Raid on Home of Former Trump DOJ Official Jeffrey Clark Was Part of Nationwide FBI Raids on Republicans

I agree with your entire premise, but I have a question….

If you changed the term “conspiracy theory” to “fake news” would you feel as passionate about rebuking it?

Where I sit, they are interchangeable. Both are used as a mechanism to immediately discredit and kill information.
Yes. I’m 100% I favor of the truth, even if I’m wrong

Im wholly open to changing my mind
Yes. I’m 100% I favor of the truth, even if I’m wrong

Im open to changing my mind

Great to hear.

I’ll keep my eyes open for the next time you jump in a thread to corroborate a “fake news” story that is being trashed by our right-winged contingent even though all the facts prove it’s truthful news.
Great to hear.

I’ll keep my eyes open for the next time you jump in a thread to corroborate a “fake news” story that is being trashed by our right-winged contingent even though all the facts prove it’s truthful news.
I was honestly expecting a constructive response. Shame on me I guess
Are you really that blind to what Trump was attempting to do by replacing two attorney generals in the two weeks before Jan 6th to find one (Clark) who would corruptly do his bidding? A little known lawyer in the Civil Division, specializing in Environmental law with no experience at the DOJ. There's a reason he took the 5th at his deposition, because he's a crooked lackey willing to subvert democracy.

They have not charged anyone with any crime other than ignoring the J6 subpoena. This was a fishing expedition with solid legal reason behind. They are desparate to find any bit of data that they can sew together to come up with a conspiracy to pin on Trump. Its that simple. Trump got rid of attorneys that refused to do their jobs due to politics and thats a fact.
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I have asked you a dozen questions. So far, nothing. Get real and have an actual discussion about the horrible things women used to do with unwanted babies and own that you support bringing that shit back.
You answered my question.

Appreciate it.
You answered my question.

Appreciate it.
I agree you’re more than willing to make problems for other people based solely on your beliefs. the new republican way.

Give me a non religious reason why women shouldn’t have autonomy of their bodies if they’re at risk of dying due to the pregnancy?
I agree you’re more than willing to make problems for other people based solely on your beliefs. the new republican way.

Give me a non religious reason why women shouldn’t have autonomy of their bodies if they’re at risk of dying due to the pregnancy?
I would love it, if you simply digested what I’ve already typed.

I’ll type it again for you….

There are certain pregnancy situations which warrant consideration.
I would love it, if you simply digested what I’ve already typed.

I’ll type it again for you….

There are certain pregnancy situations which warrant consideration.
But the people your party voted in that actually affect the laws don’t agree with you. Turns out your feelings don’t matter much for states with trigger laws
They have not charged anyone with any crime other than ignoring the J6 subpoena. This was a fishing expedition with solid legal reason behind. They are desparate to find any bit of data that they can sew together to come up with a conspiracy to pin on Trump. Its that simple. Trump got rid of attorneys that refused to do their jobs due to politics and thats a fact.
But the people your party voted in that actually affect the laws don’t agree with you. Turns out your feelings don’t matter much for states with trigger laws
Should I just be me throughout each day, or should I just act part of a group?

Being me has served me well up until this point. Maybe you have a better way to recommend?

Simpletons gonna simple.
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We have heard this story before related to the smoking gun on Trump. Bring it on if you have it.
Maybe they finally interviewed Pelosi!
I know right? Because when a sociopathic president tells an outrageous lie for months and invites a bloodthirsty mob to a rally, anything bad that happens is Pelosi and Antifa's fault!
This is pure soviet style gestapo at work. This cannot be defended by a sane person. We know the hardcore far left dem is hypnotized, so all such opinions are irrelevent.

FBI Ambushes Trump Election Lawyer John Eastman as He’s Exiting Restaurant with His Wife, Seizes His Phone (VIDEO)​

By Cristina Laila
Published June 27, 2022 at 7:10pm

The January 6 Committee sent the feds after Trump lawyer John Eastman because he dared to take action against the Democrats and their massive election fraud operation in 2020.
Trump’s election lawyer John Eastman said the FBI searched and seized his phone last week, according to a new court filing.
Eastman filed a federal lawsuit in New Mexico on Monday and asked a judge to order the feds to return his property and block the January 6 investigators from accessing his phone.
According to the court filing, John Eastman was exiting a restaurant with his wife and friend last week when FBI agents ambushed him and “forced” him to unlock his phone.
TRENDING: "I Am Really Disappointed in FOX, I Thought You Were Better Than CNN!" - BOOM! Kari Lake INCINERATES Bret Baier and FOX News for Pushing FAKE STORY on AZ Drag Queen (VIDEO)
The federal agents then took Eastman’s iPhone 12 Pro.
The feds ambushed John Eastman on the same day they conducted a pre-dawn raid of Trump DOJ official Jeffrey Clark.

