PSA- National IQ Test

The nation has already failed the IQ test by putting forth those two as candidates.
It's funny how 100% of Americans, every single one without exception, was fully in favor of a businessman running for President back in the 90's and 00's. Trump was even the example that most people used when saying, "a businessman should run for President, someone like Donald Trump".

It wasn't until 2015-2016 when Trump decided to give it a shot that the lards all of a sudden changed their mind. And why did they change their minds? Not because of anything substantial, they just don't know anything except for what they are told. It's sad really.
It's funny how 100% of Americans, every single one without exception, was fully in favor of a businessman running for President back in the 90's and 00's. Trump was even the example that most people used when saying, "a businessman should run for President, someone like Donald Trump".

It wasn't until 2015-2016 when Trump decided to give it a shot that the lards all of a sudden changed their mind. And why did they change their minds? Not because of anything substantial, they just don't know anything except for what they are told. It's sad really.
I don't necessarily have a problem with a businessman being potus. My problem with Trump is he is a crappy human being and spent way too much $$(even though it would have been more under a democrat). Joe is no saint either, but that is secondary to him being dementia patient.

We will never get a saint in office, but we could at least get a decent human being.
I don't necessarily have a problem with a businessman being potus. My problem with Trump is he is a crappy human being and spent way too much $$(even though it would have been more under a democrat). Joe is no saint either, but that is secondary to him being dementia patient.

We will never get a saint in office, but we could at least get a decent human being.
No decent human being has been President for a very, very long time. The world of politics has become so corrupt, decent people don't have what it takes to succeed.
No decent human being has been President for a very, very long time. The world of politics has become so corrupt, decent people don't have what it takes to succeed.
As in perfect, true. As in wanting to help the country and even it’s unfortunate citizens , I think most. As in knowing how to do it, none. I sure don’t.
will be administered November 5, 2024
Your guy is finished. Have you thought about being your best self during the next 4 years of President Trump?

You’re gonna be okay, just so you’re aware.
How quickly you forget we are the Deep State and we can make more votes for Joe just by thinking about it. Same sorcery Trump uses to declassify docs.
Agree Biden is too damn old and hope a better alternative emerges, but do you Trump supporters not understanding what you are choosing?
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I don't necessarily have a problem with a businessman being potus. My problem with Trump is he is a crappy human being and spent way too much $$(even though it would have been more under a democrat). Joe is no saint either, but that is secondary to him being dementia patient.

We will never get a saint in office, but we could at least get a decent human being.
This is the problem: I don't want to have a beer with the POTUS, I want him to get shit done. Policy >>>>>>>> muh feelings.
I see you’re taking it well, so far.
It's because I'm confident. This mad lib is in the lab cooking up a man-made virus to be released at the appropriate time.

But to be serious for a minute, I haven't accepted any outcome yet and I'm still hoping for an unforeseen surprise. If not, I might kill myself - but I'll wait to decide. 😄
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Agree Biden is too damn old and hope a better alternative emerges, but do you Trump supporters not understanding what you are choosing?
They understand exactly what they’re choosing and it’s what they want. They want authoritarianism and fascism and an erosion of freedoms for people that aren’t like them.
It's because I'm confident. This mad lib is in the lab cooking up a man-made virus to be released at the appropriate time.

But to be serious for a minute, I haven't accepted any outcome yet and I'm still hoping for an unforeseen surprise. If not, I might kill myself - but I'll wait to decide. 😄
We’ll be cool, regardless of outcome.

As long as you stay with this handle.
This is the problem: I don't want to have a beer with the POTUS, I want him to get shit done. Policy >>>>>>>> muh feelings.
For the most part I agree, but Trump is a despicable human. As far as policy goes, he spent $$$ like a drunken sailor - which is very high on my policy list of things I do NOT want to see.
Granted he likely spent less than a democrat would have in his position, but he spent way too much for me. There are a lot of policy views I 100% agree with him on, but we can do better than a narcissistic jackass that balloons the national debt even more.
To be clear, I would vote for him without hesitation over Joe if I had to. That is not the issue. The issue is that we have two terrible choices.
It's funny how 100% of Americans, every single one without exception, was fully in favor of a businessman running for President back in the 90's and 00's. Trump was even the example that most people used when saying, "a businessman should run for President, someone like Donald Trump".

