Rioting for Pro Choice Abortion Mobs


The Jack Dunlap Club
Gold Member
Jan 25, 2009
So it continues

If the peaceful elective Republican Democracy does not work then resort to mob violence, scream at conservatives, encourage violence against people opposed to a view, go off on elected government and demand a new anarchy be imposed because the democratic way did not work

Continue on radical hate and fear mongering liberal left wing radical Democratic Party folks as you are awakening a sleeping giant called the silent American majority

There is a Red Wave coming like the Biblical Great Flood

Continue on mobs as this is guaranteeing the conservatives in America will rise in triumph
So it continues

If the peaceful elective Republican Democracy does not work then resort to mob violence, scream at conservatives, encourage violence against people opposed to a view, go off on elected government and demand a new anarchy be imposed because the democratic way did not work

Continue on radical hate and fear mongering liberal left wing radical Democratic Party folks as you are awakening a sleeping giant called the silent American majority

There is a Red Wave coming like the Biblical Great Flood

Continue on mobs as this is guaranteeing the conservatives in America will rise in triumph
Did you see they were in the Supreme Court trying to kill the justices. Crazy scenes
You support?
Here I am in this thread and starting dozens of threads daily supporting it, defending it, and minimizing the actual documented acts that took place.

they spray-painted some statues.
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So it continues

If the peaceful elective Republican Democracy does not work then resort to mob violence, scream at conservatives, encourage violence against people opposed to a view, go off on elected government and demand a new anarchy be imposed because the democratic way did not work

Continue on radical hate and fear mongering liberal left wing radical Democratic Party folks as you are awakening a sleeping giant called the silent American majority

There is a Red Wave coming like the Biblical Great Flood

Continue on mobs as this is guaranteeing the conservatives in America will rise in triumph
read a story this morning out of Portland where a Pregnancy Support center and its van was completely demolished over the weekend. The center provided support to expecting mothers and single mothers who had children under the age of 5. Used the van to take mothers to doctors appointments and used the facility to even house mothers and young families who were fleeing domestic violence ..........

Sure seems like a worthwhile and meaningful target ....

In addition to RvW, not being a major issue (top 5) for the majority of Americans, stories like these will only harm the Dems going forward. The further we move away from the decision and IF the decision stays in the news cycle (BIG IF), the less patience the average American will have for such unruly and unjustified behavior.
Whatever dude. Expect nothing else from someone so misinformed and infallible.

They made their bed. Most conservatives were ok with 1st trimester abortions. But, they pushed and pushed until ultra lefties started talking infanticide?? You pushed...we woke up. It's never enough for libs. Because its not the politics or ideas they love its about the people they hate as witnessed right here.
The left wing liberal ideas are so outlandish at times I say to myself how can they even say what they say

I am all in for preserving all life and want to focus on quality

that said I am open to any reasonable solutions to abortions

that said I am against infanticide and radical stuff

once a woman hits a certain threshold of the process I consider the die set

so wild eyed left wing crazy liberals that live mostly in the Democratic Party but are everywhere among us I will listen and work with anyone to make the world a more just and safe place for all people

Go Tigers
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The left wing liberal ideas are so outlandish at times I say to myself how can they even say what they say

I am all in for preserving all life and want to focus on quality

that said I am open to any reasonable solutions to abortions

that said I am against infanticide and radical stuff

once a woman hits a certain threshold of the process I consider the die set

so wild eyed left wing crazy liberals that live mostly in the Democratic Party but are everywhere among us I will listen and work with anyone to make the world a more just and safe place for all people

Go Tigers
I'm just curious where you get your news? Care to share?

I know plenty of liberals and I rarely hear anything that would qualify as an outlandish left wing idea, in fact most are perfectly reasonable people with moderate ideas. They just want the best for America like most of us do.

I see exaggerated right wing media portrayals of left-wing liberals, but these aren't people or ideas I ever come in contact with. So it may just be the nonsense you ingest....
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I'm just curious where you get your news? Care to share?