Tucker Carlson Interviews Conservative Lawyer John Eastman To Discuss The Democrats’ January 6th Witch-Hunt & The FBI Seizing His Phone Without Showing Him A Warrant
— The Columbia Bugle 🇺🇸 (@ColumbiaBugle) June 28, 2022

CNN reported:
The FBI seized the phone of former President Donald Trump’s election attorney John Eastman last week, according to a new court filing from the lawyer.
Eastman disclosed the search and seizure in federal court in a lawsuit that he filed in New Mexico on Monday, calling it improper.
About six federal investigators approached the right-wing lawyer in New Mexico when he was exiting a restaurant after dinner with his wife and a friend, according to the court filings. Agents were able to get access to Eastman’s email accounts on his iPhone 12 Pro, the filings said.
Eastman contends the agents “forced” him to unlock his phone. A seizure warrant document included in Eastman’s filing noted any electronic devices agents seized were to be sent to Washington, DC, or the Justice Department inspector general’s forensic lab in northern Virginia.
The sham January 6 Committee earlier this year targeted Eastman in a filing where they claimed Trump may have engaged in criminal conduct to overturn the 2020 election.
“Evidence and information available to the Committee establishes a good-faith belief that Mr. Trump and others may have engaged in criminal and/or fraudulent acts,” the committee said in a court filing in March.
The filing was submitted in federal court in Los Angeles as part of a legal fight with John Eastman.
Eastman sued the January 6 panel in December in an effort to block a subpoena seeking emails.
Last week the FBI raided former Trump DOJ official Jeffrey Clark.
The feds conducted a pre-dawn FBI raid on Clark’s Northern Virginia home last Wednesday.
Clark said the agents made him go outside in his pajamas while they searched his house.
Clark said twelve FBI agents, two Fairfax County police officers and an ‘electronic sniffer dog’ searched his house for over three hours. All his electronic devices were seized.
Wow, she was in the tent with Trump after the rally and Trump was mad that they wouldn't let the people with weapons through. He told them to remove the metal detectors and let them through because he said they weren't there to hurt him. Wow!
Cippilone went to the dining room where Trump was gleefully watching the riot and told Meadows that they're literally chanting Hang Mike Pence and they needed to do something. Meadows tells him Trump doesn't want to do anything because he doesn't think they're doing anything wrong. Holy sh*t
Here's the bullet points from today's testimony

  • Ex-President Donald Trump lunged at a Secret Service agent in a limousine when told he could not be taken to the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, a former White House aide testified.
  • “I’m the ‘effing’ president, take me up to the Capitol now!” Trump insisted, said Cassidy Hutchinson, describing what she was told had happened in the limo that day.
  • Hutchinson, who worked for Trump White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, revealed the incident to the select House committee investigating the Capitol riot.
  • Trump wanted to go to the Capitol that day after urging supporters at a rally to “fight” against the confirmation of the Electoral College victory of President Joe Biden.

In other words just like I said it is just more salacious BS. He said she said by the shovel.
Even if every bit of what she said is correct it does not equate to anything chargeable or remotely near insurrection or trigger the 14th amendment. I told yall this this is bull excrement and I am correct.

This stuff is like porn for the far left and never trumpers.
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In other words just like I said it is just more salacious BS. He said she said by the shovel.
Well we know for a fact that we can't take what HE says at face value. She was a very compelling, composed and credible witness.
But we know you'll still run interference for the Trump mafia because right and wrong don't apply to the holy Orange one.
Well we know for a fact that we can't take what HE says at face value. She was a very compelling, composed and credible witness.
But we know you'll still run interference for the Trump mafia because right and wrong don't apply to the holy Orange one.
Oh yes she is very compelling. LMFAO!!
Even if every bit of what she said is correct it does not equate to anything chargeable or remotely near insurrection or trigger the 14th amendment. I told yall this this is bull excrement and I am correct.

This stuff is like porn for the far left and never trumpers.
You're wrong - he's a despicable criminal and you know it. You just don't care. .
These are notes from a friend who has closely monitored the hearings

1) President Trump and staff knew that the protestors were armed on the National Mall

2) The President was furious that magnetometers were being used in areas and stared that “my supporters aren’t here to hurt ME!”

3) Trump was irate that the crowd was not larger - he wanted every public space to be swarmed with people

4) The President knew that there were plans by the Proud Boys to breach the Capitol building

5) The President directed the secret service driver of “The Beast” to drive him to the Capitol. When he would not (because it was not safe and they weren’t prepared for that security wise), Trump grabbed the steering wheel and then tried to choke the Secret Service driver with his hands on his throat. (See video below)

6) when they got to the West Wing Trump started throwing food and White House China at the walls (which apparently he has regularly done, and was known to regularly grab the whole table cloth and pull everything from the table down). He had also done this when A.G. Barr said there was no evidence of widespread fraud

7) Mark Meadows directed staff that under no circumstances should the president be allowed to go to the Capitol Building, saying that they’sd be charged with “every crime in the book.” Specifically they were worried about getting charged with obstructing the Electoral College Count, inciting a riot, obstructing Justice, and defrauding the Electoral College (with fake electors).

