Prosecutors drop charges against Alec Baldwin after questions over gun misfire


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May 29, 2001

Prosecutors drop charges against Alec Baldwin after questions over gun misfire​

By: Meg James, Anousha Sakoui - Los Angeles Times

New Mexico prosecutors have dropped criminal charges against actor Alec Baldwin in the “Rust” shooting tragedy, a dramatic reversal that comes after numerous missteps by prosecutors, according to three people familiar with the matter who were not authorized to comment.

The stunning development comes after prosecutors received new information into the case — that the gun that Baldwin used had been modified before being delivered to the low-budget western in October 2021, the sources said.


The replica of the vintage weapon — a Colt 45 revolver — had been fitted with a new trigger, making it possible for it to misfire, as Baldwin has said, according to the sources.

Prosecutors are reserving the right to eventually charge Baldwin with a lesser charge, but they felt they needed time to investigate the new information to make sure that charges were even warranted, one of the sources said.

Baldwin has long maintained that he did not pull the trigger on the fateful day when cinematographer Halyna Hutchins was fatally shot. The film’s director Joel Souza was also wounded.

The decision to drop the involuntary manslaughter charges comes just a few weeks after a new special prosecutor took over the case when the district attorney stepped down. The decision was made because the new special prosecutors were racing toward a May 3 deadline for a preliminary hearing to see whether prosecutors had sufficient evidence to go forward.

“We are pleased with the decision to dismiss the case against Alec Baldwin, and we encourage a proper investigation into the facts and circumstances of this tragic accident,” Luke Nikas and Alex Spiro, attorneys for Baldwin, said in a statement, which was first reported by ABC News..

Prosecutors declined to comment.

Baldwin, 65, was charged in late January with two counts of involuntary manslaughter in the October 2021 shooting death of Hutchins. The film’s armorer, Hannah Gutierrez Reed, was also charged.

But since the high-profile charges were announced by prosecutors in Santa Fe, the case against Baldwin has been crumbling due to a variety of problems with the investigation.

Two months ago, New Mexico prosecutors downgraded felony penalties against Baldwin and Gutierrez Reed, removing the threat that either could spend years in prison.

Baldwin and Gutierrez Reed were charged last month with two counts of involuntary manslaughter for the Oct. 21, 2021, shooting on the movie’s set south of Santa Fe.

Gutierrez Reed — who loaded the gun with a live bullet — is still facing the felony charges, the sources said.

The most serious charge included a “firearm enhancement” penalty that carried a maximum five years in prison, if convicted.

The “Rust” production was set to resume filming at Yellowstone Film Ranch in Montana on Thursday.

“The production will continue to utilize union crew members and will bar any use of working weapons and any form of ammunition,” said Melina Spadone, attorney for Rust Movie Productions. “ Live ammunition is — and always was — prohibited on set.”
Meh... seems reasonable to me. You don't give an actor a loaded gun... WHY would you even have a loaded gun on a movie set?

Granted, you shouldn't point a real weapon at anyone and I was always taught to check a weapon to see if it was loaded EVEN if I just saw it was unloaded. But you can't hold everyone to that.

Now the armorer that handed Baldwin the gun... they got some 'splaining' to do. Not the least of which is why are there live rounds on the set.
Meh... seems reasonable to me. You don't give an actor a loaded gun... WHY would you even have a loaded gun on a movie set?

Granted, you shouldn't point a real weapon at anyone and I was always taught to check a weapon to see if it was loaded EVEN if I just saw it was unloaded. But you can't hold everyone to that.

Now the armorer that handed Baldwin the gun... they got some 'splaining' to do. Not the least of which is why are there live rounds on the set.
This is what I can't get past. Why was the gun loaded to begin with? Baldwin probably didn't follow protocol and but the fault lies elsewhere imo.
The problem here is evil.
Insanity, maybe?
Just meanness that MIGHT could be argued away as a 'mistake'.

But this was no accident.

Live ammunition does not accidentally come upon a movie set.
Live ammunition certainly does not load itself into a firearm.

There was intention.
Intention upon someone getting hurt/killed.
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Two tiered justice system.

Dude... You are making connections that aren't there. I don't like Baldwin much more than I like Trump. He seems like a huge Dick to me.

But as I said above there's no expectation that a gun is loaded on a movie set and obviously that's not the way to handle firearms, handing an actor a gun and expecting him not to play with it is probably about the same as handing a 6 year old a gun and expecting the same. Not going to happen.

The involuntary man slaughter charges were appropriate charges for what happened. An accidental shooting. But when you add in the expectation of no live ammo available, you are going to have trouble making that stick in court.

