Proof of Democrat Election Interference

Yep, covid taught us all that these freaks think freedom means they can do anything they goddamn well please without consequence. And, as always, that stems from a fundamental inability to understand things.

I feel bad for them in a way. It's got to be frustrating to be so profoundly limited intellectually.
Let's relate your statement to abortion now. You libs cannot be consistent at all.
The media owns you. Sad state of affairs.
That would be sad, indeed. The truth is, a lot of the media is just mostly trash. Maybe they own you… I don’t know. As for me… The Creator of the Universe, my Lord and Savior owns me. Hopefully He owns you, too. Because if He doesn’t, the real sad state of affairs will be that you are lost. And whether you believe that or not, will not make it any less so.
FIFY... I suppose sometimes you just have to fight fire with fire. Everyone knows the dems twisted the media as well as the previous election. Everyone saw what happened on election night and the days that followed. Exercising just a mere fraction of common sense, and/or simply removing one's head from the sand, makes that an easy deduction. And just because a lot of folks won't admit it, because their candidate was the beneficiary, doesn't make it any less so. Deep down, even they know the truth.

Now, here in the present day we have 2 candidates (sort of), in Trump and Harris. Does Trump have some deplorable and wretched ways? Yep. Does Harris? You know it. Guess what? So do you and I, and every single other human that has ever walked this earth, save One! However, we're not voting on who is the best acting person to be President. Because if we were, NOBODY would deserve to be elected. We are voting on who is the most qualified and competent to run this country and be the "President of The United States of America."

We are not voting on who is the prettiest, or who is the best dancer, or even who can laugh the most (or loudest). If we were, all the votes should go to Harris. We are voting on who will be the "President of The United States of America." And Harris is not even remotely qualified, or minimally competent, to be that. She has been absolutely terrible (and that's actually a compliment) at the very few things she has been responsible for. The fact that she is even considered a viable candidate is a complete and total embarrassment for our country, even more embarrassing than Biden. And nobody probably thought that was even possible. That should make our decision pretty obvious.

No, I wouldn't have wanted Trump to date my mom, nor would I want Harris to have dated my dad. However, when it comes to which of the 2 candidates I would want to run this country, and to do what is best for our country as a "whole" (and not what's best for you or me, individually, or maybe some tranny in prison, for example), the answer is way too simple.
If trannies in prison getting sex change operations are your 1 issue vote, then kindly just stfu.

Of all the issues facing this country, the fact that MAGA misrepresents the boarder and trans issues to gin you folks up is so deplorable.

migrants cant vote, if they commit a crime we already deport them, a wall wouldn't fix anything, the VAST majority of drugs smuggled into America through the boarder are done so at check points, by American citizens.

You guys can't solve problems because you don't even UNDERSTAND THE ISSUES. That's why Trump is unfit, along with wanting to deploy the united states military against its own citizens. Wake the hell up. You don't even understand the issues, stay home and don't vote for that reason alone.
More projection. Its what you have already been doing for years...
Flesh this out for me please instead of doing your usual and saying we do the same. Can you give me an example of how I've been doing this because you're not making any sense?

And here it is,

a ‘PAY TO VOTE’ ballot fraud operation in Minnesota run by a domestic terrorist currently serving in United States Congress Ilhan Omar, and financed by a Palestinian terrorist Basim Sabri.

“She Ilhan Omar is the one who came up with this pay to vote.”

“So the people that work for Ilhan Omar are actually counting the ballots, counting the vote. And they become a manager in the precinct too.”

BREAKING: A judge in Arizona just ruled that the Democrat Secretary of State MUST immediately release the list of nearly 100,000 voters who officials marked as U.S. citizens when they hadn't even provided documentary proof

Judge Scott Blaney also awarded attorneys' fees to the election integrity patriots for their trouble.

"THE COURT FINDS specifically that the Secretary has not established by a preponderance of the evidence that production of the records would violate rights of privacy or confidentiality or would be detrimental to the best interests of the state."

Judge Blaney also required them to do this by noon on Monday, the eve of the election. HE'S NOT PLAYING. The state failed to do its job in verifying the citizenship status of well over 200k voters in total, which is the new number they gave us, so he's allowing patriots to do the government's job for them.

Thank you so much to @merissahamilton of EZAZ for fighting this all the way through.

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