(8) Gen Flynn plead the 5th on every question asked by the committee, even softball ones like “do you believe in a peaceful transition of power in the United States.”

9) Trump repeatedly said that Mike Pence deserved to be hung, and refused to ask rioters to stand down for several hours because he didn’t believe they were doing anything wrong.

10) Ivanka was begging Trump to ask the people to leave and go home & condemn the violence and he ignored her. Laura Ingraham of Fox News begged Mark Meadows to have the President condemn the violence and send the people home. Don Jr begged Trump to ask the people to stand down, he was also dismissed. Sean Hannity of Fox News begged Mark Meadows to have Trump make a statement for the people to peacefully leave, and and discussed invoking the 25th ameensmwnr to remove Trump from Office.

11) Multiple members of the Presidential Cabinet were discussing invoking the 25th, and wrote notes saying he has to stop the stolen election nonsense or risk the 25th. As we know, several hours later Trump eventually reluctantly tweeted a video telling the rioters that he loved them but they needed to go home.

12). President Trump wanted to make a speech saying that the rioters did nothing wrong, that they would all be pardoned, and that the only person who did anything wrong today was Mike Pence. W.H. Legal counsel advised him he’d be facing the 25th Amendment as well as criminal charges if he did that.

13) Mark Meadows (fmr Chief of Staff) and Rudy Giuliani both sought presidential pardons (accepting one is an admission of guilt).

14) Multiple witnesses said that they had been told that if they were loyal to the President and be a team player and protect the President that they’d be protected. Witnesses were pressured with “he knows you have a deposition tomorrow, he knows you’re loyal, and you’re going to do the right thing in your deposition.
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These are notes from a friend who has closely monitored the hearings

1) President Trump and staff knew that the protestors were armed on the National Mall

2) The President was furious that magnetometers were being used in areas and stared that “my supporters aren’t here to hurt ME!”

3) Trump was irate that the crowd was not larger - he wanted every public space to be swarmed with people

4) The President knew that there were plans by the Proud Boys to breach the Capitol building

5) The President directed the secret service driver of “The Beast” to drive him to the Capitol. When he would not (because it was not safe and they weren’t prepared for that security wise), Trump grabbed the steering wheel and then tried to choke the Secret Service driver with his hands on his throat. (See video below)

6) when they got to the West Wing Trump started throwing food and White House China at the walls (which apparently he has regularly done, and was known to regularly grab the whole table cloth and pull everything from the table down). He had also done this when A.G. Barr said there was no evidence of widespread fraud

7) Mark Meadows directed staff that under no circumstances should the president be allowed to go to the Capitol Building, saying that they’sd be charged with “every crime in the book.” Specifically they were worried about getting charged with obstructing the Electoral College Count, inciting a riot, obstructing Justice, and defrauding the Electoral College (with fake electors).

(8) Gen Flynn plead the 5th on every question asked by the committee, even softball ones like “do you believe in a peaceful transition of power in the United States.”

9) Trump repeatedly said that Mike Pence deserved to be hung, and refused to ask rioters to stand down for several hours because he didn’t believe they were doing anything wrong.

10) Ivanka was begging Trump to ask the people to leave and go home & condemn the violence and he ignored her. Laura Ingraham of Fox News begged Mark Meadows to have the President condemn the violence and send the people home. Don Jr begged Trump to ask the people to stand down, he was also dismissed. Sean Hannity of Fox News begged Mark Meadows to have Trump make a statement for the people to peacefully leave, and and discussed invoking the 25th ameensmwnr to remove Trump from Office.

11) Multiple members of the Presidential Cabinet were discussing invoking the 25th, and wrote notes saying he has to stop the stolen election nonsense or risk the 25th. As we know, several hours later Trump eventually reluctantly tweeted a video telling the rioters that he loved them but they needed to go home.

12). President Trump wanted to make a speech saying that the rioters did nothing wrong, that they would all be pardoned, and that the only person who did anything wrong today was Mike Pence. W.H. Legal counsel advised him he’d be facing the 25th Amendment as well as criminal charges if he did that.

13) Mark Meadows (fmr Chief of Staff) and Rudy Giuliani both sought presidential pardons (accepting one is an admission of guilt).

14) Multiple witnesses said that they had been told that if they were loyal to the President and be a team player and protect the President that they’d be protected. Witnesses were pressured with “he knows you have a deposition tomorrow, he knows you’re loyal, and you’re going to do the right thing in your deposition.
the sad part is most of us have known this for many months now. and growls still wont believe it even with witness testimony while being sworn in.