I know plenty of liberals and I rarely hear anything that would qualify as an outlandish left wing idea, in fact most are perfectly reasonable people with moderate ideas. They just want the best for America like most of us do.

I see exaggerated right wing media portrayals of left-wing liberals, but these aren't people or ideas I ever come in contact with. So it may just be the nonsense you ingest....
Ding ding ding. You can also say the same thing from the other side. I consider my self a moderate, but I'm more liberal than probably 90% of this board. So I can say that I know plenty of conservatives and work with them every day. They are mostly nice folks that want what's best for America. IMHO, this takes in about 80% of the population. BUT the 10% on each end of the aisle certainly make up for their lack of numbers with truly crazy stuff.

For every exaggerated right wing media exaggeration of the left , there's a left wing one demonizing the right. It drives ratings and clicks and keeps people interested. Meanwhile the dull, boring people that could actually do a good job running the country and building consensus get ignored.
These types of comments by the president, in a public setting and on foreign soil won't help quell violence against the SCOTUS outcome or the people that determined the outcome. He's waging war against the one portion of government that is meant to operate truly unobstructed and uninfluenced by politics or social justice. He's forcing doubt on the highest court in the land.......that's incredibly dangerous.

I'm just curious where you get your news? Care to share?

I know plenty of liberals and I rarely hear anything that would qualify as an outlandish left wing idea, in fact most are perfectly reasonable people with moderate ideas. They just want the best for America like most of us do.

I see exaggerated right wing media portrayals of left-wing liberals, but these aren't people or ideas I ever come in contact with. So it may just be the nonsense you ingest....

I will not spend the next months listings all the stuff but here is just a few

Defunding and demonizing police

Doxxing opponents from the left

Allowing protests at Judges houses which shows disregard for laws

The southern border If you don’t understand the crisis there then there is absolutely no hope

The Russia Russia Russia now proven hoax that tried to be an insurrection and sedition against the candidate and elected President of the US
If you continue to use this against Trump then again you are beyond the chance of being open minded

The media and left ignoring the Hunter and Joe Biden collusion with both Russia and China on accepting bribes and chunks of cash as confirmed by the laptop

Of course a huge group said that was all fake when in reality it was all real

To further inflame you I listen to Fox News as even though they have biases like every media outlet they are not to the level of the fake news like ABC NBC CBS CNN

and maybe you have this also but I get some information directly from people in the military , corporate management , goverment and other people in the know

there are lots of sources of information there is not put across the public wires

I know whatever I write anything on on I know before I put down a single word it’s like hitting a hornet nest with a stick

The moment you say something you for example don’t agree with the name calling and insults start

I say to myself that I hope people will open their minds and look at facts as best as can be determined

I see so many people on here. Posting what for example the Jan 6 committee is saying which as you look into it is not credible or in some cases contradicts other witnesses without giving equal weight to the other facts contradicting the first set of fabricated lied

America has serious problems and it goes to the root which is education and personal values and character of our population

I hope. That we meaning you and I can conduct ourselves in a civil manner

Unlike Lori Lightfoot who screams crazy at Clarence Thomas

Or Adam Schiff who knowing facts about Trump and Russian collusion still spews hate and fabricated lie to undermine Trump

or Maxine Waters who invited hate and physical confrontations against people who don’t fall in line with her

the world is teaching and preaching hate totally to gain absolute power over the conservative Christian population
the good news is American has been awakened against the woke

The Red wave in November, Supreme Court and business leaders are going to shackle the attempts against things that I hold dear
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Yea the comments from democrat leadership about the Supreme Court are extremely irresponsible.
Maybe so but this court is extreme and hell-bent on enforcing minority Christo-fascist rulings on a country that doesn't approve of them. Saw this quote in a publication this morning:

"What’s becoming clearer over time is that the Trump-era GOP is hoping to use its electoral dominance of the red states, the small-state bias in the Electoral College and the Senate, and the GOP-appointed majority on the Supreme Court to impose its economic and social model on the entire nation—with or without majority public support."
Maybe so but this court is extreme and hell-bent on enforcing minority Christo-fascist rulings on a country that doesn't approve of them. Saw this quote in a publication this morning:

"What’s becoming clearer over time is that the Trump-era GOP is hoping to use its electoral dominance of the red states, the small-state bias in the Electoral College and the Senate, and the GOP-appointed majority on the Supreme Court to impose its economic and social model on the entire nation—with or without majority public support."

