Q anon — Truth or Fiction

The scary thing is how these Q and Alex Jones followers have come out of their internet caves and infiltrated mainstream politics. If you watch any of President Trump's rally's you see "Q" and "QAnon" signs and tee shirts and hash tags. Trump, Hannity, etc. will even occasionally retweet, like or reference something from one of their sites. Before the cavalry comes in to attack I'm not saying all Trump supporters buy in to this stuff. Far from it, these groups seem to just be a loud but small minority. I'd love to see the demographics of this group but I suspect I know where most would fall.

I'm sure these kind of groups exist on the left but I dont know as much about them. It kind of sounds like all of the "Military/Industrial Complex" theories from the Viet Nam War era. Or the Illuminati or something like that.

As someone else said in this thread, I just dont get how people can think large groups involved in the conspiracies can keep them secret. Remember what Ben Franklin said - "Only way 3 people can keep a secret is if 2 of them are dead."

OMG a reasonable man. First of all, there are plenty of crazies on the left too and just like Hannity, Madow occasionally throws them a bone. But yep, Trump's supporters FIRMLY believe that the whole climate change thing is a hoax. That literally THOUSANDS of research scientists around the world are all involved in a conspiracy to get research money from governments by lying about Climate Change. I particularly like the theory (and there's more than one TI member that believes it) that Bill and Hillary Clinton have killed over 100 people and various police/government agencies have helped them cover it up. I just shake my head.
Someone mentioned Mel Gibson. I have not seen this before, but this is similar to what Q has said. This is basically Satan worship which we know is a real thing. The big revelation is if they have been controlling the world from behind the scenes.

Mel Gibson: Hollywood Is ‘Den of Parasites’ Who ‘Feast on Blood of Kids’


Hollywood studios are “drenched in the blood of innocent children” according to Mel Gibson who claims the consumption of “baby blood is so

Hollywood studios are “drenched in the blood of innocent children” according to Mel Gibson who claims the consumption of “baby blood is so popular in Hollywood that it basically operates as a currency of its own.
Hollywood elites are an “enemy of mankind continually acting contrary to our best interests” and “breaking every God given taboo known to man, including the sanctity of children,” Mel Gibson said in London, where he is promoting his role in Daddy’s Home 2, his most prominent on-screen role in years.

“It’s an open secret in Hollywood. These people have their own religious and spiritual teachings and their own social and moral frameworks. They have their sacred texts – they are sick, believe me – and they couldn’t be more at odds with what America stands for.

Mel Gibson appeared on the Graham Norton Show on the BBC, and he schooled shocked guests about the real nature of Hollywood elites in the green room backstage after his appearance.

Explaining that he spent the last ten years “working on my own ideas, outside of the Hollywood system” after being blacklisted by Hollywood in 2006 for sharing opinions about the industry and the world that run counter to liberal orthodoxy, Gibson said, “I don’t know how to break it to you gently… Hollywood is institutionalized pedophilia.”

“They are using and abusing kids.“ “They churn through a huge amount of kids every year. Their spiritual beliefs, if you can call them that, direct them to harvest the energy of the kids. They feast on this stuff and they thrive on it,” the Hacksaw Ridge director said.

What do I mean? This isn’t some kind of artistic abstraction. They harvest the blood of children. They eat their flesh. They believe this gives them life force. If the child was suffering in body and psyche before it died, they believe this gives them extra life force.”

There is a creative and loving force inside most of us that guides us through life. These people don’t have this. For them it’s the opposite.”

According to Mel Gibson, who has spent 30 years in and out of the Hollywood system, the industry elites “thrive on pain, trauma, stress, abuse, and suffering.”

Hollywood is drenched in the blood of innocent children. For a long time all the references to pedophilia and cannibalism were symbolic or allusive. But I was personally introduced to the practice in the early 2000s. I can talk about this now because these people, the execs, they’re dead now.”

“The blood of a sexually abused infant is considered highly ‘enriched’ and is highly prized. The money changing hands, the favors, the kickbacks – you have no idea. Babies are a high-functioning currency all of their own. Babies are their premium brand of high-grade caviar cocaine diamond steak.”

But according to Gibson this isn’t a flavor-of-the-month perversion, popular among men and women who have grown bored of standard-issue sins.

This isn’t anything new. If you do some research you will see it’s a metaphysical, alchemical phenomenon and you can find it behind the scenes in all the dark eras in history.

