I’ll go to grave knowing life is about intent.
Some people say “Bless your heart” and some say “Fvck you”. And to be honest , I respect the fvck youer much more.
People say things, there’s a word that’s used by a community of people all the time in lingo and music yet it can’t be utter by anyone else. On that surface alone, it’s a preposterous notion.
I was having a conversation with a Louisvillian just last week asking me if “pal” is offensive coming from New Yorkers which fits perfectly to this conversation. My response:
“Pal, you’ll know when Pal is offensive. Like “fvck”, you can say a word and it means 10 different things. I’ll tell you the most offensive thing to me is “bless your heart”. You think it’s a cute response and you can get away with it with no repercussion. But you lose all respect with a lot or people for that reason alone.”
People demeaning slow adults in anyway are pure trash. Telling someone who painted their house bright yellow “retarded” is not.
Cancel culture of any kind doesn’t serve its purpose. The Intent and to what audience does. Just like “bless your heart”. Keep using it, doesn’t actually matter to me, your character does. But, It’s a negative reflection on the user cause we know the intent thinking you can get away with using it without penalty. Thats the character flaw.
Retard…… depends on the audience it’s used. Don’t paint your house yellow.