It wasn't until 2015-2016 when Trump decided to give it a shot that the lards all of a sudden changed their mind. And why did they change their minds? Not because of anything substantial, they just don't know anything except for what they are told. It's sad really.
They at one point said the same about a farmer running, Jimmy Carter focked that one up real quick 🤣
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They at one point said the same about a farmer running, Jimmy Carter focked that one up real quick 🤣
Hmm, I did not know that, thank you. Yeah, a farmer don't know shit about being President, but a businessman on the other hand, he knows more about being President than a politician does.
Agree Biden is too damn old and hope a better alternative emerges, but do you Trump supporters not understanding what you are choosing?
We are explicitly choosing revenge. Get ready. There is no way potato Joe has the mental capacity to serve and it’s too late to replace him.
It's funny how 100% of Americans, every single one without exception, was fully in favor of a businessman running for President back in the 90's and 00's. Trump was even the example that most people used when saying, "a businessman should run for President, someone like Donald Trump".

It wasn't until 2015-2016 when Trump decided to give it a shot that the lards all of a sudden changed their mind. And why did they change their minds? Not because of anything substantial, they just don't know anything except for what they are told. It's sad really.
We wanted a successful businessman. If you can’t win selling water and steaks, maybe you’re not our guy?

If Americans had any balls they would vote third party, but we won’t.
We wanted a successful businessman. If you can’t win selling water and steaks, maybe you’re not our guy?

If Americans had any balls they would vote third party, but we won’t.
Imagine thinking Trump wasn’t a successful businessman? You think Gates, Bezos, Musk, Cuban et al have t had failures?

You have been watching too much of the lying media.

By almost all measures, Trump is a good businessman.

But you probably don’t believe your eyes, you’d rather listen to your party in the MSM.
Imagine thinking Trump wasn’t a successful businessman? You think Gates, Bezos, Musk, Cuban et al have t had failures?

You have been watching too much of the lying media.

By almost all measures, Trump is a good businessman.

But you probably don’t believe your eyes, you’d rather listen to your party in the MSM.
My party? Which one is that? I won’t be voting a major party candidate for the second election running if that clears it up.

I can read, therefore I know Trump couldn’t keep an airline or casino open either. How many failures until your party realizes he’s a con man? He wasn’t even a republican until he realized how weak the party was and that he could take it over and run over you mindless morons.
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My party? Which one is that? I won’t be voting a major party candidate for the second election running if that clears it up.

I can read, therefore I know Trump couldn’t keep an airline or casino open either. How many failures until your party realizes he’s a con man? He wasn’t even a republican until he realized how weak the party was and that he could take it over and run over you mindless morons.
If you can read, maybe you can read the word TRUMP on several buildings throughout America. He usually puts them in giant letters so hopefully that helps you.
I don't necessarily have a problem with a businessman being potus. My problem with Trump is he is a crappy human being and spent way too much $$(even though it would have been more under a democrat). Joe is no saint either, but that is secondary to him being dementia patient.

We will never get a saint in office, but we could at least get a decent human being.
Is there anything in trump's business experience that would remotely indicate he is a good business man. He inherited a huge fortune ($500 million) many years ago. Are you even familiar with Trump University and the many bankruptcies even though he is a crook with no values other than his self promotion.
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Is there anything in trump's business experience that would remotely indicate he is a good business man. He inherited a huge fortune ($500 million) many years ago. Are you even familiar with Trump University and the many bankruptcies even though he is a crook with no values other than his self promotion.

Have you seen the Trump Tower in Chicago? Bad business people have their names plastered on the best buildings in the city?
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Have you seen the Trump Tower in Chicago? Bad business people have their names plastered on the best buildings in the city?

IRS Audit of Trump Could Cost Former President More Than $100 Million​

The tax agency concluded in its long-running investigation that Trump effectively claimed the same massive write-off twice on his failed Chicago tower.​


IRS Audit of Trump Could Cost Former President More Than $100 Million​

The tax agency concluded in its long-running investigation that Trump effectively claimed the same massive write-off twice on his failed Chicago tower.​

Businessman tries to save money on taxes.

-complete shocker
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IRS Audit of Trump Could Cost Former President More Than $100 Million​

The tax agency concluded in its long-running investigation that Trump effectively claimed the same massive write-off twice on his failed Chicago tower.​

I believe he was the only POTUS for quite some time who refused to disclose his tax returns.