On the other hand. Trump paid a hooker $130K ON PURPOSE. He had his lawyer make the payment for him ON PURPOSE. Then he hid that he paid the lawyer back by casting the repayment as legal fees... again ON PURPOSE.

So while I'm in agreement on if paying a hooker $130K is a real crime, your post is total BS.
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My wife said something about 'they' took a gun/that gun? to a firing range to 'practice'?

Anyone know anything about that.
#1 - why would you make a 'movie gun' operational?
#2 - why would you take it target practicing?
#3 - having live bulllets mixed in ANYWHERE close to a movie set is insane.

Have no idea if any of that is true.
If so, it could explain a little about the 'accident' but would further increase the culpability of someone.... not the least of which >> the person that loaded the gun.
Dude... You are making connections that aren't there. I don't like Baldwin much more than I like Trump. He seems like a huge Dick to me.

But as I said above there's no expectation that a gun is loaded on a movie set and obviously that's not the way to handle firearms, handing an actor a gun and expecting him not to play with it is probably about the same as handing a 6 year old a gun and expecting the same. Not going to happen.

The involuntary man slaughter charges were appropriate charges for what happened. An accidental shooting. But when you add in the expectation of no live ammo available, you are going to have trouble making that stick in court.

On the other hand. Trump paid a hooker $130K ON PURPOSE. He had his lawyer make the payment for him ON PURPOSE. Then he hid that he paid the lawyer back by casting the repayment as legal fees... again ON PURPOSE.

So while I'm in agreement on if paying a hooker $130K is a real crime, your post is total BS.

Did Hunter smoke that crack, evade those taxes, sell our country out to China and Ukraine, and lie on that firearms form ON PURPOSE?

Did Hillary start that Russian Collusion rumor ON PURPOSE?

or do we have a two-tiered justice system? Baldwin should stand trial and let the jury decide.
Did Hunter smoke that crack, evade those taxes, sell our country out to China and Ukraine, and lie on that firearms form ON PURPOSE?

Did Hillary start that Russian Collusion rumor ON PURPOSE?

or do we have a two-tiered justice system? Baldwin should stand trial and let the jury decide.
I have NO PROBLEM with charging them. Have at it and lock them up. Because oddly enough, no one is above the law. If they get charged, you won't hear a word about it from me.
I have NO PROBLEM with charging them. Have at it and lock them up. Because oddly enough, no one is above the law.

I feel bad for Alex Baldwin. But we don't know all of the true evidence available. There may be evidence showing he was negligent and there may be not. But thats why we have a court system.

Baldwin doesn't even face trial when he is on camera shooting someone vs Trump being arrested for mis-classifying an expense. Pretty much clown world.
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I feel bad for Alex Baldwin. But we don't know all of the true evidence available. There may be evidence showing he was negligent and there may be not. But thats why we have a court system.

Baldwin doesn't even face trial when he is on camera shooting someone vs Trump being arrested for mis-classifying an expense. Pretty much clown world.
Uh... no. As I said, the charges against Baldwin were appropriate IMHO. The prosecutor gets to decide whether to pursue the case or not. That's the way our justice system works. If he had chosen to prosecute, then I doubt a grand jury would have objected and Baldwin would have gone to trial. THAT'S where justice is served. Maybe he would have gone to jail...maybe not. In the case of Trump. The prosecutor gets to decide whether to pursue the case or not. That's the way our justice system works. Trump's going to go to trial and that's where justice will be served.
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Alec seems like a huge asshole. I'm not that interested in the case but I guess good for him? Did he actually murder someone or is this him veing a complete idiot?
Uh... no. As I said, the charges against Baldwin were appropriate IMHO. The prosecutor gets to decide whether to pursue the case or not. That's the way our justice system works. If he had chosen to prosecute, then I doubt a grand jury would have objected and Baldwin would have gone to trial. THAT'S where justice is served. Maybe he would have gone to jail...maybe not. In the case of Trump. The prosecutor gets to decide whether to pursue the case or not. That's the way our justice system works. Trump's going to go to trial and that's where justice will be served.
Two tiered justice.
Alec seems like a huge asshole. I'm not that interested in the case but I guess good for him? Did he actually murder someone or is this him veing a complete idiot?
He didn’t murder anyone and wasn’t a complete idiot. An idiot, yes, but this was not ALL his fault.

That being said he pointed a weapon at someone, pulled the trigger and the result was that someone died and no one has been held accountable. Whether it’s Baldwin, the set armorer, or someone else, someone needs to be held accountable for the death of that young lady. It should never have happened.