Social bias aside, the decision on Roe was probably the correct legal determination. The original ruling wasn’t well grounded and also sought to legislate abortion. So overturning it isn’t extreme.

It’s up to congress to create an actual law around abortion. As I mentioned elsewhere, go find 10 republicans who will at least get on board with a minimum “floor” that protects rape/incest/health and up to heartbeat or 15 weeks then let the states go beyond that if they choose. Eliminate late term abortion while they’re at it.
I will not spend the next months listings all the stuff but here is just a few

Defunding and demonizing police

Doxxing opponents from the left

Allowing protests at Judges houses which shows disregard for laws

The southern border If you don’t understand the crisis there then there is absolutely no hope

The Russia Russia Russia now proven hoax that tried to be an insurrection and sedition against the candidate and elected President of the US
If you continue to use this against Trump then again you are beyond the chance of being open minded

The media and left ignoring the Hunter and Joe Biden collusion with both Russia and China on accepting bribes and chunks of cash as confirmed by the laptop

Of course a huge group said that was all fake when in reality it was all real

To further inflame you I listen to Fox News as even though they have biases like every media outlet they are not to the level of the fake news like ABC NBC CBS CNN

and maybe you have this also but I get some information directly from people in the military , corporate management , goverment and other people in the know

there are lots of sources of information there is not put across the public wires

I know whatever I write anything on on I know before I put down a single word it’s like hitting a hornet nest with a stick

The moment you say something you for example don’t agree with the name calling and insults start

I say to myself that I hope people will open their minds and look at facts as best as can be determined

I see so many people on here. Posting what for example the Jan 6 committee is saying which as you look into it is not credible or in some cases contradicts other witnesses without giving equal weight to the other facts contradicting the first set of fabricated lied

America has serious problems and it goes to the root which is education and personal values and character of our population

I hope. That we meaning you and I can conduct ourselves in a civil manner

Unlike Lori Lightfoot who screams crazy at Clarence Thomas

Or Adam Schiff who knowing facts about Trump and Russian collusion still spews hate and fabricated lie to undermine Trump

or Maxine Waters who invited hate and physical confrontations against people who don’t fall in line with her

the world is teaching and preaching hate totally to gain absolute power over the conservative Christian population
the good news is American has been awakened against the woke

The Red wave in November, Supreme Court and business leaders are going to shackle the attempts against things that I hold dear
I didn't ask you for a list of your cherry-picked grievances but you do realize I could make a list three times that long if I wanted to, right?

And no surprise that the hatred dripping from your pores has been inflamed by the seditious poison coming out of FoxNews. But they're only partly responsible because they are just giving their viewers what they demand. In the past, when they slipped up and accidentally told the truth, all their viewers flipped over to NewsMax faster than Chris Christie could sign up for a butter convention. So to keep your eyeballs they feed you a steady diet of hatred and lies to keep the ad revenue flowing. It's no wonder why you come on here daily to regurgitate all the filth you've ingested. I feel sorry for you though - you're being used and don't even know it.

LMAO that you consider FOX better than CNN. CNN may have bias but they also have strict journalistic standards and even fired the anchor of their highest rated show because he advised his brother against the charges he was facing. FOX would never do that for such a nothing burger. CNN also pushes back against the left when they get it wrong. Just this week they went after far left rumors about Lauren Boebert and called them lies...Boebert even acknowledged them for doing so. They also have a fact-checker who regularly calls out Biden for statements that aren't completely true. And in social media, liberals are constantly attacking CNN for focusing so much on the bad news surrounding Biden.