“It’s a dark, multidimensional occult art and practice, used by secret societies in the last few hundred years for social programming and mind control, and raised to a zenith by Hollywood in America in our era.”

Wait, wait, wait... Mel Gibson appeared on the Graham Norton show, and made these comments "in the green room after the show."

Holy shite, it is so easy for these conspiracy bloggers to trick you morons into believing anything.
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Wait, wait, wait... Mel Gibson appeared on the Graham Norton show, and made these comments "in the green room after the show."

Holy shite, it is so easy for these conspiracy bloggers to trick you morons into believing anything.

Didnt say I believed it or not dipshit. I just put it in here as a point info for this discussion. But you believe Trump is a Russian spy so go ahead and admit it.
Didnt say I believed it or not dipshit. I just put it in here as a point info for this discussion. But you believe Trump is a Russian spy so go ahead and admit it.

And there it is, this is why morons are so much more dangerous now that the we have the internet. You post an absolutely asinine article, then when called out on how asinine it is, you claim “I never said I believed it!” Another acceptable response for your ilk would have been “the fact that I believed it tells you everything you need to know.”

The problem is there are many, many more people on this board that are just as stupid as you are. They will read this article (or probably just the headline) and walk away thinking that this is true.
And there it is, this is why morons are so much more dangerous now that the we have the internet. You post an absolutely asinine article, then when called out on how asinine it is, you claim “I never said I believed it!” Another acceptable response for your ilk would have been “the fact that I believed it tells you everything you need to know.”

The problem is there are many, many more people on this board that are just as stupid as you are. They will read this article (or probably just the headline) and walk away thinking that this is true.
Another guy who likes to call people stupid.

Who cares at this point? We don’t matter, we are just the herd, unless you have a 20+ billion dollar net worth you don’t know shit, nor do I.

We can speculate however we see fit, but no one deserves to be called stupid or lashed out against for their beliefs.

Typical internet bully
And there it is, this is why morons are so much more dangerous now that the we have the internet. You post an absolutely asinine article, then when called out on how asinine it is, you claim “I never said I believed it!” Another acceptable response for your ilk would have been “the fact that I believed it tells you everything you need to know.”

The problem is there are many, many more people on this board that are just as stupid as you are. They will read this article (or probably just the headline) and walk away thinking that this is true.

You are a total dumbass....that is all.
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And there it is, this is why morons are so much more dangerous now that the we have the internet. You post an absolutely asinine article, then when called out on how asinine it is, you claim “I never said I believed it!” Another acceptable response for your ilk would have been “the fact that I believed it tells you everything you need to know.”

The problem is there are many, many more people on this board that are just as stupid as you are. They will read this article (or probably just the headline) and walk away thinking that this is true. sweet that you worried that us impressionable people reading heresy on the internet can be unduly influenced and you are here to save us....LOL. I am not saying any or all of this topic is true or not, but its a discussion. If you do not believe pedophilia is a real thing and if you believe satanism is not a real thing then you are flat wrong. No one thought that catholic priests and the boy scouts would be involved with pedo activity either, but look it happened. Just keep your eyes closed if you want. I am more than willing to listen to what people have to say and then I can have my own opinion on it just like you and everyone else.
OP you are not alone. I’m not sure what to believe but I agree there is a lot of smoke surrounding this controversy. Here is the best documentary I’ve found supporting episode 5 in fall cabal. The best video I’ve seen refuting Q is Dave Murphy’s IG post about event 202. Hope this helps.

Interesting take from Dave Murphy related to Q. I can see what he is saying and at this point its a show me thing. If this scenario is reality and I definitely think it is at minimum partially true, then we as Americans should hope and pray that the Q team and Trump are real and fighting for our country and the world, because if its just part of a grand scheme by the ruling cabal to manipulate and herd us, then we are screwed anyway more than likely.
Another guy who likes to call people stupid.

Who cares at this point? We don’t matter, we are just the herd, unless you have a 20+ billion dollar net worth you don’t know shit, nor do I.

We can speculate however we see fit, but no one deserves to be called stupid or lashed out against for their beliefs.

Typical internet bully

No, they do need to be called stupid. We need to police our own sometimes. Things are already confusing enough, when idiots like y'all add layers of ridiculous bullshit on top of an already volatile situation, you contribute to people making important decisions based on lies. sweet that you worried that us impressionable people reading heresy on the internet can be unduly influenced and you are here to save us....LOL. I am not saying any or all of this topic is true or not, but its a discussion. If you do not believe pedophilia is a real thing and if you believe satanism is not a real thing then you are flat wrong. No one thought that catholic priests and the boy scouts would be involved with pedo activity either, but look it happened. Just keep your eyes closed if you want. I am more than willing to listen to what people have to say and then I can have my own opinion on it just like you and everyone else.

