apparently. I strongly believe the election was stolen for a number of reasons. If you cannot conclusively prove all of them false then it was still stolen. Even throwing out all the supposed fraud allegations, the election was flipped by the illegal rule changes in GA, PA, MI, and WI related to mail in balloting, extending the date, and quasi ballot harvesting allowed.....this alone was enough to throw those states from Trump to Biden. These changes made it much easier to cheat. You didnt watch the videos Im sure. Hundreds of precincts in these shady counties turning in votes that were over 90% Biden....that does not happen in the real world and is a sure sign of fraud.

Basically, most of the country voted RED and the election was flipped BLUE by a handful of shady dem controlled counties in the aforementioned states. Thats not the will of the people.

You are not right...remember that.. You probably still believe in Trump Russia collusion too.
Maybe I'm not but you telling me that is laughable. You're a someone who literally believes a person as morally bankrupt and corrupt as Donald Trump is leading a secret group that is going around the world a ridding it of evil.
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Thank you for including me but I didn't make a donation to any political campaign. I sure as heck voted for President Trump in Georgia though but not confident that my vote was counted or wasn't switched.

yea. all those recounts. im still skeptical.
Maybe I'm not but you telling me that is laughable. You're a someone who literally believes a person as morally bankrupt and corrupt as Donald Trump is leading a secret group that is going around the world a ridding it of evil.

Once again, I did not say that....wrong have a good average for that.
Your comments are so out of line and consistent with many of your other cohorts. If someone disagrees, you spew derogatory, crass, hateful garbage. It's definitely an unfortunate trend in this great country thanks to social media as whole.

We all are entitled to our thoughts and opinions. However, the left is doing everything they can to take that away and that would be an extremely difficult for you to prove otherwise. Btw, progress and open dialogue can happen without the the insults and name calling. I agree with Tigergrowls as you do with dpic and yoshi. You all may be the vocal majority on this board but there are many of us across this great nation that know the Truth.

oh boy, just got a call from a secret informant down in georgia. He says that you also blow dudes and he has evidence that he cannot show us right now. It’s truth. You can’t prove me wrong. and don’t you even try to cancel me. I know the truth!
Thank you for including me but I didn't make a donation to any political campaign. I sure as heck voted for President Trump in Georgia though but not confident that my vote was counted or wasn't switched.

wow you didn’t even donate to stop the steal? You are either poor or you are not a true patriot.
Not related to just this story, but for every story the left brings on what happened there is a counter point from the right. It all comes down to what each person choosed to believe as there is no definitive proof apparently. I strongly believe the election was stolen for a number of reasons. If you cannot conclusively prove all of them false then it was still stolen. Even throwing out all the supposed fraud allegations, the election was flipped by the illegal rule changes in GA, PA, MI, and WI related to mail in balloting, extending the date, and quasi ballot harvesting allowed.....this alone was enough to throw those states from Trump to Biden. These changes made it much easier to cheat. You didnt watch the videos Im sure. Hundreds of precincts in these shady counties turning in votes that were over 90% Biden....that does not happen in the real world and is a sure sign of fraud.

Basically, most of the country voted RED and the election was flipped BLUE by a handful of shady dem controlled counties in the aforementioned states. Thats not the will of the people.

You are not right...remember that.. You probably still believe in Trump Russia collusion too.

NO... It's NOT what you "choose" to believe. It's what HAPPENED that matters. Facts matter. What you can prove in court matters. That's the way the country works.

When you bring unbelievable claims to the table... that thousands of Americans participated in throwing the election... that Republicans that have been loyal Trump supporters for YEARS turned on him with no warning... and that the courts are corrupted and helping the Dems...You'd best bring the evidence with you. BUT there is no proof as you just said above. But you still believe it, right? Were you there... did you see it? Do you have proof? I'm guessing no.

You are the kind of guy that hears hoofbeats and then tells everyone that they are about to be trampled by an unholy alliance of zebras and goats... horses never really enter the picture for you.

As for the Trump/Russia thing. What I want to believe doesn't matter. He was not charged and you haven't heard much else about it from me. You can't act legally on what you WANT to have occurred.
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oh boy, just got a call from a secret informant down in georgia. He says that you also blow dudes and he has evidence that he cannot show us right now. It’s truth. You can’t prove me wrong. and don’t you even try to cancel me. I know the truth!

Well you pretty much proved my point. You should take some time and read about the Truth.
Well you pretty much proved my point. You should take some time and read about the Truth.

It's more than a little rich that you've capitalized the word "Truth" a few times in this thread.

Also, you are obviously also not sane.
Once again, I did not say that....wrong have a good average for that.
It's funny you come back with posts like this. You post countless links and some videos that elude to the very thing but when someone brings it up, of course you never said it.
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It's more than a little rich that you've capitalized the word "Truth" a few times in this thread.

Also, you are obviously also not sane.

Are you saying I’m insane because of my faith?
Anyone who reads what growls has to say, and openly agrees with it, is not of sane mind.