What you won't admit is that you hate them for telling the truth about Trump. You will never acknowledge that when you cover Trump honestly, it's mostly going to be negative because that's all he puts out there. He's a walking talking ball of negativity and grievance every time he speaks, but you think he should get a pass for all of that and focus on his positives....but honestly, what are they???
Social bias aside, the decision on Roe was probably the correct legal determination. The original ruling wasn’t well grounded and also sought to legislate abortion. So overturning it isn’t extreme.

It’s up to congress to create an actual law around abortion. As I mentioned elsewhere, go find 10 republicans who will at least get on board with a minimum “floor” that protects rape/incest/health and up to heartbeat or 15 weeks then let the states go beyond that if they choose. Eliminate late term abortion while they’re at it.
i love the idea, but a pro choice republican has about 0 chance of reelection and we all know what's most important....
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I didn't ask you for a list of your cherry-picked grievances but you do realize I could make a list three times that long if I wanted to, right?

And no surprise that the hatred dripping from your pores has been inflamed by the seditious poison coming out of FoxNews. But they're only partly responsible because they are just giving their viewers what they demand. In the past, when they slipped up and accidentally told the truth, all their viewers flipped over to NewsMax faster than Chris Christie could sign up for a butter convention. So to keep your eyeballs they feed you a steady diet of hatred and lies to keep the ad revenue flowing. It's no wonder why you come on here daily to regurgitate all the filth you've ingested. I feel sorry for you though - you're being used and don't even know it.

LMAO that you consider FOX better than CNN. CNN may have bias but they also have strict journalistic standards and even fired the anchor of their highest rated show because he advised his brother against the charges he was facing. FOX would never do that for such a nothing burger. CNN also pushes back against the left when they get it wrong. Just this week they went after far left rumors about Lauren Boebert and called them lies...Boebert even acknowledged them for doing so. They also have a fact-checker who regularly calls out Biden for statements that aren't completely true. And in social media, liberals are constantly attacking CNN for focusing so much on the bad news surrounding Biden.

What you won't admit is that you hate them for telling the truth about Trump. You will never acknowledge that when you cover Trump honestly, it's mostly going to be negative because that's all he puts out there. He's a walking talking ball of negativity and grievance every time he speaks, but you think he should get a pass for all of that and focus on his positives....but honestly, what are they???
It is truly sad that you actually believe what you have just written in that message

I am thinking that engaging with you in a dialog is more than likely wasted breaths that need to be spent where it will do some good
Good luck and may God Bless You
They made their bed. Most conservatives were ok with 1st trimester abortions. But, they pushed and pushed until ultra lefties started talking infanticide?? You pushed...we woke up. It's never enough for libs. Because its not the politics or ideas they love its about the people they hate as witnessed right here.
The people who want to OUTLAW IUDs and married couples using birth control and will try a medical doctor for murder with an ectopic pregnancy that threatens the life of a mother (you know an egg stuck to the canal that will never develop) and who won't allow mothers wanting to get pregnant to implant more than one egg in in-vitro fertilization (implanting more than one egg is the only way my sister in law could get pregnant and have a child after years and years of trying every single procedure under the sun) or even have in-vitro fertilization and will force a mother to DIE in child birth and are fine with forcing mothers to SPAWN MORE RAPISTS and are fine with forcing an 11 year old girl raped by her father or uncle to carry that baby to term in the third or fourth grade to have it destroy her internal sexual organs, jeopardize her life and forever change her ability to have children in the future ARE TALKING ABOUT EXTREMISM AND HATE??

Give me a break.

(and yes--everything I listed above is now taking place in America because of Republican extremist authoritarians)

And I didn't even talk about the republican desires in the background to pass bills that allow the govt to enter the literal bedroom and prosecute sodomy, married couples having oral sex, and interracial marriage. Republicans have collectively lost their minds.

