Regulating Social Media and Woke Companies in American


The Jack Dunlap Club
Gold Member
Jan 25, 2009
I loved it when Obama said to the Republicans that Elections have consequences

Now the Woke Disney will eat it as I love Ron Desantas of Florida and hope he runs for President in 24

Now the conservatives in America need to do a bitch slap down on all of the Social Media companies and I applaud Elon Musk stepping on the pricks

More disgusting for me is the corrupting of the teaching of little children such as my grandchildren having to watch TV shows that promote agendas of sexuality instead of just being childhood entertainment Kids are kids so leave them out of the liberal indoctrination scheme

And defunding and castrating the police. What genius came up with that slogan. That would be the BLM movement which blackmails people into giving them money so the elitist few can buy big houses and live elegant lifestyles while the down to earth Black Lives die in increasing numbers due to idiotic mantras and defunding
The community needs the police as having the Purge on a 24/7 basis to our communities is not a solution And yes I am working with leaders in the black community where I live as we both are appalled at the hate from liberals and willingness to allow criminals to have free rein

My liberal friends YES elections have consequences and in the coming wave in November will crush this pathetic path
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