I don’t think you understand my comments. As far as what Tiger Growls posts, I agree with him, I have done my fair share of research across many conservative and liberal platforms and have come to my own conclusions on what’s going on in politics. It’s very likely that he has done the same.

If you want to call me insane, that’s your prerogative. I am hopeful we all will have a clearer understating of what is true and false in regards to the election along with the current state of politics. I realize this is debatable and may or may not happen. At this time no one can state with certainty that the election was rigged or not. There is a ton of evidence to show that it was rigged. I know the rebuttal for this are the court case decisions. Was the evidence ever reviewed prior to the decisions? If there was nothing to hide, why not allow proper recounts in the swing states where the majority of fraud complaints occurred?

However all the back and forth doesn’t matter. There is only one Truth and that is Jesus Christ and we all can find the Truth. Knock and he will answer.

Now you know my reference to Truth was not political.
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I don’t think you understand my comments. As far as what Tiger Growls posts, I agree with him, I have done my fair share of research across many conservative and liberal platforms and have come to my own conclusions on what’s going on in politics. It’s very likely that he has done the same.

If you want to call me insane, that’s your prerogative. I am hopeful we all will have a clearer understating of what is true and false in regards to the election along with the current state of politics. I realize this is debatable and may or may not happen. At this time no one can state with certainty that the election was rigged or not. There is a ton of evidence to show that it was rigged. I know the rebuttal for this are the court case decisions. Was the evidence ever reviewed prior to the decisions? If there was nothing to hide, why not allow proper recounts in the swing states where the majority of fraud complaints occurred?

However all the back and forth doesn’t matter. There is only one Truth and that is Jesus Christ and we all can find the Truth. Knock and he will answer.

Now you know my reference to Truth was not political.

See. This is the problem. We can state with certainty the election was secure.

The fact that you think your "research" gives you an understanding of how this works is also kinda laughable. There are people with decades of experience, and judges with the same, who have routinely said there wasn't fraud, and the lawsuits had no evidence of fraud to speak of.

Watch how NewsMax and fox news and oann all handle absurd claims about dominion now. That's really all you need to see.

Edit: one more thing. I don't at all agree with you about jesus or about "Truth". So there's that. But I'm curious what jesus' truth is telling you about the election?
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It's funny you come back with posts like this. You post countless links and some videos that elude to the very thing but when someone brings it up, of course you never said it.

I am hoping you can comprehend the difference between me posting someone elses work or writing something myself. When I post stuff from others, it does not necessarily mean that I endorse it. It only means that I wanted to post it to the board for others to see. I do agree with a lot of the stuff that I post with that said. Now put your dunce hat on and sit in the corner for 10 minutes for saying stupid stuff.

EXCLUSIVE: Here’s the Breakdown on the 80 Cases Related to the 2020 Presidential Election
By Joe Hoft
Published February 4, 2021 at 10:02pm
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The media in the United States is no longer interested in the truth. They are corrupted beyond belief. They used to be biased, now they are clearly dishonest.
Over and over we heard how President Trump didn’t win a single case in the 2020 Presidential election related to fraud in the election. The media called this proof that there was no fraud. Far left Buzz Feed reported in December:
President Donald Trump had another brutal weekend in court, with the US Supreme Court and other judges across the country rejecting his latest efforts to overturn his loss to President-elect Joe Biden.
Trump and his allies have lost 59 times in court since Nov. 3, according to a running tally on Twitter from Marc Elias, the lawyer leading Democrats’ fight against the GOP’s post-election challenges. The Supreme Court’s one-paragraph rejection of Trump and Texas’ bid to invalidate more than 20 million votes on Friday night was just one of a string of fresh losses that the president has faced over the past 72 hours alone.
TRENDING: We Got It! TGP to Release SMOKING GUN Video from TCF Center in Detroit! ...Update: OH BOY! Our Report WILL SHAKE the Political World!
Problem number one was it was Buzzfeed, problem number two was Buzzfeed relied on Marc Elias for their information. Apparently, Elias has a unique way of counting cases.
When looking at the number of cases related to the 2020 Presidential election that were decided on merits, there were only 21 cases decided so far. Of these cases, President Trump won 14. The President won 14 of 21 cases decided on merits which is two-thirds of the cases.
What the media doesn’t tell you and omits from their reporting is their greatest lie.

According to a list of all 2020 election cases related to President Trump found at the following link here:
The report as of February 4th, 2021 shows:
  • There are 80 court cases to date based on the 2020 election
  • In 28 cases President Trump was/is the plaintiff
  • In 48 cases President Trump was/is not the plaintiff
  • In 4 cases President Trump is the defendant
  • 21 of these cases have been decided on merits
  • Of the 21 cases decided on the merits, President Trump won 14 of them or two-thirds of the cases
  • 25 cases remain active
It is horrible that the courts have not made the cases related to the 2020 election a priority. The courts’ procrastination in addressing these important cases in a timely fashion was, and is, abhorrent.
There are still 25 cases to be decided related to the 2020 election.

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