And look @PalmettoTiger1 I am actually culturally conservative in many respects but I don't believe that life starts spiritually or biologically at fertilization because the female body biologically self-aborts over half the time. So if those are all lives then God designed a system where he is a mass murder of tens of billions of babies every year. I don't believe in that God. You are free to do that of course but don't impose that belief on the rest of us. The Jewish faith, for example, doesn't believe you are a person until you are born so what about religious liberty?? Even ultra conservative Mormons are fine with abortion in the case of rape, incest and the life of the mother.

I would be fine with a ban at brain activity but I'll side with those wanting to keep the govt from telling married couples what to do in their homes over the totalitarian state republicans have built EVERY SINGLE TIME.

PS. Anyone calling themselves a libertarian that supports all of this rubbish is the biggest hypocrite of all time.
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It is truly sad that you actually believe what you have just written in that message

I am thinking that engaging with you in a dialog is more than likely wasted breaths that need to be spent where it will do some good
Good luck and may God Bless You
I mean have you seen the things youve written?? Just being real Mr Palm 🌴
The people who want to OUTLAW of IUDs and married couples using birth control and will try a medical doctor for murder with an ectopic pregnancy that threatens the life of a mother (you know an egg stuck to the canal that will never develop) and who won't allow mothers wanting to get pregnant to implant more than one egg in in-vitro fertilization (implanting more than one egg is the only way my sister in law could get pregnant and have a child after years and years of trying every single procedure under the sun) or even have in-vitro fertilization and will force a mother to DIE in child birth and are fine with forcing mothers to SPAWN MORE RAPISTS and are fine with forcing an 11 year old girl raped by her father or uncle to carry that baby to term in the third or fourth grade to have it destroy her internal sexual organs, jeopardize her life and forever change her ability to have children in the future ARE TALKING ABOUT EXTREMISM AND HATE??

Give me a break.

(and yes--everything I listed above is now taking place in America because of Republican extremist authoritarians)

And I didn't even talk about the republican desires in the background to pass bills that allow the govt to enter the literal bedroom and prosecute sodomy, married couples having oral sex, and interracial marriage. Republicans have collectively lost their minds.

And look @PalmettoTiger1 I am actually culturally conservative in many respects but I don't believe that life starts spiritually or biologically at fertilization because the female body biologically self-aborts over half the time. So if those are all lives then God designed a system where he is a mass murder of tens of billions of babies every year. I don't believe in that God. You are free to do that of course but don't impose that belief on the rest of us. The Jewish faith, for example, doesn't believe you are a person until you are born so what about religious liberty?? Even ultra conservative Mormons are fine with abortion in the case of rape, incest and the life of the mother.

I would be fine with a ban at brain activity but I'll side with those wanting to keep the govt from telling married couples what to do in their homes over the totalitarian state republicans have built EVERY SINGLE TIME.

PS. Anyone calling themselves a libertarian that supports all of this rubbish is the biggest hypocrite of all time.
Dude you are on 🔥 👏👏👏
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The people who want to OUTLAW IUDs and married couples using birth control and will try a medical doctor for murder with an ectopic pregnancy that threatens the life of a mother (you know an egg stuck to the canal that will never develop) and who won't allow mothers wanting to get pregnant to implant more than one egg in in-vitro fertilization (implanting more than one egg is the only way my sister in law could get pregnant and have a child after years and years of trying every single procedure under the sun) or even have in-vitro fertilization and will force a mother to DIE in child birth and are fine with forcing mothers to SPAWN MORE RAPISTS and are fine with forcing an 11 year old girl raped by her father or uncle to carry that baby to term in the third or fourth grade to have it destroy her internal sexual organs, jeopardize her life and forever change her ability to have children in the future ARE TALKING ABOUT EXTREMISM AND HATE??

Give me a break.