This is probably the 8th time this'll happen in this thread. Nobody in here denies that pedophilia occurs all over the world. You don't have to believe that all the top liberal politicians are part of an international child sex ring to believe that pedophilia occurs. Do you understand that?
Well said @okclem The simple explanation is that there are awful people in this world, and sometimes people in power cover for them to protect themselves and/or their institution (which is what happened in the Catholic Church). And just because someone on the far fringes of society with an internet connection says it’s a huge conspiracy and an international cult doesn’t make it so.

Remember all of those people talking about “their friend in the military/government” that had info about the upcoming national military quarantine that was days away during the early stage of Coronavirus? A rumor starts and people on the fringes run with it. The internet and social media give it a much faster spread but it’s been going on forever.
This is probably the 8th time this'll happen in this thread. Nobody in here denies that pedophilia occurs all over the world. You don't have to believe that all the top liberal politicians are part of an international child sex ring to believe that pedophilia occurs. Do you understand that?

You are quite correct, but the components for a conspiracy involving these things is present as far fetched as it sounds. I hope this is not true at all, but I am definitely not willing to rule it out for a number of reasons.
No, they do need to be called stupid. We need to police our own sometimes. Things are already confusing enough, when idiots like y'all add layers of ridiculous bullshit on top of an already volatile situation, you contribute to people making important decisions based on lies.
We are going to disagree on this point, nobody is morally superior to anyone or that much smarter for which to call someone stupid or dumb. Police each other, you mean like a next door neighbor calling the police when your music is too loud?

There is no helping the lunatics nor is there helping the narcissist people who use the lunatics to spread their agendas or fear.

You want people to respect your opinion, perhaps act like a good person instead of like the people covering things up. Maybe you are smarter, maybe not, perhaps you think conspiracies breed whackadoos, lack of transparency does the same.

Left moved to impeach, Right leads creadence to fringe conspiracy. Yin meet yang. The scale moves from one side to the other.

Personally I’m tired of seeing people attacked because they ask a question, make someone uncomfortable, or disagree with their point of view, or God forbid bring inside information to this board. I want everyone to be educated and their eyes open regardless of the fall out. If I were trying to influence people I’d sit outside McDonalds and give $10 gift certificates to watch a 1hr video.

You see you’ve become the kind of person you are trying to police. Forcing your opinion on others. Are you a high ranking CIA or FBI official? Otherwise how Would you truly know truth?
No, they do need to be called stupid. We need to police our own sometimes. Things are already confusing enough, when idiots like y'all add layers of ridiculous bullshit on top of an already volatile situation, you contribute to people making important decisions based on lies.

Wazzup stupid! o_O
We are going to disagree on this point, nobody is morally superior to anyone or that much smarter for which to call someone stupid or dumb. Police each other, you mean like a next door neighbor calling the police when your music is too loud?

There is no helping the lunatics nor is there helping the narcissist people who use the lunatics to spread their agendas or fear.

You want people to respect your opinion, perhaps act like a good person instead of like the people covering things up. Maybe you are smarter, maybe not, perhaps you think conspiracies breed whackadoos, lack of transparency does the same.

Left moved to impeach, Right leads creadence to fringe conspiracy. Yin meet yang. The scale moves from one side to the other.

Personally I’m tired of seeing people attacked because they ask a question, make someone uncomfortable, or disagree with their point of view, or God forbid bring inside information to this board. I want everyone to be educated and their eyes open regardless of the fall out. If I were trying to influence people I’d sit outside McDonalds and give $10 gift certificates to watch a 1hr video.

You see you’ve become the kind of person you are trying to police. Forcing your opinion on others. Are you a high ranking CIA or FBI official? Otherwise how Would you truly know truth?
OP you are not alone. I’m not sure what to believe but I agree there is a lot of smoke surrounding this controversy. Here is the best documentary I’ve found supporting episode 5 in fall cabal. The best video I’ve seen refuting Q is Dave Murphy’s IG post about event 202. Hope this helps.