(and yes--everything I listed above is now taking place in America because of Republican extremist authoritarians)

And I didn't even talk about the republican desires in the background to pass bills that allow the govt to enter the literal bedroom and prosecute sodomy, married couples having oral sex, and interracial marriage. Republicans have collectively lost their minds.

And look @PalmettoTiger1 I am actually culturally conservative in many respects but I don't believe that life starts spiritually or biologically at fertilization because the female body biologically self-aborts over half the time. So if those are all lives then God designed a system where he is a mass murder of tens of billions of babies every year. I don't believe in that God. You are free to do that of course but don't impose that belief on the rest of us. The Jewish faith, for example, doesn't believe you are a person until you are born so what about religious liberty?? Even ultra conservative Mormons are fine with abortion in the case of rape, incest and the life of the mother.

I would be fine with a ban at brain activity but I'll side with those wanting to keep the govt from telling married couples what to do in their homes over the totalitarian state republicans have built EVERY SINGLE TIME.

PS. Anyone calling themselves a libertarian that supports all of this rubbish is the biggest hypocrite of all time.

Do you have any data showing what % of “republicans” support most of this craziness? Because I have never met one. And most of my social circle are republicans and I live in SC.
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i love the idea, but a pro choice republican has about 0 chance of reelection and we all know what's most important....

I remember Romney and Ryan running on “safe, legal and rare” or some moderate abortion position. Most republicans I know support a moderate position as well. Collins, Murk and others in the senate would obviously be on board so you are just looking for a handful of people.
The people who want to OUTLAW IUDs and married couples using birth control and will try a medical doctor for murder with an ectopic pregnancy that threatens the life of a mother (you know an egg stuck to the canal that will never develop) and who won't allow mothers wanting to get pregnant to implant more than one egg in in-vitro fertilization (implanting more than one egg is the only way my sister in law could get pregnant and have a child after years and years of trying every single procedure under the sun) or even have in-vitro fertilization and will force a mother to DIE in child birth and are fine with forcing mothers to SPAWN MORE RAPISTS and are fine with forcing an 11 year old girl raped by her father or uncle to carry that baby to term in the third or fourth grade to have it destroy her internal sexual organs, jeopardize her life and forever change her ability to have children in the future ARE TALKING ABOUT EXTREMISM AND HATE??

Give me a break.

(and yes--everything I listed above is now taking place in America because of Republican extremist authoritarians)

And I didn't even talk about the republican desires in the background to pass bills that allow the govt to enter the literal bedroom and prosecute sodomy, married couples having oral sex, and interracial marriage. Republicans have collectively lost their minds.

And look @PalmettoTiger1 I am actually culturally conservative in many respects but I don't believe that life starts spiritually or biologically at fertilization because the female body biologically self-aborts over half the time. So if those are all lives then God designed a system where he is a mass murder of tens of billions of babies every year. I don't believe in that God. You are free to do that of course but don't impose that belief on the rest of us. The Jewish faith, for example, doesn't believe you are a person until you are born so what about religious liberty?? Even ultra conservative Mormons are fine with abortion in the case of rape, incest and the life of the mother.

I would be fine with a ban at brain activity but I'll side with those wanting to keep the govt from telling married couples what to do in their homes over the totalitarian state republicans have built EVERY SINGLE TIME.

PS. Anyone calling themselves a libertarian that supports all of this rubbish is the biggest hypocrite of all time.
My point remains. Selling baby parts and the optics of it looking like an industry more than healthcare was not good. Or worse it is sort of defended as a religious sacrament as witnessed by your post. Peter Singers defense of infanticide?? Autonomy and convenience are the idols of our time. You can always see what a culture idolizes by how they sacrifice their children. We'll probably never agree.
The people who want to OUTLAW IUDs and married couples using birth control and will try a medical doctor for murder with an ectopic pregnancy that threatens the life of a mother (you know an egg stuck to the canal that will never develop) and who won't allow mothers wanting to get pregnant to implant more than one egg in in-vitro fertilization (implanting more than one egg is the only way my sister in law could get pregnant and have a child after years and years of trying every single procedure under the sun) or even have in-vitro fertilization and will force a mother to DIE in child birth and are fine with forcing mothers to SPAWN MORE RAPISTS and are fine with forcing an 11 year old girl raped by her father or uncle to carry that baby to term in the third or fourth grade to have it destroy her internal sexual organs, jeopardize her life and forever change her ability to have children in the future ARE TALKING ABOUT EXTREMISM AND HATE??