Just watched the Pedogate video. Very disturbing. Looking back, makes me wonder anew why Anthony Bourdain committed suicide?
Would you call it crazy for someone to drive from his home in North Carolina to a pizza parlor in Washington D.C., and then open fire in the building with an AR-15 because he was trying to prevent liberal politicians from molesting children...all because of something he researched on a conspiracy theorist's website?

Because I think that's crazy.
He was a crisis actor
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there are people ITT who are simply asking questions when things don’t add up... And then there are people ITT who are acting like deranged lunatics because people are asking questions... And then projecting their lunacy to the other side

We’re all insane, and there’s just a handful of a do-gooders who are here to set the truth straight
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He literally was a (failed) actor. Who was struggling to support two children. He didn’t kill or hurt anyone in the store. Instead, he fired only one or two rounds...into the computer server.

Haha, oh dear lord you were serious. Is that what his defense attorney said to the jury? "Come on he only fired one or two rounds, and he didn't even kill anybody."

there are people ITT who are simply asking questions when things don’t add up... And then there are people ITT who are acting like deranged lunatics because people are asking questions... And then projecting their lunacy to the other side

We’re all insane, and there’s just a handful of a do-gooders who are here to set the truth straight

oh my. things do add up. pretty clearly.

This idea, that there's some sort of worldwide child molesting cabal that is controlling us all via the media and false flag events, and that DONALD TRUMP is our saviour has got to be the single dumbest thing I've ever heard. You think thats a reasonable conclusion to come to?

if there is some sort of worldwide cabal controlling us, you better believe the trumps and the kushners are part of it...
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oh my. things do add up. pretty clearly.

This idea, that there's some sort of worldwide child molesting cabal that is controlling us all via the media and false flag events, and that DONALD TRUMP is our saviour has got to be the single dumbest thing I've ever heard. You think thats a reasonable conclusion to come to?

if there is some sort of worldwide cabal controlling us, you better believe the trumps and the kushners are part of it...

You worried that your worldview is going to be destroyed here related to Trump? :D
Somebody is off their meds...
Did you even bother to read the articles? Has nothing to do with Cabal, but global corruption, which is truly what Q anon is about, just so happens some things intertwine. The articles are about billionaires who in the last 4 months have been indicted globally. Not millionaires— billionaires. Don’t worry after all this is over I am sure someone can find you a wet nurse, unless you are still drinking your mama’s milk that is.
All this Satan worshiping pedifilia world controlling sounds like really hard work too.

I mean wow... keeping a steady supply of young kids to bang sounds like a full time job to me... All the kidnapping, paying people off, covering things up, disposing of the kids afterwards... you can't let them hand around to rat you out right? That sounds like a lot of work to get your freak on...

And what about the Satan worshiping? Is this like a lot like Christian faith... you kind of do whatever during the week, then show up on Sunday morning, sacrifice a goat, pledge faith to the dark lord and then make it home for Sunday dinner with the family? Or do you have a lot of things to do during the week as well. Evil choir practice on Tuesday? Women of the church meeting of Wednesday to practice witchcraft, maybe a Lil' Devil's youth group in there somewhere? An extra Dark Mass on Wednesday night? This could really take up a lot of time to be a "good" Satan worshiper.

And don't even get me started with the controlling the world thing... Wow, what a time sink! Is it just me or does the world seem to not really be in control at all? I mean if there's a group that's controlling everything wouldn't there be some sort of plan? Even if it was just to give themselves more time to bang kids and worship Satan in peace? The world seems pretty chaotic to be under control by anyone right now.
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oh my. things do add up. pretty clearly.

This idea, that there's some sort of worldwide child molesting cabal that is controlling us all via the media and false flag events, and that DONALD TRUMP is our saviour has got to be the single dumbest thing I've ever heard. You think thats a reasonable conclusion to come to?

if there is some sort of worldwide cabal controlling us, you better believe the trumps and the kushners are part of it...

Go ahead. Let it out. We know you believe it now, just spill it. Racist.

wanted to see if there is anyone who is following Q out there? Red Pill takers what are you seeing?

I’ve not seen this much smoke at all ever regarding the deep state and with all this pandemic mischief I wonder how accurate the data will be.

I have watched the Fall Cabal and Novid-19 series by Janet Ossebaard, have started following the Breadcrumbs and something is certainly Amiss.

Will corrupt government officials globally soon fall? If you haven’t done any research please stay away from name calling and stay off the thread. I am only interested in comments from well read folks that have done more research than myself.
Loloololol qaNon is the greatest troll of our times! Got dum dum conservatives to buy the Russian think.

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