Give me a break.

(and yes--everything I listed above is now taking place in America because of Republican extremist authoritarians)

And I didn't even talk about the republican desires in the background to pass bills that allow the govt to enter the literal bedroom and prosecute sodomy, married couples having oral sex, and interracial marriage. Republicans have collectively lost their minds.

And look @PalmettoTiger1 I am actually culturally conservative in many respects but I don't believe that life starts spiritually or biologically at fertilization because the female body biologically self-aborts over half the time. So if those are all lives then God designed a system where he is a mass murder of tens of billions of babies every year. I don't believe in that God. You are free to do that of course but don't impose that belief on the rest of us. The Jewish faith, for example, doesn't believe you are a person until you are born so what about religious liberty?? Even ultra conservative Mormons are fine with abortion in the case of rape, incest and the life of the mother.

I would be fine with a ban at brain activity but I'll side with those wanting to keep the govt from telling married couples what to do in their homes over the totalitarian state republicans have built EVERY SINGLE TIME.

PS. Anyone calling themselves a libertarian that supports all of this rubbish is the biggest hypocrite of all time.

since my name was mentioned

mom this abortion issue I really have not clearly defined my stance

first thing is every time something happens in America I am 100 per cent against rioting and the
Flood of false information flooding the media

calm collect thoughtful consideration of the situation

the Biden handling of protests at the judges houses was despicable and showed huge bias against the rule of law

and everyone should understand that Biden is the head law official in the US

terrible look on his part

Biden should have been more Presidential and worked within the framework of the law

also I totally agree that abortion decisions should be at the state level until some Federal Law is codified as that is the way it works

The funny part of my agreeing with the decision is I can see the good part where we have a national uniform policy however I am very concerned. About killing fetuses after a certain time period

Europe I inderstand is about 15 weeks

when people scream about the conservative right taking away rights they are really not matching up laws to laws

using fear and hate mongering to try to move to a point

So I am open to any dialogue that moves the law to the national law through Congress but not as a activist court decision

so when I say open minded I am

but riots every time one disagrees with a decision kid not all right

let’s work at being Americans first and make America a better place for all Americans even the crazy left wing liberal wing nuts LOL

I write that in jest as I have had some off the wall ideas that in my younger day

Oop wife is calling

Taking grands and daughter SIL to attraction

Going to have fun and eat some 4th food

Happy 4th to everyone and that included those that are hunting for my scalp

What’s life without a good fight or two
I mean have you seen the things youve written?? Just being real Mr Palm 🌴

I am going to suggest some charm books and some books on how to influence people

just so you don’t think they are only targeted at you

I read and reread them along with seminars and conversations with people on how to move the sticks as the football metaphor goes

Try honey or some sugar in some cases and see how it works

Listen to the other side of the argument and get them to explain their position and the reasoning for that position

I say this to myself every time I meet people in person that it is nice to be important but it is more important to be nice

Let’s agree to work on seeking truth using civility in that Don Quixote quest

And enjoy the 4th
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My point remains. Selling baby parts and the optics of it looking like an industry more than healthcare was not good. Or worse it is sort of defended as a religious sacrament as witnessed by your post. Peter Singers defense of infanticide?? Autonomy and convenience are the idols of our time. You can always see what a culture idolizes by how they sacrifice their children. We'll probably never agree.
What are you talking about--selling baby parts?? I'd love to see your hard data and info on this, specific sources--I thought everyone understood this was all made up nonsense (I hope you aren't talking about those ridiculous videos).

Religious sacrament?? What are you talking about? Be specific.

No one takes Australian peter singer seriously--just like no one should take the fascist conservative brown shorts and conservatives chanting at Charlottesville seriously as representative of mainstream conservatives (and a justification to do whatever you want). Nonsense.

My post clearly shows that different religious faiths don't consider life starting at the same point so it isn't 'sacrifice' but you don't seem to believe in religious liberty.

I agree that a culture should be judged by how they treat children and the elderly and the disabled. And one party has consistently wanted to destroy any semblance of a social safety net to keep children out of poverty, homeless, and going hungry, denying health care for babies and children. Republicans fail on your measure and have completely discarded compassionate conservativism.
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This thread is a perfect example of what's wrong with this country. If you can't look at CNN's primetime lineup and see that they are left biased, I don't know what to tell you. Maddow and Lemon for God's sake. If you can't look a FoxNex's primetime lineup and see that they are right biased, I don't know what to tell you. Hannety and Carlson for God's sake. Hell, Hannety CAMPAIGNS for Trump.

This thread is full of folks that turn a blind eye to things when THEIR side does it and screams like a little bitch when the other side does the same thing.
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I wonder what all the aborted babies that are in Heaven think/feel about all the pro-abortion protests including f*** the 4th celebrations.
I remember Romney and Ryan running on “safe, legal and rare” or some moderate abortion position. Most republicans I know support a moderate position as well. Collins, Murk and others in the senate would obviously be on board so you are just looking for a handful of people.
I can't recall anyone in my social or professional circle suggesting they want abortions to be outright banned, in fact I can't recall a time any of them have ever mentioned Roe vs Wade until the document leak. More to that point, even my more liberal friends think there needs to be some restrictions. There's a middle ground on this somewhere, just need a few grownups to find it.
The people who want to OUTLAW IUDs and married couples using birth control and will try a medical doctor for murder with an ectopic pregnancy that threatens the life of a mother (you know an egg stuck to the canal that will never develop) and who won't allow mothers wanting to get pregnant to implant more than one egg in in-vitro fertilization (implanting more than one egg is the only way my sister in law could get pregnant and have a child after years and years of trying every single procedure under the sun) or even have in-vitro fertilization and will force a mother to DIE in child birth and are fine with forcing mothers to SPAWN MORE RAPISTS and are fine with forcing an 11 year old girl raped by her father or uncle to carry that baby to term in the third or fourth grade to have it destroy her internal sexual organs, jeopardize her life and forever change her ability to have children in the future ARE TALKING ABOUT EXTREMISM AND HATE??

Give me a break.

(and yes--everything I listed above is now taking place in America because of Republican extremist authoritarians)

And I didn't even talk about the republican desires in the background to pass bills that allow the govt to enter the literal bedroom and prosecute sodomy, married couples having oral sex, and interracial marriage. Republicans have collectively lost their minds.

And look @PalmettoTiger1 I am actually culturally conservative in many respects but I don't believe that life starts spiritually or biologically at fertilization because the female body biologically self-aborts over half the time. So if those are all lives then God designed a system where he is a mass murder of tens of billions of babies every year. I don't believe in that God. You are free to do that of course but don't impose that belief on the rest of us. The Jewish faith, for example, doesn't believe you are a person until you are born so what about religious liberty?? Even ultra conservative Mormons are fine with abortion in the case of rape, incest and the life of the mother.

I would be fine with a ban at brain activity but I'll side with those wanting to keep the govt from telling married couples what to do in their homes over the totalitarian state republicans have built EVERY SINGLE TIME.

PS. Anyone calling themselves a libertarian that supports all of this rubbish is the biggest hypocrite of all time.
Thank god my wife will be safe if they come into our bedroom looking for illegal oral sex........that's one area where she abides by the law.
  • Haha
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